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Autore Phil Ochs

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United Fruit

United Fruit
Lyrics and Music by Phil Ochs
Testo e musica di Phil Ochs
Album di registrazione / Recording Album:
"Songs for Broadside" (or "Phil Ochs Sings For Broadside") [1976]

Avevamo, con mille rimpianti, “chiuso” la sezione dedicata a Phil Ochs con il suo disperato testamento, No More Songs; evidentemente non avevamo tenuto conto della vitalità del grande Phil, e soprattutto delle canzoni che non aveva mai inserito negli album in studio. L'album “Songs for Broadside”, noto anche come “Phil Ochs sings for Broadside” o “Broadside Ballads”, era il decimo volume di canzoni pubblicato dalla rivista “Broadside Magazine”, che raccoglieva testi composti per la libera circolazione (nella tradizione anglosassone, il “Broadside” è il “foglio volante” su cui venivano stampate canzoni e ballate cronachistiche, in vendita per pochi soldi nelle strade; una tradizione presente anche in Italia e in altri... (continua)
And the fruit boats ride on the waves,
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 30/9/2008 - 18:32
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Talking Birmingham Jam

Talking Birmingham Jam
Lyrics and Music by Phil Ochs
Testo e musica di Phil Ochs
Album: "I Ain't Marching Anymore" [1965]

Birmingham, Alabama, September 15, 1963/15 settembre 1963

Mississippi Goddam
Birmingham Sunday
Talking Birmingham Jam
The Ballad of Birmingham
Ballad of Birmingham
We Are Alive

"Whites Only" signs were as plentiful in Birmingham, Ala., in early spring of 1963 as blossoms on a row of magnolia trees. The city was a perfect target for Negro demonstrations for integration, for equal treatment, for freedom.
Birmingham refused to allow Negro children to attend white schools. Negroes could not worship in white churches, drink at white water fountains, or eat at white restaurants. Negroes were born and died in colored hospitals....

But any progress was blocked by Eugene "Bull" Connor, the city's Commissioner of Public Safety. Connor was a firm segregationist, and some... (continua)
SPOKEN: Well, I think, whenever there's a deep tragedy,
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 30/1/2008 - 00:05
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The Highwayman

The Highwayman
a) Phil Ochs' Version / Versione di Phil Ochs:
A poem [1906] by Alfred Noyes (1880-1958)
Poesia di A poem [1907] by Alfred Noyes (1880-1958)
Musica / Music: Phil Ochs
Album: I Ain't Marching Anymore [1965]

b) Loreena McKennitt's Version / Versione di Loreena McKennitt
A poem [1906] by Alfred Noyes (1880-1958)
Poesia di A poem [1907] by Alfred Noyes (1880-1958)
Musica / Music: Loreena McKennitt
Album: The Book of Secrets [1997]

"The Highwayman is a narrative poem by Alfred Noyes, published in 1906. The poem was written when Noyes was a young man, and brought him immediate and long-lasting success. It tells the story of a nameless highwayman who is in love with an innkeeper's beautiful daughter named Bess. Tim, the insanely jealous hostler (stableman) betrays the highwayman to the authorities; an action which paves the way for the brutal death of the lovers." - en.wikipedia

Questa... (continua)
Part One
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 28/1/2008 - 12:40
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Draft Dodger Rag

Draft Dodger Rag
German version by Gerd Schinkel.

"This is a translation by Gerd Schinkel of this Phil Ochs song. He has made some changes in order to maintain the rhythm, but the basic premise is the same. His lyrics are found on
inviata da Nyr Indictor 29/5/2007 - 21:55

The Parade's Still Passing By

The Parade's Still Passing By
Lyrics and Music by Harry Chapin
Testo e musica di Harry Chapin

Una canzone dedicata a Phil Ochs a pochi mesi dalla sua morte, con particolare riferimento a One More Parade. Anche il suo autore, Harry Chapin, sarebbe morto tragicamente (in un incidente stradale) di lì a pochi anni, nel 1981.
I got the news today
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 20/8/2005 - 14:37
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Talking Vietnam Blues

Talking Vietnam Blues
16 agosto 2005
16/8/2005 - 21:18
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Draft Dodger Rag

Draft Dodger Rag
Version française de Riccardo Venturi
11 agosto 2005 / 11 août 2005
11/8/2005 - 10:14
La pagina su Phil Ochs è in corso di ristrutturazione, con aggiunta di nuove canzoni, traduzioni e commenti.
Riccardo Venturi 10/8/2005 - 10:41
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I Ain't Marching Anymore

I Ain't Marching Anymore
Version française de Riccardo Venturi
9 agosto 2005 / 9 août 2005
9/8/2005 - 18:21
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I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night

I Dreamed I Saw Phil Ochs Last Night
Testo / Lyrics by Billy Bragg
Musica / Music by Earl Robinson
Sull'aria di / To the tune of
"I dreamed I saw Joe Hill last night"

Forse non strettamente una canzone contro la guerra, ma dedicata a Phil Ochs, che ha scritto e cantato tra le più belle canzoni contro la guerra e antimilitariste di tutti i tempi. E' il rifacimento della più famosa canzone dedicata a Joe Hill, I Dreamed I Saw Joe Hill Last Night, di Alfred Hayes e Earl Robinson. A sua volta, tanto per completare l'intreccio fittissimo, Phil Ochs scrisse una Ballata su Joe Hill...
I dreamed I saw Phil Ochs last night
inviata da Riccardo Venturi 3/8/2005 - 16:06
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Only A Pawn In Their Game

Only A Pawn In Their Game
Lyrics and Music by Bob Dylan
Testo e musica di Bob Dylan
Album: "The times they are a-changin'"

Il 12 giugno 1963, nel Mississipi venne assassinato Medgar Evers, attivista dei diritti civili, uno dei tanti omicidi perpetrati dai “difensori” della supremazia della razza bianca contro l’integrazione degli afroamericani nella società statunitense. L’episodio è stato anche narrato nel 1996 nel film: “L’agguato” (titolo originale: “Ghosts of Mississipi”), per la regia di Rob Reiner. Presentiamo qui sotto il completissimo articolo su Medgar Evers tratto da en.wikipedia:

Medgar Willy Evers (July 2, 1925 – June 12, 1963) was an African American civil rights activist from Mississippi who was murdered by Byron De La Beckwith, a member of the Ku Klux Klan.

Medgar Evers was born on July 2, 1925 in Decatur, Mississippi. In 1943, Evers, then 17, dropped out of high school to enlist in the... (continua)
A bullet from the back of a bush took Medgar Evers' blood.
inviata da i fermentivivi 29/3/2005 - 12:46

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