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Watch World War Three (on Pay Tv)

Watch World War Three (on Pay Tv)
dall'album "Twelve De-Lightful Ways To Roast A Sacred Cow" e nella compilation di vari artisti Atomic Platters: Cold War Music From The Golden Age Of Homeland Security

Watch World War III on pay TV
18/12/2020 - 22:06

Some Boys Grow Up to Be Soldiers

Some Boys Grow Up to Be Soldiers

What was the inspiration for “Some Boys Grow Up To Be Soldiers”?

The character in this song is nobody in particular. We all know him. He’s somebody’s uncle, friend, neighbor, father, son. He’s far from perfect, but when he served he was willing to lay down his life. It didn’t come to that, but he lost some essential part of himself along the way. I think of this as an anti-war song. Not a song about the men and women who die in wars, but about the survivors who return to find home is no longer their home. Of course “he’ll never admit what it cost” and so there is nothing to do but soldier on.

January/February Lyric Contest Winner Brian Estes Details "Some Boys Grow Up To Be Soldiers" « American Songwriter
He waves his flag like a martyr
18/12/2020 - 15:23

Black Soldier

Black Soldier
Album "Chastisment"
Well, it filled her old heart full of joy
18/12/2020 - 11:47

Ballade vom preußischen Ikarus

Ballade vom preußischen Ikarus
17/12/2020 - 22:05

All the Dead Were Strangers

All the Dead Were Strangers
by Clive James and Pete Atkin,

Album: A King At Nightfall (1973)
I met my buddy Kovacs stripping down his M-16
17/12/2020 - 21:50

The Veterans Big Parade

The Veterans Big Parade
On My Way To Where

La grande parata dei veterani, una sfilata di ipocrisia e di menzogne celebrata come una festa da tutti tranne che da una vedova con un bambino piccolo.
In the veterans big parade
17/12/2020 - 21:36

Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh
The Last Poets With Bernard Purdie ‎– Delights Of The Garden

Praticamente la storia della guerra del Vietnam nello spazio di una canzone.
He stood
17/12/2020 - 21:16

Computer sind doof

Computer sind doof
Riccardo Venturi, 17-12-2020 09:05
Computers are stupid
17/12/2020 - 09:06

Protect And Survive

Protect And Survive
16/12/2020 - 23:16
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Les Anarchistes

Les Anarchistes
Riccardo Venturi, 16-12-2020 11:38

Note. An English translation, made by Patty Malesh from The Struggle Site (Ireland), was already included in this site. Overtly labeled as a “tentative”, it has proved unreliable and been removed. This is a new English version (not a real “translation”) I have prepared for this site, even assuming it can (or could) be sung; anyway, a video is included in which a rather literal (and correct) English translation is provided. [RV]

The Anarchists
16/12/2020 - 11:39
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Truth like love and sleep resents approaches that are too intense, but with a house on fire please wake me up at once.
inviata da Dq82 14/12/2020 - 17:49
Percorsi: Donald Trump

White Noise

White Noise
Discipline: Heal Thyself, Pt. II
Shits about to get nice
inviata da Dq82 14/12/2020 - 17:43

World War 3

World War 3
Songs Of Protest And Anti-Protest

Una canzone del 1965, pubblicata però solo nel 2002 in una riedizione dell'album Songs Of Protest And Anti-Protest.
Testo trascritto all'ascolto
As I walk out in the street by myself
inviata da Dq82 14/12/2020 - 17:30

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition

Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition
Inclusa nella storica compilation “Not So Quiet in The Western Front” e poi nell'album Don't Listen
Praise the lord and pass the ammunition
13/12/2020 - 22:10


dal secondo LP "Moonsongs"

Initially Moonsongs was released in 1986 on cassette by Endemic, but the following year the band signed with Dead Man's Curve Records in London and Moonsongs was released on LP. As with their first album, Moonsongs was praised in "progressive" circles and Thinking Plague enhanced their stature as an avant-rock band
Thinking Plague - Wikipedia
People killing time, hiding in their minds murder
13/12/2020 - 21:50


dall'album Hear Nothing See Nothing Say Nothing (1982)

Concisa ma efficace.
Half the world is starving dying of disease
13/12/2020 - 21:43

The Army Song

The Army Song
We want you
13/12/2020 - 19:57

A Sense of Belonging

A Sense of Belonging
Singolo poi incluso nell'album The Painted Word del 1984
Once there was confidence, but now there is fear
13/12/2020 - 19:24

Death or Glory

Death or Glory
dall'album "Burnt Orchids"
In the cruel half light the lines are drawn,
13/12/2020 - 19:19

Woman in Disguise

Woman in Disguise

Da un EP del 1982 un pezzo dedicato a Miss Margaret Thatcher, protagonista proprio quell'anno della guerra delle Falkland. Un attacco punk violento ma con un ritornello molto melodico e ballabile.
She's been through history, but always appeared as the foe,
13/12/2020 - 19:00

Dead Hero

Dead Hero

Great timing the release of this 7".
One week before it hit the shops Maggie sent the boys to the Falklands
On remembrance day you remember it all
13/12/2020 - 18:54



dall'unico disco di questa band gallese, Contact You
I pull my motor over
13/12/2020 - 18:44

Old Soldiers

Old Soldiers
dalla compilation di vari gruppi punk Bollox To The Gonads - Here's The Testicles
War is trapping
13/12/2020 - 18:36

The Church Says

The Church Says
13/12/2020 - 18:33

The Blood Is on Your Hands

The Blood Is on Your Hands
On May 15Th, 1983, The Instigators played a gig with the Subhumans which was organised and ran by punk poet Nick Toczek. Dick Lucas of the Subhumans liked the band's performance so much that he released it as a live tape on his Bluurg label. He then let the band record their first single the following year called 'The Blood is on your hands'. Before this, the band had already sent two tracks named 'Old Soldiers' and 'Monkey Man' for the Pax compilation called 'Bollox the Gonads'.
anarchoscene - The Instigators
We torture, discriminate and hate.
13/12/2020 - 18:26

Massacred Millions

Massacred Millions
When the bomb drops millions
13/12/2020 - 18:21

Open Your Eyes

Open Your Eyes
Singolo estratto dal primo album della band, The Lords Of The New Church
Video games train the kids for war
12/12/2020 - 23:35

Holy War

Holy War
dall'album di esordio del 1982 con lo stesso nome del gruppo

Piacevolmente complottista, con Giovanni Paolo II sostituito da un attore per combattere il comunismo...
Oh, oh
12/12/2020 - 22:55

Ivan Meets G.I. Joe

Ivan Meets G.I. Joe
dal lato 1 del triplo LP "Sandinista" (uscito esattamente 40 anni fa, il 12 dicembre 1980!)

Scritta e cantata dal batterista Topper Headon è una traccia scanzonata e quasi dance che parla di cosa succederebbe se una delle due grandi superpotenze (USA, G.I. Joe o URSS, Ivan) decidesse di attaccare l'altra. Ma qui tutto si trasforma in una gara di ballo al famoso Studio 54 di New York
So you're on the floor at fifty-four
12/12/2020 - 16:20

Running With the Hurricane

Running With the Hurricane
dall'album del 1986 Midnight Sun
White domes on sacred land, B52’s in Arnhem Land
12/12/2020 - 16:08

War Prayer

War Prayer
Lyrics by Mark Twain (1905)
Music by The Shamen (1989)
album: In Gorbachev We Trust

The War Prayer è un racconto breve di Mark Twain scritto nel 1905 ai tempi della guerra ispano-americana e della guerra filippino-americana. Fu censurato e pubblicato solo dopo la morte di Twain nel 1910. Il gruppo elettronico scozzese The Shamen ha ripreso la parte centrale del racconto e l'ha musicata inframezzandola con frammenti che fanno riferimento alla guerra fredda
Oh lord our God
12/12/2020 - 15:53
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Murder by Numbers

La versione di Frank Zappa con Sting registrata live nel 1988
Murder by Numbers
dal disco Broadway the Hard Way

con un riferimento esilarante al teleevangelista Jimmy Swaggart che aveva spiegato come la canzone fosse "stata scritta da Satana". Proprio nell'88 Swaggart era stato protagonista di uno scandalo quando era stato beccato in un motel accanto alla sua chiesa in compagnia di una prostituta.
12/12/2020 - 13:54

Apocalypse Then

Apocalypse Then
Brighter Now - 1982
"And so it came to pass that a flag flew in every window and widows handed poppies out in the square... And squares were bashed and majors barked and marching music laughed from the airwaves. The waves were there to rule again. We had the ambition. We had the ammunition... A mission in the name of God... In the name of "democracy", demo-crazy
12/12/2020 - 13:43

No War No More

No War No More
Rebel Youth (EP 1982)

Lyrics from UK82 punk rock
There's a war in the nation, contamination
12/12/2020 - 13:17

Frem, kamerater!

Frem, kamerater!
Riccardo Venturi, 12-12-2020 11:00

The song sung by the Norwegian former trade union leader Jan Davidsen (who doesn't remember all the verses)
Forward, Comrades!
12/12/2020 - 11:00

Invitation to the White House

Invitation to the White House
Album: 'Til Your River Runs Dry - 2013
It was a dream
11/12/2020 - 23:57
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I Bombed Korea

I Bombed Korea
Riccardo Venturi, 10-12-2020 18:02
10/12/2020 - 18:03

Mickey Mouse Freedom

Mickey Mouse Freedom
Album: House Of Exile
Put his coat on his shoulders
8/12/2020 - 23:17

No Lullabies

No Lullabies
Album: Tough and Sweet (1993)
I can see the broken toys,
8/12/2020 - 23:09

Short Memories

Short Memories
Album: Burning Questions
They took their kids in their teenage years
8/12/2020 - 21:57

Lovers in a Dangerous Time

Lovers in a Dangerous Time

According to Cockburn, the song was inspired by seeing teenagers expressing romantic love in a schoolyard. In the song, he contrasts the hopefulness and joy of new love with the despair of a wider Cold War world where notions of the future often carried a sense of foreboding and doom. However, especially in light of Cockburn's next single "If I Had A Rocket Launcher", the song has also been interpreted by listeners and critics as referring to the same Guatemalan refugee crisis that inspired the later song, or to the then-emerging HIV/AIDS crisis. Cockburn stated in later interviews that he was pleased by both of these alternate interpretations.

Lovers in a Dangerous Time - Wikipedia
Don't the hours grow shorter as the days go by
8/12/2020 - 17:19

God Part II

God Part II
dall'album "Rattle and Hum"

Ricordando John Lennon nel quarantennale del suo assassinio

In questa ideale "seconda parte" della famosa God di John Lennon gli U2 elencano come nella canzone originale tutte le cose in cui non credono, certo - da bravi cattolici - senza distruggere tutti gli idoli e gli dei come aveva fatto John in quella canzone potentissima.

Però anche gli U2 arrivano alla stessa conclusione di Lennon: Love is the answer
Don't believe the devil
8/12/2020 - 16:39

Vonnegut Busy

Vonnegut Busy
Album: Copper Gone

“VONNEGUT BUSY” acts as a stylistic sample dish for what one can expect from Sage Francis on Copper Gone, transitioning seamlessly from socio-economic issues to personal politics, all while being punctuated by the project’s overall mission statement: “When it seems like you’re going through hell…keep going.” The reference to Kurt Vonnegut in the title is accompanied by a quote from the satirical writer in one of the song’s 3 sub-choruses: “Of all the words of mice and men, the saddest are, ‘it might have been.’”
Of all the words of mice and men,
8/12/2020 - 12:13
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The Government's Trying to Kill Me

The Government's Trying to Kill Me
The Working Class Revolution EP
The government's trying to kill me
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 11:13
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Nothing to Lose but Our Chains

Nothing to Lose but Our Chains
The Working Class Revolution EP
From Ireland to Venezuela
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 11:12
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A Zero's Welcome

A Zero's Welcome
Songs for Rojava
He stepped onto that aeroplane after spending six long months at war
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 11:05
Percorsi: Dal Kurdistan
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I Will Never Forget

I Will Never Forget
Songs for Rojava
I’ve lost many good friends
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 11:04
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The Volunteers

The Volunteers
Songs for Rojava
This one goes out to Erik, Luke, Dean and Jack
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 11:03
Percorsi: Dal Kurdistan
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Anna's Song

Anna's Song
Songs for Rojava
Too kind to be out fighting in a war
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 11:01
Percorsi: Dal Kurdistan
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Songs for Rojava
They murdered her son
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 10:53
Percorsi: Dal Kurdistan
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The Sunrise Over Rojava

The Sunrise Over Rojava
Songs for Rojava
I’m packing up my bags and leaving this country I’ve always called home
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 10:35
Percorsi: Dal Kurdistan
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Stand Up Now

Stand Up Now
Songs for Rojava
They’re burning houses down, stand up now, stand up now
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 10:30
Percorsi: Dal Kurdistan

No Matter What Happens (COVID-19 Song)

No Matter What Happens (COVID-19 Song)
We saw the panic in their eyes
inviata da Dq82 8/12/2020 - 10:28

Why Them, Why Me

Why Them, Why Me
Very rare Motown Records (Soul)
Producer -- Frank Wilson, Henry Cosby
Written-By -- Abdullah
Soul ‎-- S-35051
7", 45 RPM
US - 1968

Lyrics from Genius

The song "Why Them, Why Me" was released by Abdullah on Soul (# S 35051), a subsidiary of Motown Records, for blues and R&B (1964-1978). The b-side "I Comma Zimba Zio" was a strong civil rights, African-American militant song, evoking Africa and the fight for freedom. Born Joseph McLean, he changed his name as a follower of Elijah Muhammad, a self-proclaimed black Muslim nationalist. He apparently fell out with Motown's Ralph Seltzer in a racial confrontation, hence only one single on Motown. It is fairly difficult to transcribe, but clearly it is narrated from the perspective of a soldier on "the shores of Vietnam", who was "fighting and dying". Vietnam War Song Project
The evening that she rising
7/12/2020 - 23:23
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On This Cold Night in Syria

On This Cold Night in Syria
Songs for the revolution
There’s fire lighting up the sky
inviata da Dq82 7/12/2020 - 20:30
Percorsi: Dal Kurdistan

Native Son

Native Son
Album: New Moon Shine (1991)

''Native Son,'' is an anti-war tune written in support of Vietnam veterans. ''They`ve been abandoned and ignored because they reminded the country of something they didn`t want to associate with,'' Taylor says.

Chicago Tribune
Mount up, move on
7/12/2020 - 20:24
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This song tells the story of Kurdish revolutionary and political theorist Abdullah Öcalan
Locked away on an island
inviata da Dq82 7/12/2020 - 20:18
Percorsi: Dal Kurdistan

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