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La storia ci insegna...

La storia ci insegna...
Chanson italienne – La storia ci insegna… – Manuel Miranda – 2013

L'histoire de deux partisans italiens.
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 26/4/2016 - 22:04
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Unità di Produzione

Unità di Produzione
A mio avviso il testo non ha nulla a che vedere con la Russia e il capitalismo.
Grazius 26/4/2016 - 19:47
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Παναγιά μου, παναγιά μου

Παναγιά μου, παναγιά μου
26 aprile 2016 11:28
26/4/2016 - 11:28
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Ovo je Balkan

Ovo je Balkan
25 aprile 2016 20:37
25/4/2016 - 20:38
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Lettera da Mauthausen

Lettera da Mauthausen
Chanson italienne – Lettera da Mauthausen – Manuel Miranda – 2009

J’avais raconté, il y a déjà quelques temps, l’histoire de Joseph-Giuseppe Porcu qui finit la guerre au camp de concentration de Dachau en Bavière. Elle était intitulée Dachau-Express. On a croisé – en chansons – des prisonniers, morts ou vivants, de Theresienstadt, Auschwitz, Sachsenhausen, Orianenburg et sans doute, d’autres lieux du genre encore. La méticulosité administrative du régime nazi en distinguait toute une série de sortes : camp de travail, camp de prisonniers, camp de concentration, camp d’extermination, camp de la mort, camp de transit, j’arrête là, on n’entrera pas plus dans les subtilités du genre. Il suffit de savoir que l’horreur avait mille facettes. Cette fois, c’est d’un autre de ces monstrueux complexes qu’il s’agit : Mauthausen en Autriche. Il y a passa des centaines de milliers de prisonniers et des... (continua)
inviata da Marco Valdo M.I. 25/4/2016 - 18:14
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This Land Is Your Land

This Land Is Your Land
Springsteen's Verses

During The River Tour and the Born In The U.S.A. Tour, Bruce Springsteen usually used the chorus and three verses (verse 1, verse 2, and verse 3 below), and occasionally he added one of three more verses. The chorus and the six verses are:

The chorus, verse 1, verse 2, and verse 3 are from the original Woodie Guthrie version. Verse 4 is written by Springsteen. He used it eight times in Europe in May 1981. Starting from the second performance (28 Apr 1981 in Paris), he modified that verse to include a reference to the Brixton riot that took place on 11 Apr 1981. Verse 5 has some similarities to a verse that Guthrie occasionally used: "Nobody living can ever stop me / As I go walking that freedom highway / Nobody living can ever make me turn back / This land was made for you and me". It seems that Springsteen intended to sing that verse but he forgot the lyrics, so he... (continua)
Well this land is your land, this land is my land
inviata da dq82 25/4/2016 - 14:27
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Run Through The Jungle

Run Through The Jungle
During The River Tour, Bruce Springsteen used the chorus and the three verses (verse 1, verse 2, and verse 3 below) from the original Creedence Clearwater Revival version, and he added two or three more verses that he wrote.

The lyrics "Well last night they pulled him out of his house / And shot him in the street" would later be used in THEY KILLED HIM IN THE STREET ("They took him from his house and killed him in the street") and Bells of San Salvador ("Well they took him from his house / killed him in the street").

RUN THROUGH THE JUNGLE was performed at least 3 times during The River Tour (138 dates, October 1980 to September 1981). On this tour, the song was the show opener and was played in a rearranged slower version extended with two or three Springsteen-penned verses.
Better run through the jungle
inviata da dq82 25/4/2016 - 12:01
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Berkin'e bak

Berkin'e bak
25 aprile 2016 00:10
25/4/2016 - 00:09
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Vasco Rossi: Sally

Vasco Rossi: Sally
Ma cosa c'entra questa canzone, bella quanto vuoi, con le CCG? Va bene che dice che Sally è una donna "che non ha più voglia di fare la guerra" ma non penso proprio che sia la guerra di cui ci occupiamo qui...
Lorenzo 24/4/2016 - 23:35
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Viva l'Italia

Viva l'Italia
Versione degli Yo Yo mundi

Yo Yo Mundi: Resistenza

15 gennaio 1945: 13 partigiani della Brigata Tom di Casale Monferrato vengono trucidati. 15 gennaio 2005, a sessant’anni di distanza, gli “Yo Yo Mundi” sul palco del teatro settecentesco di Casale danno vita, assieme ad altri musicisti ed alle voci di Fabrizio Pagella e di Giuseppe Cederna, attraverso un recital-concerto, proprio a quella storia,
13 partigiani, 13 musicisti sul palco, strane coincidenze!
“Resistenza”, un doppio cd, preziosa testimonianza audio e video di come per gli “Yo yo mundi” la musica sia sempre stata e debba continuare ad essere, veicolo di cultura, di memorie, di ricordi, di storie e di poesia.
“Grazie, ora e per sempre, a tutti gli uomini e le donne che hanno vissuto quegli anni di lotta e speranza e che hanno lottato – anche a costo della vita – per liberare l’Italia dal fascismo e dai nazisti. Grazie a... (continua)
dq82 24/4/2016 - 19:51

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