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Before 2018-10-29

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Luna tucumana

Luna tucumana
Mbe ha ragione Poltronieri. La canzone è di yupanqui, e tra L altro l hanno interpretata in tanti, mica solo la Sosa. E comunque si, Yupanqui è stato in esilio.
Daniele Sepe 2018/10/29 - 18:10
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Fausto Mesolella: Van Gogh

Fausto Mesolella: Van Gogh
Piano piano allegramente con brio ma non troppo...

Krzysiek 2018/10/29 - 18:00

L'omo e l'arbero

L'omo e l'arbero
Chanson italienne – L'omo e l'arbero – Trilussa – 1932
Poème de Carlo Alberto Salustri, dit Trilussa, tiré du recueil “Giove e le bestie”, publié en 1932
Mis en musique par Giuseppe Micheli dans le disque “Trilussa e il suo tempo (e la sua Roma)”
Interprétation : Alba Bosi, Marcello Baldassarini et les solistes du Gruppo Folkloristico Romano.

Dialogue Maïeutique

Vois-tu, Lucien l’âne mon ami, «  L’HOMME ET L’ARBRE », est évidemment un sujet gigantesque à propos duquel il y aurait tant et tant à dire. On en disait déjà deux ou trois choses l’autre jour en discutant d’une autre chanson de Trilussa qui parlait d’un arbre qui faisait son testament (Er testamento d’un arbero).

Cet arbre-là était généreux, remarque Lucien l’âne, mais dans le fond, j’ai l’impression que tous les arbres ont toujours été généreux, même sans le savoir, comme le Monsieur Jourdain de Molière faisait de la prose.... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2018/10/29 - 17:02
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Amore e Odio

Amore e Odio
"Our photographer friend Tano D'Amico once told us that in a trip to Palestine, many years ago, he had made a photographic service in the refugee camps. There he met a family, mother, father and daughter. In March 2002 we went to Palestine and Tano went to meet the family in the picture. In the meanwhile, the child had grown up, and had recently blown herself up as a kamikaze."
Contributed by ZugNachPankow 2018/10/29 - 16:50
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Eagle Fly Free

Eagle Fly Free
Contributed by Leandro 2018/10/29 - 06:39
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Ele Não

Ele Não
"Ele sim", purtroppo, visto che il Bolsonaro ha appena vinto e è stato eletto presidente del Brasile col 55% dei voti (immediate le congratulazioni di Salvini).
Riccardo Venturi 2018/10/29 - 00:51
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President Gas

President Gas
quindi Trump neanche lo slogan della campagna elettorale si è inventato, l'ha copiato da Reagan...
Lorenzo 2018/10/28 - 22:33
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Don’t Wanna Fight

Don’t Wanna Fight
In something of a creative departure, Howard has written a song for the new album about global warfare. "Don’t Wanna Fight" was inspired by “people killing each other because of ridiculous assumptions. Are you a Shiite? Are you a Jew? I’ve started paying attention to things like that.” (The Guardian)

Alla luce di questa dichiarazione, proporrei di togliere il brano dagli Extra e spostarlo fra le CCG...
B.B. 2018/10/28 - 21:18
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Vi lever ännu

Vi lever ännu
Hej Juha,
It would be so great to have your email address so we could discuss translations without it being on a public website. My email is ...

Besides listening to these songs everyday in my car, when I do a translation, I always check song texts on Björn’s website as well as in the album jackets. If there are errors in the Swedish texts, I would love to know as that affects translations as well. It is very important to me to do these translations correctly.

Thanks for putting the video on the Vi lever ännu page. It was very interesting.

Ceil Herman 2018/10/28 - 19:22

Som i en spökstad

Som i en spökstad
Contributed by Ceil Herman 2018/10/28 - 16:14

Er testamento d’un arbero

Er testamento d’un arbero
Chanson italienne (Laziale Romanesco) – Er testamento d’un arbero – Trilussa – 1934
Texte de Carlo Alberto Camillo Mariano Salustri, alias Trilussa (1871-1950), tiré du recueil “Cento favole” publié en 1934.

Poésie dans le passé – mais encore aujourd’hui, malheureusement – impudemment censurée et violée par les « bonnes âmes » (que Dieu les foudroie !), s’ils osent la proposer amputée des derniers, très beaux et dramatiques vers qui en retournent tout à coup et complètement l’apparente signification initiale. « Er testament d’un arbero », en version italienne, a récemment a été mise en musique par Marco Schunnach, dans une adaptation pour le chœur qu’il dirige : l’« Ensemble vocale Note…volmente ». Dommage que même le « maestro » n’échappe pas à la violence qui de toujours a offensé ce poème, en s’arrêtant aux habituels « poverelli » et en omettant également les derniers vers où se trouve... (Continues)
Contributed by Marco Valdo M.I. 2018/10/28 - 13:47
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Bella Ciao

Bella Ciao
18d. Ele não (Versione delle donne brasiliane contro Jaír Bolsonaro - Flávia Ferreira Simão e Simone Soares)
18d. Ele não (Version sung by Brazilian women against Jaír Bolsonaro - Flávia Ferreira Simão and Simone Soares)

"Ele não - versione delle donne brasiliane contro Bolsonaro, candidato fascista alla presidenza del Brasile." Così recita la breve nota preposta a questa versione. Tutti sappiamo purtroppo com'è andata: Jaír Bolsonaro è attualmente il presidente fascista del Brasile. Ma la lotta continua.

"Ele não - versão das mulheres brasileiras contra Bolsonaro, candidato fascista à presidência do Brasil." Assim a breve nota que acompanha esta versão. Todos sabemos como acabou: Jaír Bolsonaro é agora o presidente do Brasil. A luta continua.

Una delle autrici, Flávia Simão, ci informa che la versione è stata composta da lei stessa e da Simone Soares per il Movimento “Mulheres Unidas... (Continues)
Contributed by CCG/AWS Staff 2018/10/28 - 13:39
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Only Love Is Real

Only Love Is Real
Contributed by Federico Mina 2018/10/28 - 12:04

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