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Auteur Xavier Rudd

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Better People

Better People
Album "White Moth"
You people saving whales,
envoyé par Alessandro 11/2/2010 - 08:41
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The 12th Of September

Album "To Let"
It's come to our attention
envoyé par Alessandro 11/2/2010 - 08:26

A Fourth World

A Fourth World
Album "Solace"

Una canzone sulla condizione di discriminazione in cui vivono gli aborigeni australiani.

[This song] "was played by Rudd in front of live crowd and told them he didn't have a name for it yet. After the show a fan went up to him and said he thought he had a good name for the song. He said 'A Fourth World' because there's a third world, but there's also a fourth world where people who don't have an existence, who are sort of trapped." (en.wikipedia)
Here we are under these particular stars
envoyé par Alessandro 11/2/2010 - 08:23

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