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Auteur Hamish Henderson

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John MacLean March

John MacLean March
Dick Ghaugan
No More Forever

John MacLean was a Scottish schoolteacher and Marxist educator who was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in 1918 for agitating against the carnage of World War 1. Due to popular outrage and demonstrations, he was released after 7 months but the harsh treatment he received in prison seriously damaged his health and he died a few years later.
His vision of an independent Scottish Socialist Republic disagreed strongly with Lenin and with Gallacher and other leading Scots Communists of the time as he was opposed to the integration of the Scots within the British Communist Party. (see : VI Lenin, 'Left Wing Communism', Willie Gallacher, 'Revolt on the Clyde' and Nan Milton's book on MacLean, whose title escapes me at the moment)
Hey, mac, did ye see him as he cam doun by Gorgie
envoyé par Dq82 13/11/2016 - 00:06
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No Gods And Precious Few Heroes

No Gods And Precious Few Heroes
Album “No Gods”
Il titolo fa riferimento alla poesia di Hamish Handerson “End of a Campaign” – dalla raccolta “Elegies for the Dead of Cyrenaika” – in cui già ci siamo imbattuti a proposito di Farewell To Sicily.

“L’orgoglio e la gloria sono soltanto un’altra sanguinosa menzogna che loro [the fat politicians] usano per tenerci tutti sull’attenti”… “Perché è chiaro che loro preferiscono le pecore agli uomini che pensano, ma uomini che pensano come pecore sono ancora meglio”
'Cause there's no gods and there's precious few heroes
envoyé par Alessandro 21/4/2010 - 09:41
Parcours: Héros
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The John MacLean March

The John MacLean March
Versi di Hamish Henderson
Su di una melodia tradizionale scozzese
“The John MacLean March had its first performance in the St. Andrews Hall, Glasgow, at the memorial [concert?] to the great Scottish republican socialist on 28 Nov. 1948, where it was sung by William Noble. It is set to a traditional version of a pipe melody that is today played and sung all over Scotland to the more commercially patriotic verses of Scotland the Brave.” (da Henry's Songbook)

Il brano è stato interpretato da moltissimi artisti e gruppi scozzesi, a cominciare da Dick Gaughan (in “No More Forever” del 1972) e Iain MacKintosh ‎(in “By Request” del 1974).

Come Ballad Of John MacLean di Matt McGinn, un'altra canzone dedicata alla figura di John Maclean, socialista scozzese, noto per la sua fiera opposizione alla prima guerra mondiale. Per questo nel 1918 fu processato per sedizione. Durante l'udienza... (continuer)
Hey Mac did ye see him as ye cam' doon by Gorgie,
envoyé par Alessandro 30/9/2009 - 10:52

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