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Non abbiamo visto Mandela

Antiwar Songs Blog
Non abbiamo visto Mandela
Non lo abbiamo visto Non abbiamo visto Mandela Nel posto in cui è Nel posto in cui viene tenuto Oh, il mare è freddo e il cielo è grigio Guarda attraverso l’isola la Baia Siamo tutti isole finché non verrà il giorno In cui attraverseremo l’acqua bruciante Un gabbiano vola sul mare L’infrangersi del silenzio […]
Antiwar Songs Staff 2013-12-07 19:01:00
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Thank You Madiba (TYM)

Thank You Madiba (TYM)
And I don't know how to say
envoyé par adriana 7/12/2013 - 10:56
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Nelson Mandela, Sus Dos Amores

Nelson Mandela, Sus Dos Amores

Album :Proposiciones
Nelson Mandela,
envoyé par adriana 7/12/2013 - 09:22



Album : Freedom

Musica di Carlos Santana
Music by Carlos Santana
envoyé par adriana 6/12/2013 - 14:29
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Bring Back Nelson Mandela (Bring Him Home)

Bring Back Nelson Mandela (Bring Him Home)
Bring back Nelson Mandela, 
envoyé par donquijote82 6/12/2013 - 13:26


Mandela was imprisoned on Robben Island in 1964, and was the 466th prisoner to arrive that year. The prison administration's scheme of numbering prisoners was to follow the sequence number of the prisoner (466 in his case), with the last two digits of the year (64). The number was imposed on him by the prison for over 25 years, until his release in 1990. "Prisoner 46664" continues to be used as a reverential title for him. Shortly before Joe Strummer's death, he and U2's Bono co-wrote the song 46664 for Mandela as part of the campaign against AIDS in Africa.

Scritto poco prima della morte di Joe è un (bellissimo) brano reggae firmato Joe Strummer, Bono, Dave Stewart, ma eseguito da Bono, The Edge, David A. Stewart, Abdel Wright e Youssou N'Dour. Purtroppo Joe non ce la fece a partecipare....
It's a long walk, long walk to freedom
envoyé par donquijote82 6/12/2013 - 13:09
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Mandela Day

Mandela Day
6/12/2013 - 12:30
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Berlin Wall

Berlin Wall
Album: "Third World Child" (1987)

On an even more broadly inclusive scale,the song “Berlin Wall” ties the struggle in South Africa to a contemporary struggle in the West. It asks Berlin and its people to take up the call for a global community. The divisions it highlights feel artificial and inappropriate for a nation anywhere,whether it be in Europe or in Africa. The global reach of this song thus helps to connect Johnny Clegg and Savuka with its Western audience. There can be a common goal and a common community,but only if injustices like those in South Africa are mediated.

Erin Swen
Welcome to my island
9/11/2013 - 21:35
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In Sud Africa

In Sud Africa
San Valentino
Così siedi ed ascolta figlio mio
envoyé par DonQuijote82 4/10/2013 - 14:20
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Ndodemnyama (Free South Africa)

Ndodemnyama (Free South Africa)
Ndodemnyama (Free South Africa) (1990) [Single]

Similiar to the idea behind Artists United Against Apartheid 20 or so artists came together to release an anti-apartheid song. The track "Ndodemnyama (Free South Africa)" made comparisons between the importance of the civil rights movement in the US and the anti-apartheid movement:
[Afrika Bambaataa]
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 2/7/2013 - 22:51

7 Dee Days

7 Dee Days
Edutainment (1990)
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 2/7/2013 - 22:47

Free All the People (South Africa)

Free All the People (South Africa)
Milagro (1992)
You got to free all the people in South Africa...
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 2/7/2013 - 22:43
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In Solitary Confinement

In Solitary Confinement
When You Come Back (1992)
In solitary confinement
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 2/7/2013 - 22:32
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Steve Biko

Steve Biko
Midnight Marauders 1993
Linden Boulevard represent, represent
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 2/7/2013 - 22:28
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President Mandela

President Mandela
Early as the morning dew
envoyé par DoNQUijote82 2/7/2013 - 22:19

Still Demanding

Still Demanding
Reflections From Pre-Liberation South Africa (2007)

South African folk singer, signed to Mountain Records of Cape Town, South Africa in the 1970s and 1980s. Playing at coffee shops and bars, marches and rallies, many of the songs on this compilation were banned from South African radio for its political and social content.

Lucy in the city, see the dancing feet
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 2/7/2013 - 22:11
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Africa Must Be Free by 1983

Africa Must Be Free by 1983
Africa Must Be Free by 1983 (1978)

Parole e musica di Hugh Mundell (1962-1983), cantautore reggae giamaicano, assassinato a Kingston nel 1983.
Il brano che dà il titolo all’album d’esordio di Mundell, realizzato con la collaborazione di due mostri sacri del reggae, Augustus Pablo e Lee Scratch Perry.
Africa, must be free, by the year, 1983.
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 24/6/2013 - 21:18
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Forward Jah, Jah Children

Forward Jah, Jah Children
Tenement Yard (1976)

Parole e musica di Jacob Miller (1952-1980), musicista reaggae giamaicano, prematuramente scomparso nel 1980 in un incidente stradale, poco prima di partire in un tour americano con Bob Marley. Miller fu anche uno dei fondatori della formazione “Inner Circle”
Nell’album intitolato “Tenement Yard”

Africa must be free, South Africa
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 24/6/2013 - 21:12
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Anti Apartheid

Anti Apartheid
It Don't Bother Me (1965)

A very rare outing into the political field by the British folk singer Bert Jansch, but one of the first to appear on the British music scene against apartheid. "Anti Apartheid":
I listen to the words that whisper in my ear
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 24/6/2013 - 21:05

Tears for Johannesburg

Tears for Johannesburg

"We Insist! Freedom Now", al quale parteciparono musicisti del calibro di Abbey Lincoln, Coleman Hawkins e Olatunji, è un disco seminale, colonna sonora del movimento per i diritti civili degli afro-americani che nel 1960 era nel periodo di massimo fulgore:

"[...] Nel 1960 Roach compose e incise per la Candid 'We Insist! Freedom Now Suite', un lavoro basato sui testi del poeta e cantante Oscar Brown, Jr e scritto in occasione del centenario della "proclamazione di emancipazione" di Abraham Lincoln. Un'operazione così esplicita, per l'epoca (anche per quanto riguarda la copertina del disco, veramente provocatoria), contribuì all'inserimento di Roach nella 'lista nera' dell'industria discografica americana nella seconda metà degli anni Sessanta, e lo costrinse a diradare la sua presenza in studio d'incisione. [...]"
(La citazione in questa introduzione è tratta da it.wikipedia).

We Insist!... (continuer)
Even while we sleep, we will find you
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 24/6/2013 - 20:54
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5/5/2013 - 22:59
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For Joe Slovo

For Joe Slovo
Vocals and Guitar: David Heavenor
Drum Samples, Electric Guitar, mandolin: Simon Jaquet
Children from Gabarone, Botswana
Album: Private: The Night Visitors

"Inspired after seeing the film A World Apart about the white South African activist Joe Slovo who was exiled from his country during the Apartheid regime. It coincided with an interview with him in The Guardian where I lifted the quote about Christians and Communists. After writing the song I wrote to the ANC in London who put me in touch with Shawn Slovo, his daughter who took out the CD to South Africa. In his letter he said:

Johannesberg 24 - 11 - 93

Dear David, I was very moved by your tribute to me in song, whether I deserve it or not is besides the point, but this gesture from far away makes one feel the worth of what one was trying to do. This son is back in his land and we've almost completed the final stages of our long, long journey. Sing on!
Yours in appreciation, Joe Slovo
When the man walked in - we said welcome
envoyé par giorgio 17/4/2013 - 12:37
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Black and White

Black and White
Parole e musica di Ewan MacColl‎
Nel disco “Folkways Record of Contemporary Songs”, con Peggy Seeger.‎

Come anche The Ballad of Sharpeville, un’altra canzone sul massacro di Sharpeville, Sudafrica, 21 marzo 1960…‎

The apples ripe upon the bough
envoyé par Dead End 8/3/2013 - 09:48
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Chanson italienne – Ghetto - Modena City Ramblers – 2002

Je trouve que le message de cette chanson est très beau… une invitation pour les personnes les moins chanceuses à ne pas se résigner et à lutter pour devenir meilleures même dans les pires des circonstances, en outre une invitation à nous tous à ne pas tourner le dos et à tendre une main pour aider ces personnes.
Un message d'espoir pour les opprimés du monde, pour les Indiens de Rigoberta Menchù morts dans le génocide à Guatemala ; pour les victimes de guerre assistées de Gino Strada et d'Emergency ; pour les mexicains de Paco Taibo II ; pour les enfants de la Gare du Nord sauvés de la rue par Miloud ; pour les réfugiés de Sabra et de Chatila ; pour les désespérés du ghetto noir de Trenchtown ; pour le peuple des saharawi de Smara et El Ayoun, villes du Sahara Occidentale occupées par le Maroc ; pour les victimes des « troubles »... (continuer)
envoyé par Marco Valdo M.I. 25/2/2013 - 17:00
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Cry Freedom

Cry Freedom
Album “Crash”‎

Canzone ispirata all’omonimo film (da noi uscito come “Grido di libertà”) diretto nel 1987 da ‎Richard Attenborough, con Kevin Kline nella parte del giornalista sudafricano Donald Woods ‎‎(1933-2001), bianco ma oppositore del regime dell’apartheid, e Denzel Washington in quella di ‎Steve Biko, leader nero del movimento antirazzista ma pacifista “Black Consciousness”, ucciso ‎in detenzione il 12 settembre del 1977.‎
How can I turn away
envoyé par Dead End 10/9/2012 - 14:23

The Wind of Change

The Wind of Change
Insieme al coro della South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO), sigla del movimento di liberazione della Namibia

Un singolo realizzato insieme agli esuli politici sudafricani e dell’Africa meridionale.
The wind of change
envoyé par Dead End 9/9/2012 - 14:44
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Album “An Evening with Belafonte/Makeba”, in duetto con Harry Belafonte‎

“Khawuleza” fu originariamente incisa negli anni 50 da Dorothy Masuka, cantante dello Zimbabwe.‎
Makeba fu buona amica della Masuka e registrò parecchi dei brani di lei.‎
Come la stessa Makeba spiega nell’introduzione alla canzone, “Khawuleza” parla dei raid che la ‎polizia del regime segregazionista era solita fare nelle “townships” per arrestare i militanti ‎dell’ANC oppure – come ricorda nella sua autobiografia “Makeba: My Story” del 1987 – per ‎reprimere certe attività considerate illegali, come la fabbricazione clandestina di birra ed alcolici, ‎che i neri svolgevano per campare. Un artista nero doveva avere un gran coraggio per cantare ‎canzoni come questa e la Masuka – così come la Makeba – ne aveva da vendere: quando nel 1961 ‎dedicò una canzone a Patrice Lumumba, il leader dell’indipendenza congolese... (continuer)
‎Khawuleza mama
envoyé par Dead End (+ AT-XXI qualche anno dopo) 7/9/2012 - 14:36
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Apartheid Stinx

Apartheid Stinx
Unlimited Genocide
Split album with A.O.A.
apartheid system fascist state when you buy south african goods this is the system you perpetuate this system based on fear this system based on hate this system which together we can and must annihilate go! yeeeeeeeaaaahhgg!!! a bullet-ridden corpse lies on the dusty track his only crime was that his skin was black we think apartheid stinx those who dare to speak out and question the laws end their lives creaming behind police station doors don't buy apartheid don't buy apartheid the apartheid system cannot be reformed - it must be totally destroyed. for this to happen, however, the south african regime must be isolated and starved of the external financial support that enables it to continue its vile existence. consequently, throughout the whole world, thousands are crying out for sanctions... (continuer)
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 18/7/2012 - 00:42
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Hey, Nelly Nelly

Hey, Nelly Nelly
23/4/2012 - 22:35
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Album “Album” (!)‎

La più famosa canzone dei PiL aveva originariamente come sottotitolo “South African Song” ‎perché il testo traeva spunto dall’oppressione dellla maggioranza nera nel Sudafrica dell’apartheid ‎per trasferirsi poi alla realtà quotidiana nella “perfida Albione” dell’epoca.‎

‎“I read this manual on South African interrogation techniques, and 'Rise' is quotes from some of the ‎victims. I put them together because I thought it fitted in aptly with my own feelings about daily ‎existence.” (da un’intervista a John Lydon pubblicata su “Smash Hits” del febbraio 1986)‎

Il fatto che la famosa, delirante clip del brano con questo significato non c’entri pressochè nulla, ‎non vuol dire niente… E’ il punk (anche se post-), bellezza!‎
I could be wrong
envoyé par Bartleby 30/3/2012 - 12:01
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No Easy Walk to Freedom

No Easy Walk to Freedom
Album “No Easy Walk To Freedom”
Scritta da Peter Yarrow e Margery Tabankin‎

Brother Martin was walkin with me,
envoyé par Bartleby 18/1/2012 - 09:04

Turn This World Around

Turn This World Around
Raffi Cavoukian, the famed author and performer of songs such as "Baby Beluga," "Turn This World Around," and "One Light One Sun," continues to inspire a generation of children and their parents. This children's troubadour writes and sings music for children in order to deliver a message of hope, peace, and respect for the planet and its people. His beloved songs encourage children and adults alike to pitch in and make the world a cleaner, healthier place. One of his most recent songs, entitled "Turn this World Around," is a tribute to Nelson Mandela, whom Raffi admires greatly. This song, along with many of his other songs, raises awareness of all the good that can be accomplished if children--and adults--reach for their potential.

Better known simply as Raffi, this singer, songwriter, author, and child and environmental advocate was born in 1948, in Cairo, Egypt. His parents instilled... (continuer)
We heard it from Mandela, turn this world around
envoyé par DonQuijote82 23/11/2011 - 12:02
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Black President

Black President
Parole di Brenda “MaBrrr” Fassie (1964-2004), nativa di Soweto, Johannesburg, grande interprete dell’Afropop, ritenuta a buon diritto la “Madonna delle Townships”. E’ morta a soli 40 anni in seguito ad una overdose di cocaina.
Musica di Sello "Chicco" Twala (1963-), songwriter e produttore musicale.
Nell’album intitolato “Black President”

Una canzone del periodo di graduale dissoluzione del regime dell’Apartheid.
Il 1990 fu l’anno della liberazione di Nelson Mandela, dopo 27 anni di prigionia.
Fu l’anno in cui il presidente de Klerk legalizzò l’ANC e avviò i negoziati per la pacificazione e la transizione democratica, mentre il suo predecessore Botha rimase per tutta la vita un irriducibile segregazionista…

(Bernart Bartleby)
The year 1963
envoyé par DonQuijote82 23/11/2011 - 11:45
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Al di là del muro
Vorrei vedere dalla mia finestra
envoyé par DonQuijote82 23/11/2011 - 10:46

Silver and Gold

Silver and Gold
Argent Et Or
envoyé par DonQuijote82 15/4/2011 - 13:22


envoyé par Monia 9/4/2011 - 22:14

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