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Love Wins

Love Wins
Album: Cry Pretty (2018)

"I do think that we as humans are inherently good and we need to remember that. Because we're different, that doesn't make somebody else bad, it just makes us different. We wanted that song to be hopeful and to maybe make somebody stop and think about that."
A stray bullet and a momma cries
23/3/2019 - 04:04

From a Distant Shore

From a Distant Shore
dall'album "Let it Roll"
I landed here in country
envoyé par Aldo 22/3/2019 - 21:34
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The Croppers Lads


Bill Price in The Fine Old Yorkshire Gentleman (1972)
Roy Harris in Champions of Folly (1972)
Louis and Sally Kitheir in Shining Morning (1975) and in Gallant Lads Are We: Songs of the British Industrial Revolution. (1980)
Ian Giles with Folly Bridge in Unabridged (1992)
Brian Peters in The Seeds of Time (1992)
Maddy Prior & the Girls (Rose Kemp and Abbie Lathe) in Bib & Tuck (2002)
Mawkin Causley in The Awkward Recruit (2009)
Bryony Griffith in Nightshade (2014)
Rachael McShane with The Cartographers in 2018

Croppers, although relatively few in numbers, played a central part in the activities of the machine-breaking Luddites in Yorkshire. Prior to the introduction of machinery to do the job they had been top-grade apprenticed craftsmen, trained to produce a smooth even nap on the woollen cloth after it had been woven. They cropped the woven cloth with heavy... (continuer)
Come Cropper lads of high renown
envoyé par Dq82 22/3/2019 - 18:31
Parcours: Le Luddisme

Ned Ludd Part 3 (Ned Ludd)

Ned Ludd Part 3 (Ned Ludd)
Bloody men
Welcome Ned Ludd, your case is good
envoyé par Dq82 22/3/2019 - 16:32
Parcours: Le Luddisme
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Inger Nilsson: Pippi Långstrump

Inger Nilsson: Pippi Långstrump

Audio link: [[|]]
envoyé par Juha Rämö 22/3/2019 - 13:59

Ned Ludd Part 4 (Prelude to Peterloo)

Ned Ludd Part 4 (Prelude to Peterloo)
Bloody men
At the end of January in 1817
envoyé par Dq82 22/3/2019 - 12:14

Ned Ludd Part 5 (Peterloo the Day)

Ned Ludd Part 5 (Peterloo the Day)
Bloody men

Il 16 agosto 1819, a Manchester, in località St. Peter's Field (da cui il nome Peterloo, ricalcato ironicamente su quello di Waterloo, data anche la presenza, tra i soldati che spararono, di alcuni veterani che avevano partecipato alla celebre battaglia) la cavalleria represse nel sangue una rivolta popolare. Durante un comizio pacifico convocato per chiedere al parlamento britannico la riforma elettorale, la folla di circa 80.000 persone fu dispersa con la forza dalla cavalleria che provocò undici morti e diverse centinaia di feriti.

La fine delle guerre napoleoniche nel 1815 aveva portato a periodi di carestia e disoccupazione, e questa situazione fu esacerbata dall'introduzione di dazi sull'importazione di derrate agricole, le Corn Laws. All'inizio del 1819, la pressione generata dalla povertà, accompagnata dalla mancanza di suffragio nell'Inghilterra settentrionale,... (continuer)
We have new paper money, and railway tracks
envoyé par Dq82 22/3/2019 - 12:07
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I will include a few translation notes below because the lyrics include a few bits of informal language that do not translate perfectly into English (a big thank you to my coworker Jaqueline from Brazil for helping me with some of those).
envoyé par Tom Harper 20/3/2019 - 18:58
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Welcome to 1984

Welcome to 1984
Who would Jesus bomb? Who would Jesus kill?
20/3/2019 - 02:37
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The Battle of Barking

The Battle of Barking
Lyrics and music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel: Billy Bragg
Album / Albumi: Six Songs from Pressure Drops

La Battaglia di Cable Street
The Battle of Cable Street, 2016 Website

E' il 4 ottobre 1936, a Londra, nei quartieri popolari dell'East End (Whitechapel, Barking, Dagenham, Stepney) quartieri che, storicamente, erano abitati dalla maggior parte della popolazione londinese di religione ebraica, arrivata a Londra specialmente tra il 1881 e il 1914, dopo in sanguinosi pogrom in Russia, Polonia ed altri paesi dell'Europa orientale. Ma l'East End londinese era zona di immigrazione da secoli; c'erano anche antichi Ugonotti francesi, irlandesi, italiani.

Per il 4 ottobre 1936, una domenica, la British Union of Fascists di Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley, VI Baronetto di Ancoats, fondata nel 1932 in seguito alla “folgorazione” avuta da Mosley dopo un incontro con... (continuer)
Just like the heroes of Cable Street
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 18/3/2019 - 22:47
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Chaos From Within

Chaos From Within
Primo singolo estratto dall'album di prossima pubblicazione Age of Unreason

“Throughout history, walls have been used to keep the barbarians out, but it seems to me the truly barbaric aspect of a civilization is the chaos that comes from within.”

Gregg Graffin
Cowering like settlers on someone else's land
18/3/2019 - 09:37

One Meat Ball

One Meat Ball
Scritta da Hy Zaret e Lou Singer
Hy Zaret, pseudonimo di Hyman Harry Zaritsky (1907-2007) è stato un paroliere statunitense. Il suo successo più grande è l'indimenticabile "Unchained Melody" (1955, con musica di Alex North). E' stato anche l'autore della versione inglese della Complainte du partisan, portata a notorietà da Leonard Cohen
In realtà Zaret e Singer ripresero una canzone ottocentesca intitolata "The Lone Fish Ball", scritta nel 1855 da tal George Martin Lane, sulla melodia di una canzone popolare inglese.
"One Meat Ball" divenne famosissima, come parafrasi della miseria portato della guerra e della crisi economica, nella versione "bianca" delle Andrews Sisters e in quella "nera" di Josh White. Poi nel tempo vi si cimentarono decine di artisti famosi.
La versione di Josh White è contenuta innanzitutto in un disco del 1945 intitolato "Songs By Josh White", con le note introduttive di Langston Hughes
A little man walked up and down
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 16/3/2019 - 21:32
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
Sing for the climate - Do it Now!

Sulla musica di Bella Ciao, la canzone che è diventata l'inno delle manifestazioni per il clima di oggi in tutto il mondo.
15/3/2019 - 21:27
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Forecast Fascist Future

Forecast Fascist Future
Lyrics and Music / Testo e musica / Paroles et musique / Sanat ja sävel : Kevin Barnes
Album / Albumi: The Sunlandic Twins

Non credo sia un caso che il seguente testo degli of Montreal, nonostante sia piuttosto noto e non di rado citato persino in libri, non sia mai stato tradotto (o, comunque, sottoposto a un tentativo di traduzione) in una qualsiasi lingua. A questo, senz'altro, hanno anche contribuito l'introversione e il pressoché perenne stato depressivo di Kevin Barnes, il fondatore e leader del gruppo pop psichedelico facente parte del collettivo Elephant 6, e le sue particolari forme di composizione testuale, esemplificate ad esempio in questa intervista del 2005 a Kindamuzik (in neerlandese). The Sunlandic Twins, l'album dal quale proviene questo brano, era appena uscito, e all'intervistatore, Thijs Zilverberg, Barnes spiegava le sue tecniche partendo proprio dai versi... (continuer)
The language of the frost lobs dead balloons over ruins today
envoyé par Riccardo Venturi 15/3/2019 - 09:07
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One World

One World

Introduzione parlata tratta da un discorso di Tony Benn, politico inglese laburista di sinistra.

Una CCG doc che si scaglia contro le guerre per il profitto in Iraq e Afghanistan. Ma anche una canzone ecologista che ci ricorda che abbiamo un solo pianeta e dobbiamo cominciare a rispettarlo se teniamo al futuro dell'umanità. La inseriamo alla vigilia della mobilitazione mondiale per il clima del 15 marzo 2019.
[Intro: Tony Benn]
14/3/2019 - 23:54

La Ballade de Beausoleil

La Ballade de Beausoleil
Joseph Broussard, dit Beausoleil. Acadian pioneer and resistance fighter Joseph Broussard dit Beausoleil was born in Port-Royal, Acadia, in 1702.  In 1740 he with his brother Alexandre established a community at Boundary Creek (above present day Moncton, New-Brunswick).  During the 1755 expulsion, Broussard, his brother, and other Acadians evaded capture, conducting a guerilla campaign on land and sea against the British military.  In 1759, however, Broussard and his partisans, facing starvation, were forced to surrender. Imprisoned at Halifax until 1764 when the treaty of Paris ended the French and Indian war, Beausoleil led one hundred ninety-three exiles to Saint Domingue (present-day Haiti). Member of the party was Beausoleil’s first cousin, Pierre Richard, direct ancestor of Zachary Richard. In February, 1765, the group arrived at New Orleans and continued onto the Attakapas region of... (continuer)
envoyé par Dq82 14/3/2019 - 10:15


envoyé par Dq82 14/3/2019 - 10:05
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Les clefs de la prison

Les clefs de la prison
Note. This English translation has been largely reworked according to the adjusted French lyrics of the song, but incorporates several points of Alan Lomax's “traditional” translation which are not only correct, but also very lively. That's why the translation is not credited. [RV]
14/3/2019 - 09:37

Recipe for Prison Pruno

Recipe for Prison Pruno
Col nome di pruno si indica nel gergo carcerario statunitense qualsiasi alcolico prodotto in cella; un moonshine piuttosto inquietante in cui può rientrare qualsiasi cosa fermentabile e sulle cui qualità organolettiche nessuno pare vada troppo per il sottile.
Take ten peeled oranges,
envoyé par Io non sto con Oriana 13/3/2019 - 14:14
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If I Ruled the World (Imagine That)

If I Ruled the World (Imagine That)

Featuring Lauryn Hill
Produced by Rashad Smith & Trackmasters
Album It Was Written
[Intro: Nas]
12/3/2019 - 23:19
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Quante brave persone

Quante brave persone
Riccardo Venturi, 12-3-2019 14:25
12/3/2019 - 14:27

Las voces que saludan

Las voces que saludan
We are also looking for the children of some of the 30,000 disappeared one, pregnant women giving birth in clandestine detention centres in Argentina during the civilian-military dictatorship of 1976-1983.

If you (someone you know of) was born of Argentinean parents during 1975 and 1983 and have doubts about your identity, contact us at Red x la identidad Canada USA or Abuelas. You maybe one of the grandchildren that we are looking for.

Thirty thousand are the voices greeting us,
envoyé par Red Argentina por el Derecho a la Identidad - Canada/USA 12/3/2019 - 00:55
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Anna Mae Aquash

Anna Mae Aquash
Album : Human Interesting

Interpretato anche da Roy Bailey

Chi ha ucciso Anna Mae?
Anna Mae came to the plains I’m told
envoyé par adriana 10/3/2019 - 09:23



"I wanted to post this song because of what’s happening in Seattle right now. It came about by going downtown one night to take a look at the new “Amazon Spheres,” and all the cranes and all the building. I love this city in a deep resonating way and I see a history that Amazon is at odds with, that Bezos and all of clones would like to disappear – using that word like a verb. I got here in 1971 and fell in love with the climate, the water, the mountains, the ease of the pace, the spontaneity, the music scene, all of it. And I swam in it for years. Still there was a clique of people who yearned for a greater and shinier city, with a celebrated upper class, and banks that would proudly welcome the likes of Boss Tweed. I played everywhere – the bus station, the TV station, all the bars and cocktail lounges, but I couldn’t get into the Rainier Club because that was private space for... (continuer)
We live in a boomtown
envoyé par adriana 10/3/2019 - 08:50
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Amadou Diallo

Amadou Diallo

Album : Folkpunch -Jim Page and Artis

Si veda anche American Skin (41 Shots) di Bruce Springsteen
See also American Skin (41 Shots) by Bruce Springsteen

Altre canzoni su Amadou Diallo

Centuries of Pain: the Ballad of Amadou Diallo di Lorcan Otway
Diallo di Wyclef Jean
I Know You Don't Care About Me di Brothers Keepers
A Tree Never Grown di Black Star
Contempt Breeds Contamination di Trivium
Bang! Bang! de Le Tigre
The Other White Meat di Immortal Tecnique
I Find It Hard to Say (Rebel) di Lauryn Hill
Forty-one bullets Africa Unite

Amadou Diallo
envoyé par adriana 10/3/2019 - 08:46
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A Dream Deferred

A Dream Deferred
A poem by / Poesia di / Poème de : Langston Hughes/in runo
From the poem suite / Dalla suite poetica / Tiré de la suite poétique / Runoteoksesta Montage of a Dream Deferred
Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
a) Harlem Song Original Apollo Theater Cast Recording
℗ 2002 Sony Music Entertainment Inc.
Conductor, Keyboards, Composer, Producer: Zane Mark
Producer: Steve Berkowitz
Guitar: Rodney Jones
Lyricist: Langston Hughes
Producer: Daryl Waters
Percussion: Carlos Valdez
Producer: George C. Wolfe
Drums: Brian O. Grice
Executive Producer: Mark Krantz
Keyboards: John Tennyson
Keyboards: Lafayette Harris
Bass: Benjamin Franklin Brown
Brass: Stanton Davis
Brass: Jason Jackson
Trumpet: Derick Gardner
b) Chuck Cooper: Jazz Poetry
The Blues of Langston Hughes
Directed by Lance Roberts
Band: James Sampliner (music director/piano)
Danny Weller (Bass)
Joe Nero (Drums)
What happens to a dream deferred?
envoyé par Juha Rämö 9/3/2019 - 13:10

Langston Hughes: Justice

Langston Hughes: Justice
Poesia di Langston Hughes
That Justice is a blind goddess
envoyé par Juha Rämö 8/3/2019 - 11:09

Still Here

Still Here
I been scared and battered.
envoyé par Juha Rämö 7/3/2019 - 12:41

Una casa in riva al fiume

Una casa in riva al fiume
Riccardo Venturi, 6-3-2016 23:09

I' Rovo.

It's maybe the first time I translate myself, and it's really difficult for many reasons. “The House on the River Bank” is a song I wrote in summer 2013 to the tune of an old song by Ricky Gianco, “Un amore (Una giovane signora)”, about an old squatted house in my neighbourhood. Two years later, in February 2015, I occupied an equally old farmhouse together with some comrades dreaming of a “land and earth without masters”; we called it “I' Rovo”, because the farm, property of Florence city council, had been left in ruin for about fifteen years and was a prey to thorn bushes and drug dealers. We had to plough, clean, clear and rebuild everything. “I' Rovo” is surrounded by a railway and by one of the worst suburbs in the outskirts of Florence. The house has faced a hurricane storm on August 1th, 2015 and has been burnt four times, apparently... (continuer)
6/3/2019 - 23:10
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The Capitalist Blues
Bombs are falling in the name of peace
envoyé par Dq82 6/3/2019 - 12:34
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I Wish That They’d Sack Me

I Wish That They’d Sack Me
Album “The Boy Bands Have Won…”
Six in the morning, don’t want to wake
envoyé par David B 5/3/2019 - 20:10

Ο Μιχαλιός

Ο Μιχαλιός
S.A. Sofroniou, 1962, Teach Yourself Modern Greek, p. 207 (“Key to the Exercises”)

envoyé par Riccardo Venturi - Ελληνικό Τμήμα των ΑΠΤ "Gian Piero Testa" 4/3/2019 - 21:56


Album A Seat at the Table (2016)
Featuring BJ the Chicago Kid & The-Dream

One of the tracks is called "F.U.B.U.," which stands for "For us by us." I read that your working title for the song was "Be Very Afraid." When you talk about choosing optimism over pessimism, "For us by us" versus "Be very afraid" is a pretty stark contrast.

It is, it is. And to be honest, "F.U.B.U." was the song I had the hardest time writing in terms of conceptualizing. Before, that song specifically was about people being afraid of us and fear being at the root of so many murders from policemen, so many murders that we have constantly seen in the past few years. And it was really, really hard for me to put that in a four-minute song. And I kept trying, and I kept trying, and it hurt so much and it was so painful for me and it was so sad. And one day, I put on the track again, probably the fifth or sixth... (continuer)
One for us
2/3/2019 - 23:55
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Queen of the Field (Patsey's Song)

Queen of the Field (Patsey's Song)
Brano da "12 Years A Slave (Music From And Inspired By)", che non è la colonna sonora del film di Steve McQueen (quella fu composta da Hans Zimmer) ma una raccolta di canzoni connesse al tema di quel film, che racconta la storia vera di Solomon Northup, un afroamericano libero del nord degli USA che nel 1841 venne sequestrato e venduto come schiavo nel Sud, rimanendo in schiavitù per 12 anni prima di riuscire a riacquistare nuovamente la libertà.
Queen of the field
envoyé par Bernart Bartleby 2/3/2019 - 22:20
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Run Rabbit Run

Run Rabbit Run
Pare che Run, rabbit, run sia stata scritta all'inizio della seconda guerra mondiale e che sia divenuta popolare dopo un infruttuoso attacco aereo della Luftwaffe, che il 13 novembre cercò di colpire degli idrovolanti alla fonda nelle Shetland.

Una foto diffusa nell'occasione mostrava i crateri di due bombe finite evidentemente fuori bersaglio, e un uomo che reggeva un paio di conigli indicati come le uniche vittime dell'attacco.
Si seppe poi che i conigli erano stati regolarmente reperiti in una normalissima macelleria, per aggiungere un po' di sale a una foto di propaganda.
Nei mesi successivi la Luftwaffe avrebbe tolto la voglia di ridere a parecchia gente già provata dalle restrizioni imposte dal razionamento.

E questo ci porta al vero motivo ispiratore della canzone, la penuria di carne cui toccava rimediare come si poteva; per esempio con la caccia al coniglio...
On the farm, every Friday
envoyé par Io non sto con Oriana 1/3/2019 - 18:28
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La soldato kiu marŝas

La soldato kiu marŝas
envoyé par Dq82 1/3/2019 - 17:12
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Kanska ein dag

Kanska ein dag
envoyé par Dq82 1/3/2019 - 10:16
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Riccardo Venturi, 1-3-2019 07:25
1/3/2019 - 07:27
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Brave as a Pigeon

Brave as a Pigeon
In January of 2016, we travelled to the Kurdish region of Turkey along with Clowns Without Borders to play for children. We played for a group of Yezidi refugees in their camp, who had fled ISIS in Iraq; for a group of Kurdish children in Diyarbakir; and for children living in the village of Dargeçit which had been under an imposed curfew and siege from the Turkish Army. This song is about the children we met on that trip.

A year later, many of the folks in towns under siege lost their homes. Over 100,000 Kurdish folks in southeastern Turkey lost their homes in 2016. The Yazidi camp was closed down, and many who lived there are now in worse conditions in major cities across Turkey and Iraq.
Country kids brave as city pigeons
24/2/2019 - 18:11
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In The States

In The States
Oh father look at the state we’ve come to
24/2/2019 - 18:08

10 Commandments

10 Commandments
Album: Encore
Featuring Saffiyah Khan

Saffiyah Khan è la ragazza diventata famosa per la foto in cui sorride beffardamente in faccia al leader razzista della English Defense League durante una manifestazione di estrema destra.

È stata scelta dagli Specials per questo rifacimento in chiave femminista di una vecchia canzone di Prince Buster il cui testo sessista e maschilista - anche se ironico - aveva proprio bisogno di essere riscritto.
The commandments of I, Saffiyah Khan
24/2/2019 - 15:18
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Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys

Black Skin Blue Eyed Boys
Parole e musica di Eddy Grant

Un inno alla diversità e alla tolleranza da una band inglese composta da due bianchi e tre neri che univa l'antirazzismo alla protesta contro la guerra nel Vietnam. The Equals hanno influenzato innumerevoli gruppi, tra cui i Clash e gli Specials che hanno anche recentemente inciso una cover di questa canzone.
People: white is white
24/2/2019 - 13:10
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Ivan Della Mea: Il capitano

Ivan Della Mea: Il capitano
Riccardo Venturi, 22-2-2019 07:21

The last song from the album “La Cantagranda” can also be the last original song written by Ivan Della Mea. An obscure, dreamlike song where Della Mea, apparently distant from, but in fact very close to the militant engagement of his whole life, talks about the eternal fears and grieves of modern, rational man when confronted with the unknown and with death.
22/2/2019 - 07:21

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