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Contributed by Luke Atreides 2024/4/26 - 16:08
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Grândola, vila morena

Grândola, vila morena
Traducção eslovena / Traduzione slovena / Slovenian translation / Traduction slovène / Sloveniankielinen käännös:
Maja Gantar

La traduzione è letterale, ma con interpretazioni (ad esempio: o povo é quem mais ordena viene tradotto: “la gente è colei che ha la parola”; la “vila morena” diventa semplicemente “Grândola scura”). Proviene dalla tesi di laurea in scienze sociali discussa da Maja Gantar nel 2006 presso l’Università di Lubiana, intitolata Konstrukcija kolektivnega spomina v dokumentarnem novinarstvu: Dokumentarni filmi o Portugalski revoluciji 25. Aprila 1974 (“La costruzione della memoria collettiva nel giornalismo documentario: Documentari sulla rivoluzione portoghese del 25 aprile 1974”). [RV]
Temna Grândola
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2024/4/24 - 10:30
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1א. Varšavljanka 1905 - Versione slovena di Mile Klopčič (1943)
1א. Varšavljanka 1905 Slovenian version by Mile Klopčič (1943)

The text of the Slovenian version was written in 1943 by the Slovenian poet Mile Klopčič. He was active as a communist after joining the Yugoslav Communist Party in 1920, took part in the Yugoslav partisan movement during World War II and was appointed chairman of the Cultural Committee of the Slovenian Liberation Council (SNOS), and after the war he spent his entire life as a translator and poet. The Slovenian version of "Warszawianka" was written during the war as one for partisan struggle songs, which is why the translation of this text is slightly different compared to translations in other languages. In addition to the soundsource used in this video, there is also a version on a vinyl LP called Zemlja in Narodi (sung by Tržaški Partizanski Pevski Zbor "Trieste... (Continues)
Varšavljanka 1905 [Na barikade]
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/10/26 - 01:35
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По долинам и по взгорьям

По долинам и по взгорьям
Naglo puške smo zgrabili
Versione partigiana slovena / Slovene partisan version / Version partisane slovène / Sloveniankielinen partisaaniversio

Naglo puške smo zgrabili [1]
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi 2022/5/24 - 18:39
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Pesem enotne fronte
Contributed by EinheitsBoreč 2022/5/2 - 01:46

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