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Parcour Racisme et esclavage aux États-Unis d'Amérique

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Album: Shade
We’re living like the programmed
9/7/2023 - 19:17

Tuskegee #626

Tuskegee #626
Album: Bridges (1977)
Gil Scott-Heron & Brian Jackson

Tuskegee Syphilis Study - Wikipedia

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male (informally referred to as the Tuskegee Experiment or Tuskegee Syphilis Study) was a study conducted between 1932 and 1972 by the United States Public Health Service (PHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on a group of nearly 400 African American men with syphilis.

The purpose of the study was to observe the effects of the disease when untreated, though by the end of the study medical advancements meant it was entirely treatable. The men were not informed of the nature of the experiment, and more than 100 died as a result.


Lo studio sulla sifilide di Tuskegee fu un esperimento clinico attuato e seguito dallo United States Public Health Service nella città di Tuskegee, in Alabama, negli USA.

Svoltosi tra il... (continuer)
Tuskegee #626
4/6/2023 - 19:45


Track 3 on The Collected Poems of Langston Hughes( 1921-1930 )

Hughes explains the history of black people in first person form; he is aligning himself with the societal roles of a black person throughout history.

(da Genius )
I am a Negro:
envoyé par Pluck 30/4/2023 - 22:05

My Lord What a Morning

My Lord What a Morning
My Lord What a Morning - Joan Baez –

Album : Joan Baez in Concert 1962

Adattamento di Joan Baez a canzone di protesta del testo di un noto Black Spiritual di pubblico dominio del Nord degli Stati Uniti del 17°-18° sec.
My Lord, what a morning
envoyé par Pluck 25/4/2023 - 23:45


Featuring Axell

“Obligé” è un pezzo che volevo scrivere da molto. Sentivo l'esigenza di scrivere una storia che gravitasse attorno al movimento Black Lives Matter ma volevo farlo senza cadere nei soliti cliché e sono molto contenta del risultato. Il testo, in alcuni momenti, è molto esplicito e anche questa cosa mi piace. Sono felice, inoltre, di aver ospitato Axell su questo brano: anche lui è di Torino come me, ma soprattutto è dello stesso quartiere dove la mia famiglia vive tuttora. Anche lui è un ragazzo afroitaliano e, come me, ha delle storie da raccontare in questi termini. Mi piace il fatto che sia una collaborazione autentica, nata dal rispetto del talento reciproco. Infine per questo singolo c'è ancora più connessione con Parigi perché “Obligé” è stata scritta proprio tra le due città che in questo momento mi rappresentano di più.

C'était lundi, lundi
22/4/2023 - 22:45
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The Darkness of Blackness

The Darkness of  Blackness
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Rev. Robert B. Jones Sr.
Album / Albumi: At the Crossroads

Note dal blog "pancocojams " di Azizi Powell:
Rev. Robert Jones - "The Darkness of Blackness"

I assume that Melville is the novelist Herman Melville", but I'm not sure which story this is "about men [Black or otherwise] who "came in on the tide". Here's some information about Herman Melville
from wikipedia

"Herman Melville (born Melvill;[a] August 1, 1819 – September 28, 1891) was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet of the American Renaissance period. Among his best-known works are Moby-Dick (1851); Typee (1846), a romanticized account of his experiences in Polynesia; and Billy Budd, Sailor, a posthumously published novella. Although his reputation was not high at the time of his death, the 1919 centennial of his birth was the... (continuer)
Melville told a tale of a preacher who cried
envoyé par Pluck 4/3/2023 - 12:00

Am I not a Man and Brother?

The Anti-Slavery Harp
Compiled by William W. Brown
Boston: Bela Marsh, 1848

pagine: 5,6

AIR — Bride's Farewell.
Am I not a man and brother?
envoyé par Pluck 27/2/2023 - 17:18

A Song for Freedom

A Song for Freedom
The Anti-Slavery Harp
Compiled by William W. Brown
Boston: Bela Marsh, 1848

AIR — Dandy Jim

Testo da :
The Anti-Slavery Harp
Compiled by William W. Brown
Boston: Bela Marsh, 1848
Page 37

Interpretazione musicale :
Traccia n.18 del doppio CD "Songs of Slavery and Emancipation" by Mat Callahan / Various Artists
Jalopy Records
Brooklyn, New York

The Songs of Slavery and Emancipation project presents recently discovered songs composed by enslaved people and explicitly calling for resistance to slavery. Some originate as early as 1800 and others as late as the outbreak of the Civil War. The project also includes long-lost songs of the abolitionist movement, some of which were written by fugitive slaves as well as free black people, challenging common misconceptions of abolitionism.
Come all ye bondmen far and near,
envoyé par Pluck 26/2/2023 - 17:19

The Slave Auction

The Slave Auction
The Slave Auction

by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper - 1825-1911

This poem is in the public domain.
Source : American Poetry : The Nineteenth Century
( The Library of America,1993 )
The sale began—young girls were there,
envoyé par Pluck 23/2/2023 - 23:48

The Slave Auction — A Fact

da : The Anti-Slavery Harp - Compiled by William W. Brown
Boston: Bela Marsh, 1848 – pp.24,25
Why stands she near the auction stand,
envoyé par Pluck 18/2/2023 - 09:49

Too Far to Be Gone

Too Far to Be Gone
Ft. Sonny Landreth
Album: Done Come Too Far

It kicks off with a belter, the Texas style Too Far To Be Gone, a righteous tirade about not giving up, having come this far, speaking for the Black Civil Rights movement as much as for herself. It positively reeks of early Z.Z. Top, with Sonny Landreth’s slide a searing constant, a fiery solo nailing the mood of the piece to the mast. Her voice is a strong and strident, making neither excuse or apology, a clear clarion call of intent.
At The Barrier
A small thing like a seat on the bus
18/2/2023 - 00:29

The Sweets of Liberty

Canzone antischiavista: The Sweets of Liberty (con la melodia di Is There a Heart That Never Loved ), Braham
da :"La Musica dei Neri Americani " – Eileen Southern
Ed. Il Saggiatore – p. 147
Is there a man that never sighed
envoyé par Pluck 16/2/2023 - 09:31

Underneath the Harlem Moon

Underneath the Harlem Moon
“Underneath the Harlem Moon” - Randy Newman

Album: 12 Songs - 1970

Newman’s point was unmistakable: he was singing racist and demeaning songs in order to perturb his listeners. It worked. Everyone who listened to “Underneath the Harlem Moon” got uncomfortable. As Greil Marcus wrote in Mystery Train, “Here [Newman] was, a struggling singer whose only possible audience would be urbane, liberal rock ’n’ roll fans, and he was unveiling . . . the charms of racism.” (Newman would go on to write many even richer evocations of American racism, among them “Sail Away,” “Rednecks,” and “Short People.”)

da :
History Of A Song, "Underneath The Harlem Moon


L'obiettivo di Newman era inequivocabile: cantava canzoni razziste e umilianti per turbare i suoi ascoltatori. Ha funzionato. Tutti quelli che hanno ascoltato "Underneath the Harlem Moon" si sono sentiti a disagio. Come ha scritto Greil Marcus... (continuer)
Creole babies walk along with rhythm in their thighs
envoyé par Pluck 14/2/2023 - 22:36

The Space Program

The Space Program
Album: We Got It From Here…Thank You 4 Your Service (2016)

Ad una prima lettura è l'aggiornamento di Whitey On The Moon con una critica ai programmi spaziali ormai addirittura affidati ai privati che certo non porteranno i neri nello spazio.

Ma in realtà The Space Program è anche una metafora per parlare dei vari problemi della comunità afroamericana, dalla gentrificazione all'onnipresente razzismo delle forze dell'ordine. Per i numerosissimi riferimenti non possiamo che consigliare chi è interessato di visitare la pagina su genius.
30/1/2023 - 23:46

Freddie Gray

Freddie Gray
Album: Lost

Freddie Gray, il ragazzo nero di 25 anni morto una settimana dopo essere stato arrestato a Baltimora lo scorso aprile [2015], ha subìto un unico colpo molto forte al collo e alla spina dorsale, molto probabilmente causato dalla brusca frenata del blindato della polizia in cui era stato caricato. Lo rivela l’autopsia sul corpo del ragazzo, di cui il Baltimore Sun ha ottenuto una copia. L’ufficio di medicina legale dello stato del Maryland ha concluso che la morte di Gray non può essere catalogata come un incidente, ma si è trattato di “omicidio” perché gli agenti non hanno seguito le procedure di sicurezza, compiendo “azioni di omissione”.

Anche se Gray è stato caricato sul blindato sdraiato a pancia in giù, i medici che hanno fatto l’autopsia presumono che si sia alzato in piedi e poi abbia sbattuto contro una parete a causa di un brusco cambio di direzione. Il ragazzo... (continuer)
Ail day long we will sing and cry
26/1/2023 - 21:50



As a woman with an opinion and the fearlessness to voice that opinion, it gets very tiring when the only retort is to tell me how irrelevant I am. I am relevant because I exist, and because I am a human being. No one is irrelevant. And no one can take away my voice.

—via Press Release
I think it might rain today
26/1/2023 - 21:42

Just My Soul Responding

Just My Soul Responding

The song, which appeared on his first solo album Smokey in 1973 after his departure from the Miracles, has the bonus of a birthday greeting in the intro without being twee or frivolous. This is a rare protest song, with racism, black rights and the pain of native American history at its heart.
Songs Of The Week 2020: Take 1
Happy birthday to you
21/1/2023 - 00:45
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Hymn to Freedom

Hymn to Freedom
Lyrics of "Hymn to Freedom" by Harriette Hamilton

Video consigliato :

"Hymn to Freedom" by Oscar Peterson, lyrics by Harriette Hamilton
Caricato Art of Time - 2013 - . This performance features pianist Corey Butler and vocalist Jackie Richardson.
envoyé par Pluck 21/12/2022 - 22:20

You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train

You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train
Album: God of the Serengeti

Il titolo di questa canzone viene da un famoso saggio dello storico Howard Zinn e anche di un documentario sulla vita dello storico americano, un cui discorso è utilizzato come introduzione e come finale.

Su un treno che si dirige verso una destinazione non puoi fingere di essere neutrale. La tua presunta neutralità non farà niente per cambiare il percorso del treno, e non importa che tu sia neutrale o che tu voglia raggiungere la destinazione, il treno ci arriverà lo stesso. Allo stesso modo quelli che non fanno niente contro un sistema ingiusto, come la schiavitù, il razzismo, il capitalismo o ogni altra forma di discriminazione stanno di fatto collaborando con gli oppressori.

In questa lunga canzone, arricchita dal campionamento di "House of Cards" di Ophelia Of The Spirits, Vinnie Paz tratta molti temi: dallo sterminio dei nativi americani,... (continuer)
[Intro: Howard Zinn]
26/11/2022 - 21:40
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We Shall Overcome

We Shall Overcome
Tony Cucchiara
Album / Albumi: Folk Theme [1969]

Versione di Tony Cucchiara e Nelly Fioramonti dall'LP "Folk Theme" del 1969. Il testo italiano è di Tony Cucchiara.
Noi ci riusciremo (We Shall Overcome)
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 16/11/2022 - 01:37

Man With No Name

Man With No Name
Album: White Jesus Black Problems (2022)

In Virginia, back in 1759, a white Scottish servant Elizabeth Gallimore, fell in love with a black slave whose name had been lost over time. Their great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandson, Xavier Amin Dphrepaulezz, who performs under the pseudonym Fantastic Negrito, has released the compelling concept album White Jesus Black Problems based on his recently discovered lineage. The ambitious multi-media project includes a companion film.

The Album track “Man with No Name” is a painful reminder that often the identity and experiences of the oppressed are often erased. With the song and album, the stories of the courageous forgotten are being reclaimed. The tune also contains a galvanizing message of hope with the line “I keep moving on.” It is a potent statement of perseverance that continues to resonate.

Daily Dose of Protest: Man with No Name – Fantastic Negrito
I feel like (Gettin' away)
1/11/2022 - 16:25

Canción para Angela Davis

Canción para Angela Davis
Canciones del Grupo de Experimentación Sonora del ICAIC (GESI) [1973]

Canción dedicada a Angela Davis, miembro del Partido Comunista norteamericano y simpatizante de los Panteras Negras. Relacionada con los activistas radicales conocidos como los Soledad Brothers, fue encarcelada por su supuesta participación en un intento de fuga en el que murieron varias personas. Después de pasar un año y medio en la cárcel y entre fuertes protestas internacionales por la arbitrariedad de su detención, fue declarada inocente en 1972 por un tribunal compuesto exclusivamente por hombres blancos. Tras su puesta en libertad, fue recibida en La Habana en un acto multitudinario, y pasó un tiempo en la Isla antes de regresar a su país.
Cuatro niñas negras como tú,
envoyé par dq82 23/10/2022 - 00:55
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In Atlanta, Georgia

In Atlanta,  Georgia
In Atlanta, Georgia.

Canta un detenuto,probabilmente del carcere di Greenville,South Carolina, registrato da Lawrence Gellert, 1933-1937: LP Negro Songs of Protest. *
La struttura del brano ricorda quella del Blues ( o “ Blues song “ ) a refrain,che, originatesi nel repertorio di danza della aree rurali con canzoni come “Tight Like That” o “ Bottle Up and Go “ entro' in voga anche nell'ambito urbano a partire dagli anni '30.
Il presente brano si diversifica da questo tipo di musica, tuttavia , per il tempo assai lento,oltre che , evidentemente,per la denuncia sociale eccezionalmente aperta ed esplicita .

Testo e note tratti da :
“ Blues,ballate e canti di lavoro afroamericani”
a cura di Alessandro Roffeni
Newton Compton Editori - 1976

As Langston Hughes commented, “These songs collected by Mr Gellert are of inestimable value.”

Down in Georgia,meanest place in the world,
envoyé par Pluck 28/7/2022 - 18:19

Negro Got No Justice

Negro Got No Justice

Canta un detenuto,probabilmente del carcere di Greenville,South Carolina, registrato da Lawrence Gellert, 1933-1937: LP Negro Songs of Protest.

Del tutto eccezionale l'esplicita denuncia contenuta in questo brano,come in altri raccolti da Gellert

Le strofe 1-4-5-6-7 costituiscono la classica sequenza utilizzata normalmente dai carcerati del Texas nella loro esecuzione del “ Midnight Special “

Il ritrovarla da un capo all'altro degli stati del sud ci indica l'enorme rilevanza che questi versi dovevano avere per le comunità dei detenuti neri.

Ancora più diffuso , anche al di fuori di questa sequenza, il motivo della donna che va in carcere o dal giudice per chiedere la liberazione del proprio uomo ( il quale, nelle versioni dei forzati, normalmente la riconosce dal vestito, dall'ombrello , etc. )

Testo e note tratti da :
“ Blues,ballate e canti di lavoro afroamericani”
a cura di Alessandro Roffeni
Newton Compton Editori - 1976

Niggers ain't got no justice in Atlanta,
envoyé par Pluck 26/7/2022 - 17:30


Album: Bellringer
feat. Angela Davis

Abolire la polizia, abolire le prigioni
If being radical is grasping from the root, that’s just what I’ll do, that’s just what I’ll do…
17/7/2022 - 16:20

We Need to Talk About It

We Need to Talk About It
We need to talk about it

Bloodline Maintenance
envoyé par dq82 30/6/2022 - 11:16

I Want to Go

I Want to Go
I Want To Go - J. B. Lenoir - 1966
My name is JB Lenoir
envoyé par Pluck 21/6/2022 - 18:31

Alabama March

Alabama March
J.B. Lenoir - Alabama March - Album : Alabama Blues - 1965
Third month, twenty-fifth day of '65, we marched on Alabama hill
envoyé par Pluck 21/6/2022 - 10:59
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Down in Mississippi

Down in Mississippi
envoyé par Pluck 20/6/2022 - 18:59

Say It Loud - I'm Black and I'm Proud

Say It Loud - I'm Black and I'm Proud
canzone con un significato profondo e importante
1/6/2022 - 19:32

Waltz for Emmett Till

Estimado Carles: Soy un investigador de la UCM. El viernes que viene (20 de mayo) voy a dar una ponencia sobre el asesinato de Emmett Till. Mencionaré tu composición, si no es inconveniente, en mi comunicación.
Muchas gracias de antemano.
Mario Millanes ( 15/5/2022 - 18:26

Better Than We Found It

Better Than We Found It

I wanted to write something to address exactly how I feel right now, and this came together pretty quickly. It’s a protest song. It’s the most American thing to protest, and protest songs have been so embedded in American culture: Bob Dylan, Nina Simone. I think the world right now is sort of in a perpetual mourning period, and I wanted to have a song that had weight but also had hope.

Maren Morris Releases Pro-BLM, Pro-Dreamer Video for New ‘Protest Song,’ ‘Better Than We Found It’
If you don't like it, then get the hell out
13/5/2022 - 22:30

Water Boy

Water Boy
Testo dal video della CBS 1959

Water,boy where you hidin'?

An important liberation song in the history of slavery and the civil rights movement is Water, Boy. It is a slave work song, a somber reminder of the conditions black people were forced to live through. Water is as valuable as saffron on the field of a plantation, but I assume it's absence was as normalized as the sun rising and setting everyday. I assume the enslaved weren't given enough water (or anything, if anything) to keep them in good health as forced laborers. I'm sure the white overseers and slaveowners made sure to keep their thirst quenched, though. It's been said, they demanded water and would get the attention of the waterboy by singing Water, boy where you hidin?

Today when this song is performed it is titled “Waterboy” instead of “Water, Boy” and I equate this to trying to soften up the history, but let’s not forget... (continuer)
Water Boy,
envoyé par Pluck 9/5/2022 - 08:50

Otto minuti

Otto minuti
Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel
Album / Albumi: Dietro la porta [2022]

"Si intitola Otto minuti il nuovo singolo dei Caravane De Ville, storica formazione emiliana capitanata da Sara Piolanti e Giovanni Rubbiani (ex Modena City Ramblers). Il brano segue il primo singolo Sabrina, pubblicato lo scorso luglio. Quest’ultimo ha segnato il ritorno della band sulle scene dopo 15 anni di assenza.

Otto minuti è uscito venerdì 24 settembre [2021] su tutte le maggiori piattaforme streaming e in digital download per Rivertale Productions. È estratto dal nuovo progetto discografico, su cui la band è attualmente a lavoro. Un lavoro atteso per la prima parte del 2022.

Un brano impattante e attuale, dalla forte connotazione sociopolitica. Con Otto minuti i Caravane De Ville rendono omaggio a uno dei fatti storici più rilevanti del 2020, che ha smosso anime... (continuer)
Sera di fine maggio,
envoyé par dq82 20/4/2022 - 15:40

Forty-one Bullets

Forty-one Bullets

Forty-one Bullets è un brano scritto in questi giorni, ispirato all’omicidio di Amadou Diallo, studente liberiano residente a New York.

Ucciso nel febbraio 1999 da 4 poliziotti, sulla porta di casa, con 41 colpi di pistola, in 32 secondi.
Gli autori furono tutti assolti.

Vogliamo esprimere tutta la nostra amarezza e disgusto rispetto a episodi intollerabili, purtroppo sempre più’ frequenti, in cui arroganza, ignoranza e odio razziale possono spingere un uomo ad uccidere un altro essere umano.

Dal Ku Klux Klan ad Amadou Diallo a George Floyd ai recenti fatti di cronaca italiana e mondiale, la storia continua a ripetersi dimostrando che l'uomo persevera nel non imparare nulla dal suo passato.

Si veda anche American Skin (41 Shots) di Bruce Springsteen
See also American Skin (41 Shots) by Bruce Springsteen

Altre canzoni su Amadou Diallo

Centuries of Pain: the Ballad... (continuer)
Only one bullets no way
envoyé par Dq82 2/4/2022 - 20:18
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We Shall Overcome

We Shall Overcome
Versione dei Dropkick Murphys

Dq82 30/3/2022 - 11:21


Riding on the back of the bus waiting to go forward
3/3/2022 - 23:18

Stop the Bleeding

Stop the Bleeding
Civil Unrest EP

No strangers to politically charged metal anthems, Machine Head have released Civil Unrest, a two-song digital single featuring the A-side "Stop the Bleeding," featuring Killswitch Engage vocalist Jesse Leach, as well as the B-side "Bulletproof." The outraged protest songs were both penned days after the back-to-back murders of George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery.
Hear Machine Head Team With Killswitch Engage's Jesse Leach on New Protest Song "Stop the Bleeding"
The endless scroll of human tragedy
3/3/2022 - 23:06

No Knock

No Knock

Il pezzo di Gil Scott-Heron, pubblicato proprio cinquant'anni fa, è assolutamente attuale. Prende di mira John Mitchell, attorney general - in pratica il ministro della giustizia - dell'amministrazione Nixon.

Mitchell aveva introdotto una legge che autorizzava esplicitamente la pratica poliziesca - peraltro già largamente utilizzata - del "no knock", ossia autorizzava la polizia a entrare nelle case private per perquisizioni e arresti senza bussare, senza identificarsi.

E infatti nessuno aveva bussato tre anni prima alla porta di Fred Hampton, ucciso mentre dormiva in una spedizione omicidia organizzata dall'FBI e dalla polizia di Chicago.
Um, we want to do a poem for one of our unfavorite people, um, who’s now the head of the, uh, Nixon campaign. He was formerly the Attorney General named John Mitchell. Um, Nixon’s campaign seems to be out, you know, getting off on a rather hip foot after his trip to China in the name of peace, uh, while they were killing people right across the street, so to speak, in, uh, North and South Vietnam. But, um, no-knock, the law in particular, was allegedly, um, aheh, legislated for black people rather than, you know, for their destruction. And it means, simply, that authorities and members of the police force no longer have to knock on your door before entering. They can now knock your door down. This is No Knock.
12/2/2022 - 22:46

Bottle It Up and Go

Bottle It Up and Go
(da Wikipedia )

*Note: (Bluebird insert notes by M.K. Aldin)
(Brief & condensed) notes about this song)

Big Bill Broonzy told Tommy not to use the 'n' word.
But he got mad at Bill and said, 'Hell no, I'll never change my song'. Big Bill said he knew Tommy was right, the way he felt about it because he had sang the same words in another song of his
Before Tommy was born but knew better than to do it in the North...
The next night Big Bill took Tommy to a party, Tommy sang his version of 'Bottle It Up And Go.' The song flopped and Big Bill had to put Tommy out the window and they ran 5 miles to one of Big Bill's friend's house.
Yes, yas
envoyé par Pluck 2/2/2022 - 22:09

Feather Bed

Feather Bed

The lyrics veer quickly from a recollection of life before emancipation (a "Colored man" slept on "chips 'n' straw," while today he sleeps on a feather bed) to a somewhat jumbled account of a trial. In his notes, Smith points out that the lyric "over the road I'm bound to go" is "seldom heard other than in songs dealing with prison." Although it is never explicitly stated in the song that the speaker is found guilty and sent to jail, it may be inferred by the constant refrain "over the road I'm bound to go." It is significant that the next three songs that follow "Feather Bed" all deal with, or make mention of, prisons or jailhouses. For this reason, the first line's comment that "colored man plumb fool about feather bed" may be intended to be ironic, given that the speaker is headed for accommodations that a far from plush.

"Feather Bed" - Cannon's Jug Stompers
I remember the time just before the war
envoyé par Pluck 24/1/2022 - 10:18

The Body Electric

The Body Electric
Album: Small Town Heroes

“There is a weaponization of the body happening right now in America. Our bodies are being turned against us. Black and brown bodies are being portrayed as inherently dangerous. A Black person’s size and stature are being used as reason for murder against them.

This is ultimately a deranged fear of the power and capabilities of black people. It is the same evil idea that leads us to blame women for attacks by their abusers. Normalizing rape, domestic abuse and even murder of women of all races is an effort to take the humanity out of our female bodies. To objectify and to ridicule the female body is ultimately a symptom of fear of the power women hold.”

NPR, The Political Folk Song Of The Year
Said you're gonna shoot me down, put my body in the river
22/1/2022 - 19:33

Misery Chain

Misery Chain
Scritta dal compianto Chris Cornell (1964-2017), interpretata con la cantautrice Joy Williams

Nell'album "Music from and Inspired by 12 Years a Slave", commento musicale all'omonimo film di Steve McQueen, tratto dalle memorie di Solomon Northup (1807 o 1808 - ?)
Won't you take one link from this misery chain?
envoyé par Bernart Bartelby 8/1/2022 - 18:43
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Strange Fruit

Strange Fruit
dall'album Rabia Ao Silencio

12/12/2021 - 18:20

The Beast

The Beast
da "The Score", il secondo e ultimo album dei Fugees di cui ricorrono quest'anno i 25 anni.

The Beast
è un lungo rap sulle violenze della polizia nei confronti della comunità afroamericana. Per i numerosi riferimenti rimandiamo a Genius
17/10/2021 - 21:46

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