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Auteur Bill Frederick

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Brooklyn Bridge

Brooklyn Bridge
Lyrics & music by W. Frederick Stanton AKA Bill Frederick

How the Brooklyn Bridge was built, and the continuing march across it..

“The air is unusually healthy”, noted a visitor, passing through the small village of Brooklyn in 1794. The 100 mostly one-story houses were “chiefly along the shore or scattered without plan”, he noted, and the streets were “bad, heavy, and unpaved, so that the smallest amount of rain makes Brooklyn muddy”.

The village of Brooklyn, directly across the East River from Manhattan, was the funnel through which the food grown on Long Island's rich farmlands passed to New York City. As New York City flourished, so did its nearest neighbor. Rowboats, sailboats, and horse-powered ferries plied the waters of the East River, and speculators and merchants began to buy land along the waterfront. The U.S. Navy opened a shipyard on Wallabout Bay in 1801, and... (continuer)
When a bridge begins, it’s just a dream,
envoyé par giorgio 1/9/2020 - 23:00
Parcours: Ponts

The Dean Rusk Song

The Dean Rusk Song

From the album "Hey, Hey...LBJ! Songs of the U.S. Antiwar Movement" (Crisis Records # LP-001 / US / LP / 33rpm)

Dean Rusk (1909-1994) segretario di stato dal 1961 al 1969 sotto le presidenze di Kennedy e Johnson e convinto sostenitore della guerra in Vietnam.
Oh, I'm weary and I'm harried and I don't know what to do
31/5/2020 - 17:00
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Burn, Baby, Burn

Burn, Baby, Burn
Parole e musica di Bill Frederick, pseudonimo usato in gioventù dal cantautore statunitense Fred Stanton
Una canzone che non credo sia mai stata incisa su disco. Il testo fu pubblicato sul n. 73 di Broadside Magazine, agosto 1966.

Una canzone dedicata ai Watts Riots dell’agosto 1965, quando nel sobborgo losangelino di Watts si scatenarono violentissimi tumulti razziali che durarono 6 giorni e causarono 34 morti, centinaia di feriti e danni per oltre 40 milioni di dollari, con quasi 1.000 edifici distrutti o gravemente danneggiati dagli incendi. E tutto a partire da un banale controllo di polizia…

A proposito dei Watts Riots si vedano anche Trouble Every Day e In The Heat Of The Summer
Back in the days of ancient Rome,
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 29/11/2017 - 08:59
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Exploitation Blues

Exploitation Blues
Parole e musica di Bill Frederick, che nei primi anni 60 era un giovane studente ed obiettore di coscienza al servizio militare in Vietnam.
Contribuì diverse canzoni su Broadside Magazine, alcune delle quali sono già presenti sulle CCG/AWS
Nel 1967 le canzoni di Bill Frederick vennero raccolte nel disco intitolato “Hey, Hey… LBJ! Songs of the U.S. Anti-War Movement”

Il testo di “Exploitation Blues” l'ho trovato per caso sull'imprescindibile Mudcat Café, dove ho anche appreso che Bill Frederick non ha di fatto mai smesso di scrivere e di proporre canzoni, anche se in tempi più recenti si firma col suo vero nome, ossia Fred Stanton, classe 1943.

So bene che incasinerò la vita ai perfidi Admins, ma pare proprio che Bill Frederick e Fred Stanton siano la stessa persona.
Years ago in the Belgian Congo mine
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 27/11/2017 - 22:12
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How Far We Have Come?

How Far We Have Come?

da Broadside #65 dicembre 1965

Parole e musica di Bill Frederick, sul quale poche informazioni sono reperibili in Rete.
Nei primi anni 60 era un giovane studente in chimica ed obiettore di coscienza al servizio militare in Vietnam.
Contribuì alcune sue canzoni su Broadside Magazine. Si veda anche Just Another Day
Questa fu pubblicata sul # 61 del 15 agosto 1965.
Nel 1967 le canzoni di Bill Frederick vennero raccolte nel disco intitolato “Hey, Hey… LBJ! Songs of the U.S. Anti-War Movement”

Una completa storia degli Stati Uniti, dallo sterminio dei nativi all'imperialismo.
When our fathers came to this golden land
28/10/2016 - 18:01
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Just Another Day

Just Another Day
Words and music by Bill Frederick, student in chemistry and draft resister at the time of the Vietnam War.
Album “F.T.A.! Songs et the GI Resistance”, Paredon Records
Sung by Barbara Dane with active-duty GIs.
Recorded at Fort Hood, Texas, Fort Benning, Georgia and Fort Bragg, North Carolina.
Edited by Irwin Silber.

“The writer of this song is a draft resister, an advanced student in chemistry, and one of the first songwriters to express a genuine sensitivity to the situation of the Vietnamese in the late '60s. Most of us have had so much conditioning the other way that when I sing this song people are very conflicted about how to respond. GIs will clap rather self-consciously, and one room full of atomic-energy scientists couldn't clap at all. I wish we had a better-recorded version of such a good song, but since all of us who worked on the album are activists, we were all... (continuer)
There is a little haze in the morning air.
envoyé par Alessandro 16/3/2010 - 09:20

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