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Auteur Rich Pulin

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It's Not Our War

Music and Lyrics by Rich Pulin

"On august 2nd 1964, an American ship, the USS Maddox, was allegedly attacked, by the North Vietnamese in the gulf of Tonkin.this alleged attack led president Johnson to solicit congress for a declaration of war against the North Vietnamese, which was granted. shortly thereafter, both the first army and first marine divisions (50,000 men) were sent to Viet Nam and put on active duty. Prior to this event, the United States military involvement was restricted to only military advisors. president Kennedy planned on withdrawing those advisors before he was assasinated. Years later, the captain of the uss Maddox, John J. Herrick, confessed that his ship was never attacked and that he had fabricated most of the story to cooperate with the Johnson administrations efforts to accelerate the conflict into all out war. Today's "Tonkin" is "weapons of mass destruction"...and... (continuer)
Did we learn anything from Viet Nam
27/8/2005 - 22:56

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