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Auteur Children of The Morning

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Hey America America

Hey America America

Testo incompleto

The obscure psychedelic rock group Children of the Morning, formed in Italy, released the song "Hey America, America" which criticised the US government for the Kent State killings.

Shel Shapiro, who led the group, composed the song. He had previously played with the British beat group The Rokes (1950s-60s). The narrator questioned the validity / plausibility of the argument that the National Guard fired in self defense: "government pretends that it was self defense". The lyrics then suggested that the killings harmed the reputation of the US: "America you're fucking up", which could have repercussions: "hey America don't push you luck".

The song ended with a general anti-war message, complaining that the "war in Vietnam continues", in which the soldiers "kill woman and children".

Vietnam War Songs Project
At the Kent State university, what is going on
15/10/2022 - 19:43

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