
Angalia Saa

Lingua: Swahili (Sheng)


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Prodotto da un altro gruppo hip hop kenyano, Ukoo Flani Mau Mau
Testo trovato sul blog Hip Hop Kambi

Un rap in “Sheng” - da Swahili + English, lo slang parlato dal sottoproletariato urbano a Nairobi - che confronta la resistenza dei Mau Mau (movimento armato dei Kikuyu, l’etnia maggioritaria in Kenya) contro il colonialismo inglese negli anni 50 a quella di militanti politici e intellettuali del Kenya di oggi, alcuni dei quali, come lo scrittore Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, hanno pagato un prezzo molto alto nella loro pacifica lotta contro i regimi e per la libertà.

Ne esce invece molto male il “Padre della Patria” Jomo Kenyatta, presidente del paese dall’indipendenza (1963) e fino alla sua morte (1978): qui viene descritto come un moderato, un uomo di potere che, per quanto incarcerato per anni, fu sempre incline a scendere a patti con gli inglesi e tradì, prima e dopo l’indipendenza, la lotta dei Mau Mau e del loro leader, Dedan Kimathi Waciuri, catturato e impiccato nel 1957. E forse non è un caso che il delfino di Kenyatta sia stato quel Daniel arap Moi che per 24 anni, tra il 1978 ed il 2002, è stato presidente e dittatore, corrotto e sanguinario.
(Informazioni tratte da “Hip Hop and Social Change in Africa: Ni Wakati”, a cura di Msia Kibona Clark e Mickie Mwanzia Koster, 2014)
na-dedicate-ia hii
ma-hero wote wa Kenya
kila mtu ame-struggle
na hakuwa paid for
hii ni time ya kuwa paid for
revolution comrade

najua unachotaka
najua unapoenda
najua wataka haki yako
angalia saa
angalia saa
najua unachotaka
najua unapoenda
najua wataka haki yako
angalia saa
angalia saa
wewe ni shujaa
machozi yako
yananivunja moyo
mbona sasa
dunia imekutupa
angalia saa
angalia saa
wewe ni shujaa

tell me
what’s going to
be without you in this world
can’t you
see that
you’re a hero
can you see a sign
can you see a sign
you’re a hero
I know what you going through
I know what’s been on your mind
I know you’re almost giving up this war
usikate tamaa
usikate tamaa
wewe ni shujaa
wewe ni shujaa
wewe ni shujaa

damu jasho machozi
ni mau ikashinda war mashabik wakaenda na trophy
matigali hana ata ka-clothing
serikali inataka imfukuze Nairobi
mangaa wanataka wamangishe G-Rongi
hawana kodi
they don know who we be haikosi
white highlands no more
si siri hawatoshi
hii vita imepita rangi ya ngozi
na kabila najua ni mbili tu
maskini na mdosi
so synchronising time 205
decolonizing minds
msisemi mliji-hypnotise
wana-run divisions za sheke wa kifiro
bugi mato
mtu anatusi matiti ya mother alinyonya
alafu anapigiwa makofi na kilo
wa-shoot Muthoni wa Nyanjiru
the same route wa-rape mama yetu Njeri
hizi ndivyo trial ya ma-hero
ka Kenya ni matrix nani ndio Neo
ka Kimathi hakuwa the one
then society iko drunk na opium
ilivyosemekana na Karl Marx
na philanthropic church
na-pay tax kuwa harassed daily
mothers can’t even protect their babies
wanaume hawaezi protect ma-ladies
wao haki iwe ngao
vita vya bunduki skia mikuki
bullets ivuke nayo
tangu era za nyayo
wanakumanga msee

usikate tamaa
usikate tamaa
wewe ni shujaa
wewe ni shujaa
wewe ni shujaa

tukiwapasulia pazia tu-expose
zile ghasia nyi hufanya
mtatukuta kwetu mtatuvamia
hiyo ilikuwa last year
nilidhani mta-add this year sense
kwa wimbo zenu tulisinzia
bado mnasinzia this year
unaeza teta ukishukiwa kimakosa
unaeza dema ukishibishwa uongee mbaya
unaeza hepa ukinusiwa
unaeza tema ukizidiwa
hakuna haja ya kuji-force kitu hautaki
si unajua vile kwao huenda
mgema akisifiwa
writer m-famous aliibiwa
na wife yake aka-rape-iwa na
hiyo ndio asanti alipatiwa
kufanya nini
kuwatolea ma-idea za kuwasaidia
kuwabadilishia city
ukuta zote si ni through
ka mng’aro ya poko
ya ku-expose part ya juu ya mguu
ukiandika ma-assasinations
ma-sniper maarufu
opposite building kwa roof
maiti zinaachwa kwa boot ya ndai
booth zinameza dough
time yako ya kuongea imeisha
adui wanakuwinda na harufu
kwa ile roho safi na moyo mkunjufu
hamnyakei kuanzisha corruption zero tolerance
na kufungulia kesi ya Goldenberg alipewa asante gani
account iliarishwa design ya cholera
tushavumilia viboko chini ya ma-slave master
hadi kupigwa na mayai ya kuoza ka Kenyatta

najua wataka haki yako
angalia saa
angalia saa
najua unachotaka
najua unapoenda
najua wataka haki yako
angalia saa
angalia saa
wewe ni shujaa
machozi yako
yananivunja moyo
mbona sasa
dunia imekutupa
angalia saa

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 2/6/2016 - 22:28

Lingua: Inglese

Traduzione inglese (credo abbastanza libera) del rapper Kitu Sewer, sempre dal blog Hip Hop Kambi

i dedicate this to all the heroes of Kenya
everyone who has ever struggled n they havent ever get paid for, this is the time to get paid for
revolutionary comrade

i know what you want
i know what u love
i know where you r going
i know you want what rightfully belongs to to you
its about time
its about time
i know what you want
i know where you r going
i know you want what rightfully belongs to to you
its about time
its about time
you are a hero
your tears break my heart
why is it that the world has forgotten u???
whats going to be without you in this world??
can you see that??
can you see a sign??
can u see a sign??
i know you are almost giving up on this war
dont dare give up
dont give up
you are a hero

blood, sweat n tears, Mau mau won the war, the spectators stole the trophy
some of them dont even have clothing
the government wants to strip them off their few belongings
the police dont mind killing them its like they dont know who we be,im sure
they treating us like the former days when we used to have the white highlands (neo-colonization)
what am sure is that we can still fight (neo-colonization)
this war is deeper than the colour of our skin
all i know is that we only have two tribes: the rich and the poor
so synchronise the time, its 2005
its time to decolonize our minds, n dont give excuses that you got hypnotized n forgot
some people insult their mothers breasts n then fools give them a hearty handclap
they shot Muthoni wa Nyanjiru (a fierce Maumau female general)
they still took the same route n took n raped our mum Njeri (Ngugi wa Thiong’os wife…hope u remember)
this are the trials of being a hero nowadayz
n if the matrix (the movie) was Kenyan who would stand up to protect our present n future???
If Dedan Kimathi wasnt the one, then the society is high on opium
Am being socialised under Karl Marx economic point of view,
philantropic in churches
paying my tax to be harrased by the policemen (u know how this guyz deal with people down here)
the sitution is sad seeing mothers who cant protect their babies
men who cant protect their ladies
let justice be our shield (a line from the national anthem)
even if it means fighing for it like we did from the the Nyayo regime (u know how it was)

If we would tear down this curtain (freedom of speech) n expose what u do behind them
i’m sure u would come to where we kive n avenge (u know what they do)
some of the things people are doing are so last year
i thought we had talked of having songs that uplift the people
but u still dozing off
u can complain if u think u r being treated lesser
some people r stupid, they bite the hand that feeds them
u can hide when they sense its u whom they want to corner
u can say what u want
u all know how it goes when u r being forced into what you dont like
u all know how praising the master results to
a famous writer (Ngugi wa Thiong’o) was robbed n the wife raped
thats how they could thank him, thank him for giving u ideas that would help u change the country for good
my eyes see through walls like the transparent clothes worn by whores
i saw them hire famous assassins n mercenaries who perch on roofs lying in wait
dead bodies left in boots of cars
they always making those types of calls
your time is over
your enemies are tracing u with your scent
i pity the guy who started witch-hunting on to have corruption cases dealt with in a zero tolerance approach
what was the outcome that was handed to him?? (most end up dead, exiled, or bankrupt— i just dont know how they pull it)
The accounts of government coffers holding money for we the people go empty
anyway, we are still heroes who can change this,
we are stronger coz we have already gone thru n overcome the slave master days
n being ‘stoned’ with rotten eggs like Kenyatta

i know what you want
i know what u love
i know where you r going
i know you want what rightfully belongs to to you
its about time
its about time
i know what you want
i know where you r going
i know you want what rightfully belongs to to you
its about time
its about time
you are a hero
your tears break my heart
why is it that the world has forgotten u???
whats going to be without you in this world??
can you see that??
can you see a sign??
can u see a sign??
i know you are almost giving up on this war
dont dare give up
dont give up
you are a hero

inviata da Bernart Bartleby - 2/6/2016 - 22:29

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