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Song Itinerary

Author Phyl Lobl

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Will You Fight, Will You Dare?

Will You Fight, Will You Dare?
Dark-eyed daughter
Pubblicato con il nome Phyl Vinnicombe (Lobl è il cognome da sposata)
Words & tune: Lobl

'The 1967 referendum in which 90% of the Australian Community voted in favour of deleting sections of the Constitution discriminating against Aborigines showed goodwill. To enable Aborigines to become independent, self-reliant people this goodwill must be translated into active and positive attitudes. Together we must build a nation where dark and white live in harmony with growing understanding and respect for one another, mutually contributing to the enrichment of our Commonwealth. This is the challenge of these songs and of the present day Aboriginal advancement movement.'
This is still the challenge but now many aboriginal people show us the value of their culture, they show us the meaning of resilience, they show us the way ahead, they show us how to forgive,... (Continues)
The dreamtime folk are stirring now
Contributed by dq82 2022/8/21 - 11:52

No More Boomerang

No More Boomerang
Dark-eyed daughter
Pubblicato con il nome Phyl Vinnicombe (Lobl è il cognome da sposata)
Words: Walker (Noonuccal)
Tune: Lobl

'The 1967 referendum in which 90% of the Australian Community voted in favour of deleting sections of the Constitution discriminating against Aborigines showed goodwill. To enable Aborigines to become independent, self-reliant people this goodwill must be translated into active and positive attitudes. Together we must build a nation where dark and white live in harmony with growing understanding and respect for one another, mutually contributing to the enrichment of our Commonwealth. This is the challenge of these songs and of the present day Aboriginal advancement movement.'
This is still the challenge but now many aboriginal people show us the value of their culture, they show us the meaning of resilience, they show us the way ahead, they show us how... (Continues)
No more boomerang no more spear,
Contributed by Dq82 2018/1/5 - 13:28

Cowper Wharf

Cowper Wharf
Scritta nel gennaio 2003.

Our first troopship to Iraq sailed from Cowper Wharf 2003. I watched her sail with a heavy heart. 
I went down to the Cowper Wharf one day,
Contributed by Riccardo Venturi

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