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Percorso L'Olocausto Palestinese

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النص والموسيقى / Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / מילים ולחן / Sanat ja sävel:
Saint Levant

Deira in arabo vuol dire città vecchia o Kasbah. Era il nome dell’hotel che il padre dell’autore, Rashid Abdelhamid, trasferitosi a Gaza nel 2000 con la moglie, aveva costruito vicino alla spiaggia. Era in argilla perché il cemento faceva parte della lista dei beni proibiti per l’importazione. Nel 2014 quattro bambini mentre giocavano a palla davanti all’hotel, raggiunti da razzi israeliani, furono uccisi. A novembre del 2023 l’hotel è stato interamente distrutto da un bombardamento.
E’ una canzone semplice ma densa di riferimenti autobiografici che oltrepassano la memoria dell’autore per saldarsi con il dolore universale di un popolo martoriato. E’ un popolo piagato ma non piegato. Il cielo è nero ma il sole non farà il torto di eclissarsi a chi non si stanca di... (continua)
ﺗﺮﻛﻨﺎ اﻟﻤﺪﯾﻨﺔ، اﻟﻐﺮﺑﺔ اﻟﺤﺰﯾﻨﺔ[1]
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 6/5/2024 - 09:03
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Baby Jesus Lying in the Rubble

Baby Jesus Lying in the Rubble
Notes From A Holocaust
She was looking for a place to have a baby (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:27
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The Apocalypse Will Be Televised

The Apocalypse Will Be Televised
Notes From A Holocaust
Such a carpet-bombing nowhere has ever borne (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:26
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Pogroms of Judea and Samaria

Pogroms of Judea and Samaria
Notes From A Holocaust
As the IOF is bombing Gaza into dust (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:24
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Famine and Disease

Famine and Disease
Notes From A Holocaust
In the places they report it, if you listen to the news (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:23
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Once the Last Palestinian's Killed

Once the Last Palestinian's Killed
Notes From A Holocaust
In the Congress and the Bundestag you’ll see them wring their hands (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:22
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Humanitarian Pause

Humanitarian Pause
Notes From A Holocaust
After targeting emergency responders (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:03

Stop the Genocide

Stop the Genocide
Notes From A Holocaust
The story begins, they’ll say, in the fall of ‘23 (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 09:00

As the Bombs Rain Down

As the Bombs Rain Down
Notes From A Holocaust
Hear the drones above your head (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:58
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Flour Massacre

Flour Massacre
Bearing Witness
Almost five months since the blockade was complete (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:52
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Taking to the Waves

Taking to the Waves
Bearing Witness
Since the siege began, across humanity (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:51
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Song for Gaza

Song for Gaza
Bearing Witness
If I could sing a song for every bomb that flies (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:49
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This Is Genocide

This Is Genocide
Bearing Witness
This is genocide, it is not a war (continua)
inviata da Dq82 4/5/2024 - 08:45

Boycott, Sanction, and Divest

Boycott, Sanction, and Divest
April 24

I spent the day writing a song for the students, staff, and faculty at Columbia University who have been risking a lot to take a very bold stand -- and them along with growing numbers of students, staff, and faculty at growing numbers of other institutions!
It’s happening now, like it has before
3/5/2024 - 14:24

The House Un-Israeli Activities Committee

The House Un-Israeli Activities Committee

"Antisemitism" is the new "communism" -- have you ever said anything that could be construed in someone's convoluted mind as somehow anti-Jewish? Iran is the new USSR, Elise Stefanik is the new Joe McCarthy, and the House Un-Israeli Activities Committee is going strong, ruining one life at a time, and striking fear throughout academia and beyond.
New song: "The House Un-Israeli Activities Committee"
f you imagine when considering a slogan
3/5/2024 - 09:12

Vent'anni tondi

Vent'anni tondi
Testo e musica: Luca Cometti | Ti regalerei la mia testa -

Registrato da Chiara Gualteroni con Luca Cometti e Matteo Cesari, nel paese di Burin (Nablus) nel nord della Cisgiordania occupata nell’inverno 2023.

Un piazzale in cemento e un paese intero che si stringe per un giorno di festa. Un ragazzo, appena rilasciato dopo vent’anni di carcere, e la sua futura consorte stanno finalmente per tornare a ballare in piazza come vent’anni prima. Una parentesi distesa in una terra martoriata, con la chiara consapevolezza che saranno soltanto loro, già dal giorno seguente, a dover portare avanti la lotta contro l'occupazione per potersi guadagnare palmo a palmo quel futuro collettivo di libertà e autodeterminazione sul quale far germogliare la propria idea di famiglia.

Le percussioni tradizionali palestinesi (riq, bandir, tabla) sono state registrate negli studi di Ramallah in collaborazione con... (continua)
Quando sarai con me, quando sarai con me,
inviata da Paolo Rizzi 2/5/2024 - 20:09

Fanculo ci siamo anche noi

Fanculo ci siamo anche noi
Fanculo ci siamo anche noi
Il tè più buono lo fanno in Palestina
inviata da Dq82 1/5/2024 - 17:50

Lament from the Grave

Lament from the Grave
Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
Tommee Profitt

Performed by / Interpreti / Interprétée par / Laulavat:
Albert Stanaj

Addio ad una democrazia , requiem per una Storia millenaria
Dal Guardian del 23/04/2024 h 15:23

Authorities recover 35 bodies over the past day at Nasser hospital

In Nasser hospital, southern Gaza’s main health facility, authorities are reported to have recovered a further 35 bodies in the past day from what they say is one of at least three mass graves found at the site, taking the total found there to 310 in the past week.
Palestinians say Israeli troops buried corpses there with bulldozers, Reuters reported.
The Israeli military said its troops had dug up some bodies at the site and reburied them after testing to make sure no hostages were among them.
The Associated Press has reported the burial area in the Nasser hospital was built when Israeli... (continua)
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 23/4/2024 - 18:47

The Chirality of Evil

The Chirality of Evil
I was looking for a word that rhymed with "Banality", and I thought "Chirality" worked well. An example of chirality is your two hands: they are mirror images of each other, but they can't be superimposed upon each other exactly.

If you would like to share, here is the link to my Medium page: The Chirality of Evil
Put on a suit, put on a tie
inviata da Daniel Fuller 21/4/2024 - 14:31

تلك قضية

تلك قضية
Telk qadeya

"Mestissima e potente. E' un gruppo egiziano. L'ho scoperto stamattina leggendo il seguente articolo." [Luigi Piccioni]
ينقذ في سلاحف بحرية
inviata da Luigi Piccioni 10/4/2024 - 13:23

Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom

Lalzawmi (Zomi) Frankcom
© 2024 Tony Smith

Telephone call 1 April 2024. An inauspicious date in Australia.

In their own words (almost):

Australian politician: You have killed an Australian!!
Israeli spokesperson: You gave us weapons and told us to go for it after the Hamas attack.
Australian politician: Yes, but we thought you were only going to kill Arabs!
Israeli spokesperson: Yes and we have done a pretty good job of it. Over 30,000 at last count.
Australian politician: But an Australian! And an aid worker for World Central Kitchen at that!
Israeli spokesperson: Aid workers. We have killed over 100 of those. And a few media workers. These things happen in war.
Australian politician: I am very, very angry. (Hangs up).
Israeli spokesperson: (Sigh). Oh dear, how sad. Never Mind.
Voice off: Seems very moralistic for a politician. These Austrians.
Israeli spokesperson: And gullible. How is the big man’s hernia?
Zomi Frankcom has prompted these words bespoke
inviata da Tony Smith 6/4/2024 - 23:07

Cease Fire

Cease Fire
(December 2023)
Feat. Andre Louis

Sometimes a situation comes along that makes you have to try and do your bit to rectify the balance. For me as a musician, I of course attempt to do this through music.

When Mai approached me about recording a song regarding the ongoing troubles in Palestine I agreed.

The song is called 'Cease Fire' and through power of the human voice and a piano, we hope to bring attention to the current situation and to at least make you stop and think.

Mai's voice emotionally saws above the piano in a way that shall surely tug at the heartstrings. Though the song may be simple in scope, the message is poignant and meaningful, and we hope you share it with your friends and family.

Andre Louis
When is the time that we say enough is enough?
6/4/2024 - 14:26

Palestine Will Never Die

Palestine Will Never Die

نص/ Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / מילים / Sanat:
Kareem Dennis

موسيقى / Musica / Music / Musique / לחן /Sävel :
Lowkey, Mai Khalil

مطرب / Interpreti / Performed by / Interprétée par / שַׂחְקָן / Laulavat :
Lowkey, Mai Khalil
[Intro: Mai Khalil (Translated)]
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 5/4/2024 - 16:29

الصمت من أجل غزة [Requiem]

الصمت من أجل غزة [Requiem]
alsamt min 'ajl ghaza

شعر / Poesia / A Poem by / Poésie / שירה / Runo :
Mahmud Darwish

خلفيه موسيقية / Commento musicale / Background music / Fond musical / רקע מוזיקה / Taustamusiikki:
Mike Oldfield
Requiem for a city dal film The Killing Fields

*Il murale é stato realizzato da Said Hassan nel 2024 sull’International wall in Divis street a Belfast. Fa parte del progetto Painting For Palestine.

La poesia Silenzio per Gaza fu scritta da Maḥmūd Darwīsh nel 1973, anni prima dell’affermazione dei movimenti palestinesi islamisti.
خاصرتها بالألغام.. وتنفجر.. لا هو موت.. ولا هو انتحار
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 28/3/2024 - 00:14

Se morti mi devas (If I must die)

Se morti mi devas (If I must die)
A musical setting of the Esperanto translation of the last poem "If I Must Die" by Refaat Alareer (1979-2023). The poem actually is from 2011. For information why it is called his "last poem" and for translations into other languages, see .

Esperantlingva traduko de Krysztof Daletski
Se morti mi devas,
inviata da Krysztof Daletski 27/3/2024 - 18:55

Children Drumming in Gaza

Children Drumming in Gaza
Children drumming in Gaza
© 2024 Tony Smith

I cannot even begin to understand how governments can fail to demand a ceasefire in Gaza. They know - absolutely know - that Palestinian children are dying in droves. The children are killed by bombs, maimed, traumatised, experience amputations without anaesthesia, and they are starving. I chose a tune which has been around since about 1710. Children should sing this happily but we are destroying childhood.
My school had a percussion band
inviata da Tony Smith 24/3/2024 - 04:04

Nana Urgente para Palestina

Nana Urgente para Palestina

Mañana, viernes 26 de enero, ‘NANA URGENTE PARA PALESTINA’ verá la luz. Un canto suave a una tierra que nunca ha estado dormida, pero a la que, en los últimos meses, el sonido de las bombas ha querido silenciar.

A 3.543 kilómetros de distancia de Gaza, el artista Marwán, de ascendencia palestina, ha compuesto una nana que no cura pero calma. Su padre, refugiado de Palestina, recibió el apoyo de la Agencia de Naciones Unidas para la población refugiada de Palestina, UNRWA, antes de establecerse en España.

Más de 100 días después del inicio de las hostilidades en Gaza, la población palestina de Gaza sigue siendo asesinada, ahora no sólo por las bombas y los ataques israelíes, sino también por el hambre que acecha y las enfermedades. 4 de cada 5 personas que se encuentran en los niveles más drásticos de hambre en el mundo ahora están en Gaza.
11/3/2024 - 15:20
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Gridu de vittoria

Gridu de vittoria
Euskal Herria e Països Catalans non dimenticano i fratelli curdi

Gianni Sartori

Magari non è proprio questione di “DNA”, ma rimane il fatto che alcuni popoli, da sempre oppressi e in lotta per l’autodeterminazione, percepiscono, sentono - quasi istintivamente direi - l’affinità con altri che versano nella medesima situazione.

E’ questo il caso, direi scontato, dei baschi e dei catalani che mostrano ancora una volta di aver colto in pieno la portata planetaria di quanto i curdi, se pur tra tante difficoltà e forse anche qualche contraddizione, stanno realizzando nella Nazione senza Stato chiamata Kurdistan (in particolare modo in Rojava Bakur e Rojhilat…).

Cominciamo da Euskal Herria.

I senatori Josu Estarrona e Gorka Elejabarrieta, esponenti del partito della sinistra abertzale EH Bildu, hanno inoltrato una “pregunta parlamentaria” (con richiesta di risposta scritta) al Ministro spagnolo... (continua)
Gianni Sartori 10/3/2024 - 22:23

Song for Aaron Bushnell

Song for Aaron Bushnell
Bearing Witness

On February 25, 2024, Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old serviceman of the United States Air Force, died after setting himself on fire outside the front gate of the Embassy of Israel in Washington, D.C. Immediately prior to the live-streamed act, Bushnell said that he was protesting against "what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers" and declared that he "will no longer be complicit in genocide", after which he doused himself with a flammable liquid and set himself on fire.

As he burned, Bushnell repeatedly shouted "Free Palestine!" while one Secret Service officer pointed a gun at him and two others attempted to extinguish him.
Self-immolation of Aaron Bushnell - Wikipedia
On the 25th of February, 2024
6/3/2024 - 23:01

صبرى و شتيلة

صبرى و شتيلة
The Accused

Nearly 40 years ago the man who after was Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, sent Lebanese militiamen into the Palestine refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla. When they left 36 hours later at least 800 people lay dead after a rampage of murder, torture and rape. Panorama asks whether new evidence that has come to light should lead to indictments for what happened in the camps.

Panorama · Season 2001 Episode 15 · The Accused

Nearly 20 years ago the man who is now Israel's Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, sent Lebanese militiamen into the Palestine refugee camps of Sabra and Shatilla. When they left 36 hours later at least 800 people lay dead after a rampage of murder, torture and rape. Panorama asks whether new evidence that has come to light should lead to indictments for what happened in the camps
5/3/2024 - 21:46

La mezza stella

La mezza stella
Una canzone del grande Enzo Gragnaniello
Quante corse e quante pietre hanno lanciato nelle strade
inviata da Nicola Gelo 4/3/2024 - 21:47

La pace è la risposta

La pace è la risposta
(Febbraio 2024)

L'idea de “La pace è la Risposta” nasce inizialmente come risposta alle rime contro di me su 64 bars a dicembre 2023. In quel rap a un certo punto sento queste parole: “La guerra è il mio habitat” e si accende in me una luce. Da dieci anni ormai alcuni miei amici e amiche sono attivi con il progetto @gazafreestylefestival e in quei giorni la guerra in Palestina stava devastando tutto il loro duro lavoro. Ho pensato di chiedere a loro di raccontarmi delle storie per poterle mettere giù in rap. E li ringrazio per tutti gli audio che ho ricevuto grazie ai quali sono riuscito a scrivere questa canzone. Era il periodo di Natale e non me la sono sentita di pubblicarlo in quei giorni. Oggi la guerra si è trasformata in un genocidio e non è più accettabile per l'essere umano. NON SI PUÒ PIÙ FARE FINTA DI NIENTE! Nel mio cuore ha iniziato a crescere l'idea che l'unica risposta... (continua)
Vogliono la guerra, vogliono tutti la guerra, la guerra è il loro habitat, vogliono la violenza, vogliono il dissing
3/3/2024 - 23:58

Piante amare in Palestina

Piante amare in Palestina
Ciao a questo link potete accedere e scaricare gratuitamente a tutto il libro Filastin.
Paolo Rizzi 27/2/2024 - 07:52

The Olive Branch

The Olive Branch
Tiré de l'album Rallumeurs d'étoiles

La chanson "The Olive Branch" est en anglais, car elle s'inspire du discours historique de Yasser Arafat à la tribune de l'ONU, le 13 novembre 1974 et en reprend les principaux éléments de language.

La canzone “The Olive Branch” è in inglese, perché trae ispirazione dal discorso storico di Yasser Arafat alla assemblea delle Nazioni Unite il 13 novembre 1974, riprendendone i principali elementi.
I am a rebel, and freedom is my cause
inviata da Pierre Andre Lienhard 26/2/2024 - 22:44

Let It Rain

Let It Rain

النص والموسيقى / Lyrics and music / מילים ולחן / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel:
MC Abdul

Gaza, 10 Febbraio 2024: oltre 28.000 morti, 67.611 feriti
Born under siege, a place where you can't leave
inviata da Riccardo Gullotta 10/2/2024 - 23:12

Operaio d'Israele

Operaio d'Israele
Grande fo
29/1/2024 - 18:35

Lines Are Drawn

Lines Are Drawn

One of the most well-known aspects of the Second World War was that the virulently anti-communist leaders of countries like the United Kingdom made an alliance with the Soviet Union, because of the mutual interest they all thought they had in defeating Hitler. Here we are again -- but where's the united front against fascism?
Around the world people try to read the signs
28/1/2024 - 15:09


Oggi è il compleanno di Robert Wyatt, il mio personale Orfeo del rock europeo, la prossima volta saranno 80, l'ammirazione di molti per lui, non è scemanta di un centimetro da quando cantava: "ricordo ancora l'ultima volta che abbiamo suonato al Top Gear e che le canzoncine non duravano più di tre minuti e anche se noi preferivamo brani più lunghi ci sembrava cortese spezzettarli in piccoli pezzi"
Flavio Poltronieri 28/1/2024 - 10:59

The Donkeys of Palestine

The Donkeys of Palestine
The donkeys of Palestine
© 2023 Tony Smith

Donkeys have a reputation for being stubborn. Surely a situation which causes the deaths of thousands of children in Gaza shows powerful adults at their most unfeeling and unmoveable.
As Christmas draws near consider the donkey
inviata da Tony Smith 13/1/2024 - 21:44

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