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Autore Kalinov Most / Калинов мост

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Девочка летом

Девочка летом
Kalinov Most, who are known for «Родная» (“Dear”) is fronted by profound poet Dmitry Revyakin, and have been making phenomenal music since 1984.

“Devushka letom” (“Girl in Summer”) is one of the greatest Russian rock songs ever, and while it may not initially strike you as an anti-war song, it nevertheless tells the story of a woman whose man is sent away to fight. «Страшно подумать — Придет — не придет? Девочка любит. Девочка ждет» (“It’s scary to think. — Will he come — not come? The girl loves. The girl waits”).

Нет Войне: 10 of the Greatest Russian Anti-War Songs - MetalSucks
Девочка летом
3/4/2022 - 19:36

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