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Dim Prospects

Dim Prospects
Lyrics: Speeches of Noam Chomsky, Ward Churchill and Howard Zinn mixed-in & arranged by Jon Higgs
Music by Jason Muxlow
Album: The Living Fields
"It should be understood to be a real war. And it's not a new war, it's an old war. Furthermore, it's a perfectly conscious war, everywhere, but specifically in the United States, where there happens...a very free country, but it happens to have a highly class-conscious business class, and always has, and it's very free and open, so you have a lot of information about it, and they have long seen themselves as fighting a bitter class war, except they don't want anyone else to know about it. What's called the 'industrial capitalist system' today is in fact one in which 'private power is the tool and tyrant of government, overwhelms it with its combinations, is bribed by its largesses,' that's a pretty good description of today..." ~ Noam Chomsky
envoyé par giorgio 25/8/2010 - 10:19
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The Miseries Never Cease

The Miseries Never Cease
Lyrics by Jon Higgs
Music by Jason Muxlow
Album: The Miseries Never Cease

In the mid-1800's, a famine swept across Ireland, claiming over a million lives and tearing an entire people apart as huge portions of the population emigrated to America.

As if the natural disaster weren't bad enough, English landlords and overseers took ruthless advantage of the situation, resulting in more misery for the population and attributing to the brutal length of famine.

It was a textbook case of oppression by an opulent minority and contributed to Ireland's bloody struggle for independence for years after.
The sun greets a new dawn
envoyé par giorgio 25/8/2010 - 08:41

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