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Author Chris Busby

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Country Boy

Country Boy
Dr Chris Busby is an internationally renowned scientist and founder of the Low Level Radiation Campaign (
Busby is also an accomplished lyricist and composer, with a wry take on nuclear madness, political shenanigans and death and infanticide for oil.

His song about the illegal Iraq invasion and depleted uranium was first performed on stage, to an audience of five thousand, at the Perdana International War Crimes Tribunal in Kuala Lumpur in May 2007. On the first anniversary, Busby is making it available to anyone who wishes to use it. 'Country Boy', in country music : 'a wry cowboy waltz', can be downloaded from the llrc website.
I went to a country that's baked in the sun
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/5/20 - 15:24

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