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Auteur Joss Stone

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Warriors of Peace

Warriors of Peace
feat. Joss Stone
Music & Lyrics by Yael Deckelbaum

This song was inspired by a prophecy from the book of Isaiah, about a time of unity when all wars will end, and the world will live in peace

I have seen this awakening with my own two eyes while marching with women around the world, and I believe in it.

I can see this happening when we restore our connections to our own hearts and bodies.

Supporting each other in our way to self healing.

Remembering our connection to an ancient voice of wisdom, to the beating drum of our ancestral mothers and fathers, in the times before the story of separation took over, long before the Bible was ever written,

Long before the world was ruled by man.

When women and men had a respectful and loving relationship with our Mother Earth and with each other.

We each hold a key and I believe it starts with remembering

self love.

Thank you Joss... (continuer)
And the wind shall come down from the mountains
2/8/2022 - 18:24
Downloadable! Video!

The Green Fields Of France (No Man's Land)

The Green Fields Of France (No Man's Land)
Lo stesso Eric Bogle interviene a proposito della cover "edulcorata" di Joss Stone, un'operazione a cui purtroppo si è prestato anche il grande Jeff Beck.

Eric Bogle: I don't like Joss Stone's cover of No Man's Land, but I won't sue
The Guardian

Apparently Joss Stone’s version of my song No Man’s Land has polarised opinion. I’ve had quite a large number of emails from irate or upset fans asking me if I’d heard it and why I could allow such a travesty. It’s upset me too, mind you, and irritated me as well.

Here was I in Adelaide, bumbling along in comfortable, crisis-free obscurity at the other end of the world, when suddenly a bushfire flared up back in the increasingly Disunited Kingdom, illuminating a depth of feeling about my song I hadn’t known existed. I usually don’t comment publicly on other artists’ versions of my music, but so many people have been in touch that I felt I should... (continuer)
CCG Staff 3/2/2015 - 20:51

Take Good Care

Take Good Care
Album: LP1 (2011)
Produced by Dave Stewart

July 2012: Singer-songwriter and actor Joss Stone, war photographer Paul Conroy and musician and producer Dave Stewart are calling on world leaders gathering at the United Nations to deliver an effective Arms Trade Treaty as they launch a new version of the song ‘Take Good Care’.

‘Take Good Care’ was co-written by Paul Conroy – who was seriously injured earlier this year in Homs, Syria – and Joss Stone, and produced by Dave Stewart. The song is being released in support of Amnesty International’s call upon world leaders to deliver an effective and robust international Arms Trade Treaty.

Conroy wrote the song in response to the devastating impact upon people’s lives of armed violence and conflict in Misrata, Libya. He said:

"Having covered armed conflicts up close I have seen the sickening human toll of a world awash in weapons and military... (continuer)
Take Good Care
31/5/2014 - 21:52

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