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Auteur Tanya Janca

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Bush Can Eat My Bush

Bush Can Eat My Bush
Testo / Words by Tanya Janca
Music / Music by Tanya Janca

Il titolo significa alla lettera: "Bush può mangiarmi il pelo della fica".

Jason: What are your feelings about George Bush? What inspired you to write the song "Bush can eat my bush"?

Tanya: Oh-oh. I'm not sure you want to open that can of worms... I feelthat he has misled his country, and since his country is the most powerful and influential country in the world they have been influencing other countries (bullying other countries) into doing all sorts of things that I don't believe they want to do and that I don't believe are right. He has waged two wars and it hasn't even been 4 years yet, both of which are no where near complete and the people in these countries and American soldiers are paying the price... From his "gag rule", to not giving international aid to agencies that offer abortion as a family planning option,... (continuer)
Radioactive depleted uranium, polluting waste, catastrophic cancer,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 29/3/2005 - 14:42

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