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Song Itinerary

Author Roger Hall

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This song is based on an anti-war poem from The War of 1812 written by a 10 year old girl. More information at - American Music Preservation

Ten-year-old Esther Talbot took up her pen, dipped it in ink, and with near perfect penmanship wrote the word "Peace" atop expensive paper.

Most likely, this was how the girl from a prominent Stoughton family began her short poem in 1814, almost two years after the start of the War of 1812 and just months before Francis Scott Key penned "The Star Spangled Banner," according to Roger Hall. The local composer put her words to music after finding the poem more than two decades ago while searching the archives of the Stoughton Historical Society.

"She wasn't just talking about lilies in the field," Hall said.

She was writing an anti-war poem.

-- Esther Talbot, 1814 (War of 1812)
Come, gentle Peace, with smiling ray,
2014/4/5 - 07:18

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