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Auteur Rob Lincoln

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When the White Bird Flies

When the White Bird Flies
Lyrics & music by Rob Lincoln
Album: 5 Cents A Song [2014]

"Very much influenced by the 1969 song "White Bird" in style, but nothing musically or lyrically is taken from that song other than the phrase White Bird (and the fact both songs have a violin). This song was covered by Katherine Rondeau for the 2015 Philadelphia Area Songwriters Alliance Cover Me party and can be found here".
We want the days when the sun shines so bright in the sky
envoyé par giorgio 1/5/2020 - 09:32
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As Usual

As Usual
Lyrics and Music by Robert Lincoln

Anti-handgun song done in a very unusual way. It's a true story – hundreds of times over and over.

Here is another socially conscious/topical song. However, this one is approached in a rather unorthodox way: the incredibly sad narrative is juxtaposed with calm soothing jazzy chords and a happy melody. When I performed this live it would always get a strong reaction. Some people told me it was one of my best-full of irony as well as subdued anger, others said the song made them sick to their stomach and a few found it offensive and/or insensitive and immature. Some truly despise this song. I haven't played it in more than a decade. This is an old recording from 1986.
Saturday morning cartoons, it's super hero time
envoyé par giorgio 25/4/2013 - 08:35

Better Than Saddam

Better Than Saddam
Lyrics and Music by Rob Lincoln

Satirical protest song written at the height of Shock & Awe.

It was written in 2004. It was inspired by a Steven Colbert report on Comedy Central where he said that America is not who we are but who we think we are and those who say who we are is what we do must therefore be insane or unpatriotic. This song has an unpleasant edge and is not funny...because all the facts are true. It's a title we can all agree with...or can we?
Some people try to put down Uncle Sam
envoyé par giorgio 20/3/2013 - 13:03
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We Can Sing (the World Is in Our Hands)

We Can Sing (the World Is in Our Hands)
Lyrics and Music by Rob Lincoln

"We Can Sing is perhaps the most idealistic song I ever wrote. Originally an anti-nuclear power environmental anthem, now updated for global warming

This song is about taking action on the environment. Never played it to anyone and it was so outdated with the "no nukes" line I just changed it to an "let's end global warming" line and now it seems a bit more relevant. I try more harmony on this one.
Listener comments have included: " 'World is in our hands' has really nice harmony. Somehow I'm thinking it needs a different vocal sound maybe Indigo Girls. Words on on target."
We can sing - over the warm green fields
envoyé par giorgio 20/3/2013 - 08:53

Here and Now

Here and Now
Lyrics and Music by Rob Lincoln

"Garage Rocker in the style of Paul Revere & The Raiders with a simple message of Peace. Part of my yet to be released Abrasive Flowers CD (all instruments by me)" (R.L.)
It's a catchy little thing, -Yes and how
envoyé par giorgio 21/10/2012 - 15:47

And The Flag Unfurls

And The Flag Unfurls
Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

Written immediately following 'Shock & Awe' over Baghdad. Music slightly influenced by Cobain unplugged.

Here's some food for thought. Go on the Internet and research the number of people Saddam killed in the decade leading up to the invasion versus the number killed as a result of OUR invasion of Iraq (with and without including the resultant insurgency).
Burnt out bridges
envoyé par giorgio 21/12/2010 - 08:20
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Charleston Town

Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

A Civil War ballad and love story. For Civil War buffs and those who want to hear a real weeper.

"Charleston Town is my first true historical ballad, in that although it is historical fiction, it is not an allegory but a straight story. I had been inspired by reading The Red Badge of Courage and my Civil War history class at Temple as the backdrop of this tale of lost love. This version is quite a bit different than the version L&L used to perform. It also contains an additional verse. Some background – Charleston was reduced to rubble by the end of the war. This union soldier was originally stationed there prior to the war".
The daffodils were in bloom
envoyé par giorgio 12/12/2010 - 09:30


Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

"My first of many many historical songs, and one of a number about presidents:
"Teddy" represents one of the subjects I would return to again and again – American History. Theodore_Roosevelt
This is the first of more than half a dozen songs I've written about presidents. It's about Teddy Roosevelt, of course.
Incidentally, recently a book came out specifically about Teddy's expedition to the River of Doubt. It's called River of Doubt and it's a great read. I highly recommend it.
The photo is of Teddy during his almost fatal expedition to the River of Doubt.
Moustachioed man with wire eyeglasses
envoyé par giorgio 11/12/2010 - 09:14

Cold War Twist

Cold War Twist
Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln
Combination of Tom Lehrer and Elvis, with some acoustic Four Seasons thrown in.

"Originally one of the first songs I wrote in 1975 about the Nixon / Ford administrations, it was "updated" during the Reagan years. I leave out the lyrics on the recording about Reagan (see in parentheses below), but I do add a nod to Vlad Putin as GW attempts to get the cold war started again for financial purposes. Lots of money to be made!"
There's an old dance that I want you to do
envoyé par giorgio 20/11/2010 - 08:49
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Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

"Intense song from the perspective of a terrorist, often quoting his victim. This was my response in trying to understand 9/11 and how people could rationalize taking the lives of so many innocent people".
When I take your life – you'll know that we mean business
envoyé par giorgio 19/11/2010 - 13:26

A Great Man

A Great Man
Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

"America loves Harry Truman, but the tens of thousands of children who were incinerated and the hundreds of thousands who died in agony didn't care if he was feisty and played the piano. Dick Nixon loved watching football and was a great dad, but the 100,000+ children who were burned to death, shot or had their family member die in a shower of bombs didn't appreciate those endearing aspects of his personality. GW may really be more personable than Gore but would boring Al have caused the death of between 35,000 and 600,000 Iraqi civilians thus far? Will any Great Man be held accountable? Not if they are an American president. They are portrayed as one of us. We know their family members' names and their vacation spots better than how many deaths they are directly responsible for.

At best some may question whether the 2,500 US soldiers deaths have been necessary in Iraq. Civilian deaths are not even counted by the US Army. It's just "collateral damage."
He was a great man.. and a leader too,
envoyé par giorgio 17/11/2010 - 13:05

The Vapors

The Vapors
Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

"It's a rocker that is very unplugged rock tune with strange chord pattern, inspired by the former administration (Bush and Cheney). Needs a drum, bass and perhaps a few lyric changes and a bridge, but I think it has an interesting feel to it. The first line could be my epitaph".
Nothing's ever simple everything is hard
envoyé par giorgio 13/11/2010 - 08:07

Shalom Achshav

Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

"This song is the only song I have written thus far that uses a foreign phrase. "Shalom Achshav" means "Peace Now" in Hebrew and is the name of a peace organization in Israel.
Honestly, I do not really understand the complexities of Israeli/Palestinian politics. My friends and family in Israel all want peace but obviously it's not as easy as simply shouting "Peace Now". However, it can't hurt..".
No more eye for eye
envoyé par giorgio 12/11/2010 - 18:28

The Americas

Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

A Sea Chanty style song about the perils of fighting a war on someone else's home turf. takes place in 1777, but it's still relevant..
This song is an historical song from an unusual perspective. The narrator is the wife of a British soldier sent oversees to a war that is just and will protect the foreign land from local insurgents. Write back if you know the name of the military leader who is leading this famous insurgency..
Now is a time when all good men must come- to the aid of their country
envoyé par giorgio 12/11/2010 - 08:27

Joan Henry

Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

"Joan Henry is my feminist folk tale song.. Lessick and me only performed this a few times at the end of our stint. A few more times practicing and we might have really hammered down the arrangement. We didn't quite nail this one. But the harmonies we attempted to lay down were dramatic".
Joan Henry – she was a strong woman
envoyé par giorgio 11/11/2010 - 09:21

Job Well Done

Job Well Done
Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

Not traditional Arabic, but an anti-war song about Persian Gulf war that has a middle eastern flavour..
"Job Well Done" was written about the Persian Gulf War. My song title was lifted from the popular headline of the day used as the war concluded. The war accomplished so many wonderful things. Among them it enabled the use of advanced new weaponry in real combat situations. One such weapon I read about sucked oxygen from it's victims using a fiery explosion.

The only comment I received from this song was from a friend of mine in Israel: "In Job Well Done I could hear Pearl Jam doing it with some painful screams and grinding guitar-3.8 In Israel, of course, American intervention in dangerous areas in the middle east are often viewed differently than from the US. What war is to whose interest and at what cost -short term long term. Only arrogance... (continuer)
I heard a silence before the planes
envoyé par giorgio 10/8/2010 - 08:43

Winds Of Change

Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln.

"Winds of Change" is a song about right wing governments who hide behind the word 'freedom'.. It's one of my angriest political songs without any humor at all, but that needs some rewriting (the song also has at least two lines that can use replacing. I've put them in parentheses in the lyrics. If you have better lines, please by all means send them along. While the political references are old, the same old stuff is still going on).
I now find that is not the most artistic way of approaching song writing but it can sometimes work. Whether it works here, you be the judge.
I'm posting an old recording from around the time I wrote the song. Lessick & Lincoln did some nice harmonies on this one when we first started out in 1989. This is a scratchy solo tape from 1986. I always thought I wanted to do a flamenco version of this, but I have lost... (continuer)
You have many names,
envoyé par giorgio 1/8/2010 - 12:29


Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

This one is a true story based on an article I read about a homeless veteran named Jessie Carpenter, who died of exposure just across from the White House in 1990 somewhere around Christmas time... Only played this song one time in public.

Some comments included: "A fine angry, gritty song stripped bare.. I could imagine a little seething electric guitar intermittent or perhaps a dirty harmonica" "Not sure how I feel about this one...Spent a year in Nam myself and lost my best friend during the war in Plieku province. One thing the war taught me was... try your best to keep your children and their children out of it....Both of my children have been spared that in life so far...Who knows what the future will bring...All I know is I didn't have a was go or go to jail. I got very lucky and was assigned to a very safe base camp in Chu Lai...Well... (continuer)
My name is Jesse Carpenter and I fought for freedom
envoyé par giorgio 1/8/2010 - 10:16
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Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

"Proud" was inspired after hearing two different widows of Persian Gulf War soldiers give nearly the same interview. It is sadly still relevent today. For those of you familiar with the version on the Lessick & Lincoln CD, this version may surprise you. (Steve Lessick contributed a line or two on this one)

Comments included: "Great anti-war song-maybe even more relevant today." "I checked out Proud. A very sad event in a widow's life. Most people don't know what to say and it's easier to not say anything. I would hate to be the lady, parents or the kids. No dad coming home.

"I caught the emotion sarcasm - keep a stiff upper lip, be proud. What he did for his country and king is to be commended, but I still cry at the needless, senseless loss of life and at the pain of a wife and child not having the man in their life anymore".
She's got the letter now,
envoyé par giorgio 1/8/2010 - 09:51

Born to Follow

Lyrics & Music by Rob Lincoln

Written during the height of the Iraq War. How many US soldiers have died since then?
I wonder how many Iraqi civilians died as a result of this war of choice. Do you?
Charlie was a soldier
envoyé par giorgio 1/8/2010 - 09:06

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