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Autore Declan McKenna

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British Bombs

British Bombs
singolo estratto dall'album di prossima pubblicazione DM2*

The spiky and energetic "British Bombs," produced by Arctic Monkeys and Florence + The Machine producer James Ford, is a takedown of the U.K. government's foreign policy, in particularly in relation to arms trading. It is accompanied by an animated video that juxtaposes classicly British images of polite behavior with the harsh realities of war. It's a heady mix as smiling cups of tea dance the the punky-pop melodies one moment, before news footage of tanks and military helicopters are shown the next. McKenna returns to the phrase "Great Britain won't stand for felons, Great British bombs in the Yemen," throughout.



’British Bombs’ is a tune I wrote about the hypocrisy of the British arms trade and the weapons convention in London. I think too often it’s implied that matters in the world are too complex to not... (continua)
Great snakes, are we moving already?
23/8/2019 - 10:08

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