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Auteur Kyle Craft

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Before the Wall

Before the Wall

from 30 days 30 songs - 30 anti-Trump songs in 30 days

This song was not written for any politician or agenda. It was written for people and the country I live in. I'm not some unduly political loudmouth and I'm certainly not saying you have to swallow this pill, but for a moment, just think about that wall and what it means to you... Then think about what it means to the people on the other side. The world is not out to get you and, for the most part, people are very kind. As for me, I refuse to be afraid and I will continue to believe that love, understanding, and compassion have the ability to trump fear and evil, which often times go hand in hand, any day. Smile at people you don't have to, love each other. I'll do the same.

P.S. I know it sounds like Bob Dylan, get over it.
If the wall it goes up and the country comes down
9/11/2016 - 14:11

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