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Auteur Megadeth

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Album: United Abominations

This song is about how both the US government and the religious extremists from the Middle-East used propaganda to get both sides to want to go to war against each other (“God versus God, the undoing of man”). The title is a combination of America and the suffix -stan, which is Persian for country and is part of the name many Central Asian countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan).

Recruiting the ill-fated for “The War”
31/1/2021 - 00:27

Ashes in Your Mouth

Ashes in Your Mouth
Nell’album intitolato “Countdown To Extinction”

Una canzone dalla lontana prima guerra del Golfo… E’ passato quasi un quarto di secolo e ancora ci siamo in mezzo…
People have round shoulders from fairing heavy loads
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 28/8/2014 - 13:02
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99 Ways to Die

99 Ways to Die
If I see the morning hours
envoyé par Goofus 25/12/2010 - 23:15
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United Abominations

United Abominations
This song is the title track of Megadeth's album, "United Abominations." In this song, Megadeth threw a bunch of accusations at the United Nations, claiming that they "face war without end." The song features a short speech by Dave Mustaine before the main lyrics, in which he first calls the U.N. the "United Abominations. At the end of the song, he begins to throw accusations at the United Nations, referencing recent events such as the 9/11 attacks and the invasion of Iraq. After each accusation, he says "There was no U.N."

U.N. blog writer, Mark Leon Goldberg, dissected the song, verse by verse, and wrote an entire blog saying the U.N. was not phased by the song, or the album. He even pointed out accusations he believed to be false. He said that "we at UN Dispatch refuse to let Megadeth's witless screed go unchallenged. We listened [to the song] so you don't have to."

The album's artwork depicts the United Nations building in flames in a 9/11 atack style.
Within striking distance from Ground Zero sits a smoldering
envoyé par SamuraiMaster 29/8/2009 - 03:30
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Gears of war

Gears of war
Music and Lyrics Dave Mustaine
Album: United Abominations - 2007
Ethnic cleansing with no defending
envoyé par silva 10/2/2007 - 15:18
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Architecture Of Aggression

Architecture Of Aggression
Testo riprodotto da LyricsFreak
Lyrics are reproduced from LyricsFreak
Born from the dark,
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 23/12/2006 - 21:20

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