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Parcour Guerre au Vietnam: vue d'Italie et du reste du monde

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Nixon boia

Nixon boia
Scritta e cantata da Franco Trincale
Album: Canzoni di lotta
Nixon boia! Nixon boia!
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 2/9/2020 - 14:36
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Noi lo chiamiamo Vietnam

Noi lo chiamiamo Vietnam
Canzone che ho avuto da sempre in memoria e nel cuore.
Poiché era un disco di Ivan dove l'ascoltavo a casa ed in sezione, ho sempre pensato che la canzone fosse sua, e l'ho amata come ogni sua canzone, ma vada agli autori reali il ringraziamento.
Corrado Marino 13/8/2020 - 10:25

Stop the War in Vietnam

Stop the War in Vietnam

Reco and Laurel Aitken

dall'album Scandal In A Brixton Market - Girlie And Laurel Aitken

Laurel Aitken, born in Cuba in 1927, moved to Brixton, London in 1960. He released the ska / reggae track "Stop the War in Vietnam" - obviously a protest song from the title, which is repeated over and over, on the obscure and hard to find album Scandal in a Brixton Market (Economy # ECO-8).

Vietnam War Songs Project
Stop the War in Vietnam
11/7/2020 - 23:50

Vietnam Prayer

Vietnam Prayer

The song "Vietnam Prayer" by Ian Temple, an unknown artist from Britain, had written on the record label: "sold for medical supplies to all Vietnam". It took a satirical approach, mocking the use of religion and war: "And remember Yankee boy, when you're off to bomb Hanoi, it's for LBJ and Jesus". The narrator said that during peace time people did not pray: "religion is just a bore". But that during war, they turned to god, thus suggesting a hypocrisy: "God's a chap we want upon our side".

Note the reference to napalm: "drop some napalm for god". At the end of the song there are some specific references to Britain, such as the Prime Minister and the Polaris Missile System - the UK's nuclear deterrent.

Vietnam War Song Project
This song is dedicated to the Vietnam hawks who go to church every Sunday.
envoyé par Lorenzo 30/5/2020 - 14:05

Ma per colpa di chi?

Ma per colpa di chi?
Album: Pensando
Ho vent'anni
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 24/4/2020 - 23:40
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Pull Out the Pin

Pull Out the Pin
Album The Dreaming
Backing vocals: David Gilmour

Il punto di vista di un soldato vietcong che combatte contro gli americani nella giungla. Non ha bisogno del radar, usa l'olfatto. Sente l'odore degli yankee da lontano.

I saw this incredible documentary by this Australian cameraman who went on the front line in Vietnam, filming from the Vietnamese point of view, so it was very biased against the Americans. He said it really changed him, because until you live on their level like that, when it's complete survival, you don't know what it's about. He's never been the same since, because it's so devastating, people dying all the time.
The way he portrayed the Vietnamese was as this really crafted, beautiful race. The Americans were these big, fat, pink, smelly things who the Vietnamese could smell coming for miles because of the tobacco and cologne. It was devastating, because you got... (continuer)
Just as we hit the green
6/4/2020 - 22:52


Scritta da Antonio e Lucio Salis
Arrangiamento musicale dei Salis e di Dario Baldan Bembo
Nell'album "Seduto sull'alba a guardare"
Pagine di storia in più
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 4/11/2019 - 21:03

La ballata di Haiphong

La ballata di Haiphong
Testo e musica / Lyrics and music / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: L. Vohn - Maurizio Tatalo
Album / Albumi: Un giorno d'aprile
Un motore nel cielo
envoyé par Alberto Scotti 3/9/2019 - 23:50
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Yellow River

Yellow River
According to Christie it was inspired by the idea of a civil war soldier going home.
Cynthia 22/8/2019 - 09:00
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Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys

Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys
Parole e musica di Eddy Grant

Un inno alla diversità e alla tolleranza da una band inglese composta da due bianchi e tre neri che univa l'antirazzismo alla protesta contro la guerra nel Vietnam. The Equals hanno influenzato innumerevoli gruppi, tra cui i Clash e gli Specials che hanno anche recentemente inciso una cover di questa canzone.
People: white is white
24/2/2019 - 13:10
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C'era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones

C'era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones
3/1/2019 - 05:24
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Les orgues de Monsieur Johnson

Les orgues de Monsieur Johnson
In un album senza titolo, altrimenti conosciuto con quello de "La chambre", il brano d'apertura.
Testo trovato su WikiParoles
Puisque aujourd'hui la mode depuis plus de vingt ans
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 2/1/2019 - 08:29

North Winds

North Winds
Aural Sculpture

That was mine, just a JJ 'where things are now' song. It was one of my melancholy songs about the very strong images that had occurred during my life, while I was growing up. The 'Orange road burning' was about the self immolation of Buddhist priests during the Vietnam war, setting themselves on fire. The 'Youth on fire' referred to Jan Palak, who I'd talked about before on Euroman. The 'Metal machines...' line was about the Prague spring in '68, when the Czechs tried to be much more liberal and the Russian tanks just rolled in. 'Two generations' referred to the two world wars, 'Birth pains' was about the birth of Israel and what I remembered about the Yom Kippur war. 'Freedom in the shape of disease' was about AIDS, suddenly this new word AIDS had arisen when we were writing Sculpture. It was an unknown disease then. 'Kids whose bellies' was about the west and the... (continuer)
I saw an orange robe burning
envoyé par Dq82 14/10/2018 - 09:45
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( 2008 )
"Still Got Dreams"

Da dove nasce il testo per un brano come Saigon? Una suggestione cinematografica, Apocalypse Now mi pare ovvio, o qualcosa di più?
J : Sono cresciuto in un ambiente di sinistra e ho seguito molto, anche di rimando, la guerra del Vietnam, quella che è stata definita "la prima guerra rock'n roll". Si svolgeva in contemporanea con il massimo fulgore del rock e mi ha sempre molto interessato. Ho letto dozzine di libri sull'argomento (ne posseggo una piccola collezione), visto tutti i film e sono andato a verificare di persona nel 2002, con un indimenticabile viaggio in Vietnam. Ho comunque sempre avuto una grande passione per l'Asia in generale, che ho soddisfatto in molti viaggi, anche se ho ancora tanto da vedere.
P : Jimmy ed io siamo cresciuti in un periodo durante il quale nei telegiornali si parlava quotidianamente di Hanoi , di Saigon, del Delta del Mekong,... (continuer)
Saigon town
envoyé par Dq82 15/9/2018 - 11:30
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Giai Phong

Giai Phong
Giai Phong significa “liberazione” in lingua vietnamita
Enzo 13/4/2018 - 08:26

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