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Prima del 2018-4-13

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The Old Black Brimmer

The Old Black Brimmer
C'è una divisa appesa in quella che era la stanza di mio padre,
inviata da Io non sto con Oriana 13/4/2018 - 16:53
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Gelem, gelem

Gelem, gelem
Here are a couple of remarks concerning the above text frame under »18. Finlandese / Finnish«:

- It's not true that the Finnish Roma are mostly settled in the town of Tampere. Instead, they are proportionally distributed all over Finland very much in the same way as the entire population, i.e. most of them live in the capital region of the country.

- As for the picture of a Romany family, the location where it was taken is nowhere near Tampere but in Kerava some 30 km north of Helsinki.
Juha Rämö 13/4/2018 - 14:40
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Leaving On A Jet Plane

Leaving On A Jet Plane
With all the conversations and talk about other women, has anyone thougt about the song as a man who is dying?
He he leaving on a jet plane, and when he retunes he will be waring the ring.
I may be off base. I am.just throwing in a possible alternative.
13/4/2018 - 11:07
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Giai Phong

Giai Phong
Giai Phong significa “liberazione” in lingua vietnamita
Enzo 13/4/2018 - 08:26
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tirée de la traduction italienne – GÜLDÜNYA – Flavio Poltronieri – 2018
d’une chanson turque – Güldünya – Zülfü Livaneli – 2005
Paroles et musique : Zülfü Livaneli

Livaneli écrivit et dédia la chanson à une fille victime d’un crime d’honneur.
Son nom Güldünya est composé de deux différents mots : la première partie « Gul » est aussi bien le nom « Rosa » que le verbe « rire », la seconde partie « dünya » signifie par contre « monde ».

Dialogue maïeutique

Vois-tu, Lucien l’âne mon ami, la chanson raconte la très triste histoire de Güldünya, une jeune fille turque qui vivait dans Istamboul, la ville la plus moderne et la plus européanisée de Turquie. Elle s’était bercée de l’illusion qu’un tel monde serait civilisé et serait capable d’atteindre la hauteur nécessaire pour donner vie à la dignité humaine, à la dignité d’être et de société humaines. C’était une illusion et Güldünya a payé... (continua)
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 12/4/2018 - 23:04
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Un blasfemo [Dietro ogni blasfemo c'è un giardino incantato]

Un blasfemo [Dietro ogni blasfemo c'è un giardino incantato]
Anne Woodall

"This is a less literal translation, but one that attempts to transmit some of the poetic quality and lilting rhythm of the original, hopefully without sacrificing meaning." (Anne Woodall)
inviata da Anne Woodall 12/4/2018 - 21:04

Marcia delle Sturmtruppen

Marcia delle Sturmtruppen
credo che dica:

«Quando l'uccellino caderà
Film di propaganda e ciripà
Canto, fo il cantante, ve lo canto
solamente per amore!»
12/4/2018 - 14:19
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יורים ובוכים

יורים ובוכים
Ma lei è forse la figlia di Nachum Heiman?
Fu un grande del folk isrealiano a quanto pare.
Krzysiek 11/4/2018 - 22:27
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Ballata per un eroe

Ballata per un eroe
Qui potete trovare il testo della canzone "Ballata per un eroe" riadattato in chiave fascista.

Tristezza e imbarazzo.
cesare 11/4/2018 - 19:37

Picture That

Picture That
Il brano è in generale una critica ai social network, in particolare Instagram, quindi il termine Picture That andrebbe tradotto letteralmente con "Fotografalo". Sono molti i termini che rimandano ai social network come "Follow me" cioè seguimi. C'è una critica a chi filma i concerti dalla prima fila disturbando l'artista e chi sta dietro di lui. Inoltre il leader senza cervello secondo Roger non bisogna immaginarlo ma solo fotografarlo perchè secondo lui c'è già ed è Trump che appare nel libretto con la frase "no fucking brain" stampata sugli occhi.
inviata da Vincenzo Santoro 11/4/2018 - 13:49

Kaltrinas sang

Kaltrinas sang
10 aprile 2018 21:54
10/4/2018 - 21:55

En la mina “El Tarancón”‎

En la mina “El Tarancón”‎
....visto che proprio ieri ho accennato a Gilles Servat, nel 2011 ne ha offerto la sua versione nel cd "Ailes et îles"
Flavio Poltronieri 10/4/2018 - 18:11
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Många barn är bruna

Många barn är bruna
Smörgås is an interesting word that deserves a closer look. It’s a compound consisting of smör, in English butter, and gås, in English goose. Usually translated into English as sandwich, a basic smörgås is a slice of bread, often baked with rye flour as it is common in our latitudes, topped with butter, or whatever substitute is used nowadays, sliced cheese and / or lunch meat and maybe a few slices of tomato or cucumber. The difference between a smörgås and a sandwich is that a smörgås is only one slice of bread instead of two or more and seldom topped with peanut butter not to mention Nutella.

What on earth has a smörgås got to do with a goose, one might ask. The etymology of smörgås explains the mystery in this way: Refers to a time when people churned their own butter. During the churning process, small lumps of butter appeared on the surface of the milk drifting around like geese. Hmm…... (continua)
Juha Rämö 10/4/2018 - 12:48

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