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I Don't Like Mondays

I Don't Like Mondays
Bob Geldof wrote this song when he heard about the San Diego elementary school massacre.
In January 1979, Brenda Spencer , a troubled 16-year-old who lived across the street from a schoolyard in San Diego, took the semi-automatic rifle her father had given her for Christmas and began firing. Four people died and eight children were injured. When asked why she did it, she answered "I just don't like Mondays".

Nel gennaio del 1979 Bob Geldof sente la notizia di una sedicenne di San Diego, Brenda Ann Spencer, che si è resa protagonista di una sparatoria nella scuola di fronte a casa sua uccidendo due persone e ferendone altre nove. Alla domanda perché avesse fatto questo gesto lei risponde "I don't like Mondays" (ovvero "Non mi piacciono i lunedì"); questa frase ispira il cantante dei Boomtown Rats a scrivere una canzone.
The silicon chip inside her head
envoyé par Marcia 26/6/2008 - 18:41

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