
Declare Guerre Nucleaire

The Hives
Lingua: Inglese

The Hives

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No More Three Mile Island
(Niss Puk Band)

Album: Veni Vidi Vicious
41q-hTMtv5L. SS400
Had an atomic bore – in 2004
Did some atomic tricks – in 2006
Got out way late – in 2008
Let's do it all again – in 2010

Uh! [x6]
Ah! [x6]

Had an atomic bore – in 2004
Did some atomic tricks – in 2006
Got out way late – in 2008
Im gonna do it all again – in 2010

And for 5....7.....9 and 11 the guess is yours!

inviata da giorgio - 16/3/2011 - 09:18

Pagina principale CCG

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