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Parcour Guantanamo Bay

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In Crisis dice di sentirti personalmente responsabile per la politica estera degli Usa. Cosa cambierebbe lei?
“Non sono un politico, ma uno dei temi dell’album è quello strano senso di complicità… Siamo così abituati a sentirci parte del problema che ormai lo diamo per scontato, e questo diventa un alibi per non combattere più. Sono una cittadina americana e in quanto tale pago le tasse e quei soldi sono spesi anche per azioni che non condivido. Dal punto di vista economico sono parte della macchina. Donald Trump va in tv a dire che la guerra in Iraq è stata un errore. Ma come puoi definire “errore” l’uccisione di mezzo milione di persone?”.

Pensa mai di andarsene dagli Stati Uniti?
“Non farebbe molta differenza. Non sono problemi nazionali, ma globali. Quando uso la parola “America” ormai lo faccio quasi come fosse una metafora per indicare una cultura virulenta... (continuer)
30/4/2016 - 13:28
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay
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Album: 11 Septembre, Récit du 11ème Jour (2004)
Coupable innocent potentielle est la cible
19/11/2015 - 22:14
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay
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Welcome Back Khadr

Welcome Back Khadr
Nell’EP intitolato “Does Not Equal”.

Ho trovato la canzone su FREE Omar Khadr NOW, il sito canadese della campagna per la liberazione di Omar Khadr.

Le foto ritraggono un ragazzino giovanissimo, appena quattordicenne, ed un adulto tra i 25 e i 30 anni. Sono della stessa persona, Omar Ahmed Khadr, nato in Canada nel 1986 da un egiziano e una palestinese lì immigrati. La famiglia si trasferì poi a Peshawar, in Pakistan. Nel 1995 il padre di Omar fu arrestato con l’accusa di aver contribuito a finanziare l’attentato all’ambasciata egiziana a Islamabad. Passò un anno prima che venisse rilasciato per l’assoluta mancanza di prove a suo carico. Nel 1996 la famiglia si trasferì nuovamente, questa volta a Jalalabad, in Afghanistan, dove il padre aveva trovato impiego presso una ONG. Ma dopo l’11 settembre 2001 e l’inizio della “War On Terror” di Bush, a causa dei continui bombardamenti americani... (continuer)
When they created a monster
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 15/8/2014 - 10:30

Pour ne plus bronzer idiot

Pour ne plus bronzer idiot
Elle n'est pas vraiment comme toutes les îles
envoyé par adriana 31/5/2013 - 16:13
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay
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Album: Year of the Crow

Still about Guantanamo prison.

There must be another way !
Heard you sold your friend,
envoyé par giorgio 25/5/2013 - 12:33
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay!

Guantanamo Bay!
Lyrics & Music by W. Cameron Bastedo
Album: Door A-19

The infamous detention center which, as it contravenes the Geneva convention, is a disgrace to the USA. At the same time Canada's abandonment of Omar Kadr to this hideous institution is every bit as disgraceful.

I wanted to do what I could to bring attention to a huge inconsistency between our democratic pretences and the fact that we (the US and Canada) are flagrantly disregarding human right..
Guantanamo Bay,
envoyé par giorgio 22/5/2013 - 08:44

Gitmo Bay

Gitmo Bay
Lyrics & Music by T. Fredric Jones
Album: Tanked Up Again

America in the 21st Century. T. Fredric Jones, Francie Jones, and Lillian Jones of The Outlandish Landsharks.

"Amazement at what we have become as a nation, once the hope of the world...
and now...
You'd better watch out.. – You'd better watch out..
envoyé par giorgio 22/5/2013 - 08:20
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Will Be Free

Guantanamo Will Be Free
Lyrics & Music by Jack Warshaw
Album: Long Time Gone [1979]

Written and first performed in Cuba by an international group of music tourists, after learning about the history of US occupation from their Cuban hosts, on their journey from Santiago near Guantanamo Bay to Havana.

Guantanamo Will Be Free
Guantanamo..– I want to see you
envoyé par giorgio 21/5/2013 - 15:22
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay / Club X-Ray

Guantanamo Bay / Club X-Ray
Album:The tide is turning
If you`re a Sheikh who is a mover
envoyé par adriana 27/4/2013 - 08:19
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo (Executive Privilege)

Although you
envoyé par adriana 16/4/2013 - 18:56
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay
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Album “Election Special”‎

Finlamente trovato il testo su
Never missed your water till your well ran dry
envoyé par DoNQuijote82 16/1/2013 - 11:43
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Poem From Guantanamo

original poem by Shaker Abdur Raheem Aamer

ADIOS PRISON hardcore benefit compilation
Peace, they say.
envoyé par DonQuijote82 27/12/2012 - 16:13
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Guantanamo Guantanamera

Guantanamo Guantanamera
Lettura musicata dal concerto poetico "SignorNò", nell'ambito della rassegna "Diritti in versi", realizzata in 3 date presso l'auditorium della scuola n° 3 di Alghero; al Vecchio Mulino di Sassari e al Centro Sociale di Ploaghe. Rassegna coordinata da Margherita Serra e a cui hano partecipato Marco Cinque (testi, voce e fiati etnici), Maurizio Carbone (percussioni), Mariano Melis (chitarre) e Patrizia Ribelli (voce narrante). Le manifestazioni sono state realizzate grazie alla disponibilità di Andrea Scotto, Giovanni Salis e Giovannella Meazza
Voli segreti
envoyé par DonQuijote82 27/9/2012 - 09:51

Legal Limbo

Legal Limbo
Music by Atomgrad

Detainees still remain in Guantanamo Bay, they are held without charge or trial, in complete disregard of the Geneva Conventions.

The Bush Administration believes it can get away with this abuse by declaring them Non Combatants, but they are the ones who declared a War on Terror, and you can't have a war without enemy combatants. Anyone detained on suspicion of terrorism is therefore an enemy combatant and should be treated according to the Geneva Conventions.
Detainees still remain inside the United States military facility at Guantanamo Bay,
envoyé par giorgio 3/4/2012 - 08:44
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

Hello Mama

Hello Mama
envoyé par The Great Cornholio 18/8/2010 - 04:45
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

We Don't Torture

We Don't Torture

This is a rewrite of the Au Pairs' song "Armagh"
We don't torture, we're a civilized nation
envoyé par giorgio 19/11/2008 - 00:59
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay

Just turned sixteen, a strange captivity
envoyé par Alessandro 4/11/2008 - 23:54
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay
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No, No Guantanamo

No, No Guantanamo
Mind, my business is wherever I go
envoyé par Alessandro 5/10/2008 - 23:26
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay
Da/From: "Slon in sadez"
They captured me in the mountains
envoyé par daniela -k.d.- 30/4/2007 - 10:59
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Testo di Giorgio Canali
Lyrics by Giorgio Canali

Da/From "GiorgioCanali&Rossofuoco"
Bastò meno di un minuto
envoyé par daniela -k.d.- 14/4/2007 - 16:34
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay
They took me from the mountains
envoyé par J.D. 11/4/2007 - 17:45
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay
Testo e musica di Barry Kerr

Che dire, io ho avuto la fortuna di trovarmi a Belfast il giorno della presentazione (gratuita e con prezzo scontato del cd) dell'album a cui questa canzone ha dato il nome, mi ha colpita subito per la musica e per il testo. Altre informazioni su quest'artista è un fenomeno!

Barry Kerr – Guitar, bozouki, low whistle and vocals
Noel Barret – Bass
Robbie Overson - Guitar
Prayer goes up in the morning,
envoyé par Lucia 24/10/2006 - 00:55
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2004 - " Chansons têtues "
Assis sur le bord de la roche
envoyé par adriana 28/11/2005 - 18:07
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay


Testo e musica di Stephen R.Coffee
Lyrics and music by Stephen R.Coffee

"If there's one thing that the fundamentalist Christians and fundamentalist Muslims agree on these days, it's that we are engaged in a religious war. On the assumption that it's a wise practice to 'know your enemy', I offer here a spare and uncomfortably familiar imagining of a Guantanamo detainee's encounter with Christian love. The deep cynicism, evidenced as much by the Appalachian styling as by the lyric, is my own, a luxury the prisoner probably cannot afford." -Stephen R. Coffee
The stars for my blanket
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 20/9/2005 - 14:02

Guantánamo Bay

Music based upon "Sitting On The Dock Of The Bay" (© 1967 Steve Cropper/Otis Redding)
Lyrics by The Compassionate Conservatives
Original release 10-May-2004
Last remixed 08-Jun-2004

Before the lurid photos of those wacky kids from Abu Ghraib finally made the rounds (despite the oh-so-gentle GOP's desperate efforts to squelch them), there was -- and still is -- Guantánamo Bay. Serving as a permanent home-away-from-home for wayward children and other "enemy combatants", Guantánamo was the first bold experiment in how to handle prisoners in the indefinite War on Terror® without having to be held accountable to rules of international law.

God might bless America and our worldwide network of secret jails, but apparently He doesn't care too much about those lost souls at Guantánamo Bay, including obvious-non-terrorist Sean Baker who was beaten within an inch of his life during an "interrogation"... (continuer)
Sitting in this tiny cell
15/12/2004 - 19:35
Parcours: Guantanamo Bay

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