
ظل الضوء

Franco Battiato
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Traduzzioni siciliana / ترجمة صقلية / Traduction sicilienn...
Protect me from the forces of evil,
At night, asleep, when I am unconscious;
When I am uncertain of my way.
And never leave me...
Never, never leave me!
Addifennimi de forzi contra
Nto sonnu dâ notti cuannu ‘n sugnu cuscenti
Cuannu a strata je cunfunnuta
Un mi lassari ma
Un mi lassari ma
Bear me up to the loftiest heights
in one of realms of peace;
It's time to leave this cycle of life.
And never leave me...
Never, never leave me!
Cunnucimi nnê banni cchiù auti
Nne unu dê to regni di paci
Vinni u tempu di lassari stu circhiu di viti
Un mi lassari ma
Un mi lassari ma
For the joys of the deepest affection,
Or of the heart's gentiest yearnings
Are only the shadow of the light.
Remind me how unhappy I am
Far from your laws,
Teach me how not to waste the time that is left to me.
And never leave me...
Never,never leave me!
Picchì i cuntintizzi di l’amuri cchiù ranni
O dê disii cchiù duci dô cori
Sunu sulu l’ummira dâ luci
Arricordami cuantu sugnu ancarjatu
Luntanu dê to liggi,
Comu nun spardari u tempu ca m’assuperchia
Un mi lassari ma
Un mi lassari ma
For the peace I have felt in certain monasteries,
Or the vibrant joining of all the senses in joyful
Are only the shadow of the light.
Picchì a paci c’aju ntisu nne certi munasteri
O lu scrusciu di li senzii tutti 'nzemmula scummugghiati
Un sunu autru ca l’ummira dâ luci.

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