
Maurizio Ferrara: Er puzzone. La storia der fascismo

Page de la chanson avec toutes les versions

OriginaleTraduzione inglese di L.E.
1 - Il figlio del fabbro1 - The son of the smith
Lui era er fijo d’un fabbro de Romagna,He was the son of a smith of Romagna,
‘n bravomo, giacubbino socialista,a good man, jacobin, socialist,
ch’a sapéllo ch’er fijo era fascistawho, had he known that his son was a fascist,
te l’allessava come ‘na castagna.would have roasted him like a chestnut.
‘Nfatti quannoché lui, pe’ ‘r verbo màgna,Indeed, when he, for the verb “to eat” [= “to steal”],
svortò bandiera e se cammiò de listaswapped banner and changed his electoral list
je toccò ‘nnasse a métte fori vistahe needed to go far out of sight
pe’ nun finì a fà er morto de avoid ending up like a countryside corpse [poor, unlucky].
Lassò er paese e dov’annò? A Milano,He left his village and where did he go? To Milan,
‘ndove fra tanti torzi lui fu un geniowhere, among so many fools he seemed a genius
e se fece portà in parma de mano.and he was carried over the palms of their hands.
Trovò sòrdi a caretti, ‘sto ruffiano,He found wagons of money, this ruffian [thug, scoundrel, villain],
pe’ oprì er Covo der Fascio primiggenio [1],to set up the Lair of the firstborn “bundle” [= Fascist group]
ché mica è nato a Roma: è cispatano.‘cause it was not made in Rome: it is Cispadane.
2 - Il covo2 - The Lair
Chiuso drento ‘sto Covo lui covavaHidden in this Lair he kept brooding over
come poté fà fòri er communismohow to get rid of communism
e fu pe’ questo ch’inventò er fascismoand that was why he came up with fascism
pe’ fàcce tornà ar tempo de la get us back to the time of the club [= caveman].
‘Nfatti mentre l’Italia se logravaIndeed, while Italy was being worn out
cor parlamento annàto ar cretinismo,with the parliament gone to cretinism,
mentre noi penzavamo ar socialismoas we were thinking about socialism
lui nun penzava un cazzo ma menava.he wasn’t thinking shit but whacked.
E in quell’Italia vecchia, stracca, sfitica,And in that Italy, old, tired, asphyxiating,
co’ la Camera fatta un carosello,with the House of Deputies turned a carousel
lui der menà ne fece ‘na pulitica.of this whacking he made out a political line.
Mena e mena convince er generone [2]Whack and whack, he persuades the middle class
ch’ar dilemma tra legge e manganellothat, given the dilemma between law and truncheon,
la borghesia à da sceje San Bastone.the bourgeoisie has to choose Saint Baton.
3 - Lo squadrismo di stato3 - State squadrismo
Però ‘sto gran menà che lui facevaHowever, this great whacking he made
era a botta sicura un pijà er terno,was like winning the lottery sure shot,
perché lui se copriva cor governobecause he was covered by the Government
ch’ar brutto l’aiutava e proteggeva.which, when things turned awry, helped and protected him.
‘Nfatti si ‘no squadrista se movevaIndeed, if a squadrist took action
p’abbrucià un sinnacato e fà l’infernoto set fire to a trade union and raise hell,
dietro c’era un guardione de l’Internobehind him there was a spy of the Ministry of the Interior
che invece d’arestàllo l’assorvéva.who, instead of arresting him, would let him go free.
Lo Stato, inzomma, mica fu ‘mparzialeThe State, in short, was not impartial at all,
a dì «chi rompe paga», «c’è la legge»,to say «who breaks pays», «there’s the law»,
come riporta er codice recorded in the criminal code.
‘Sto Stato come palo ar forilegge,This State, like a pole to the outlaw,
confermò Marz, che scrisse ar Capitale:confirmed Marx who wrote in The Capital:
«Le libbertà borghesi sò scoregge».«Bourgeois freedoms are farts».
4 - Il tradimento del re4 - The king’s betrayal
‘Nfatti mentre er Puzzone già ‘nzorgeva,Indeed, while the Stinker already rioted,
er re, che dello Stato à d’èsse er perno,the king, who has to be the pivot of the State,
facendo finta de tenesse esternowhile pretending to remaining neutral,
je faceva er basista, je faceva.acted as an insider accomplice, he acted.
Lo Sciabboletta [3] loffio ce friggevaThe vapid Little Saber was frying
a volé un boja a capo der governo,in the hope to get an executioner as head of the Government,
magara protemporibbus, no eterno,perhaps temporarily, not indefinitely,
p’incarcà er popolino che trample on the common people which pressed upwards.
‘Nzomma quer re de coppe in quer cimentoIn short, that playing card king of cups in that ordeal,
pe’ nun volélla dà vinta a la massaunwilling to let the masses win,
se buttò ar Fascio de combattimento.he threw himself into the combat Fascio.
Così ‘sto re Sordato, gran cornuto,And so, this soldier king, great horned one,
nun solo cacò in testa ar parlamentonot only shat in the head of the parliament
ma se rimagnò puro lo Statuto.but also reneged on the Statute.
5 - Il 28 ottobre 19225 - 28 October 1922
Quanno er ventottottobbre ventidue,When on the 28th of October 1922,
a cavacecio [4] de li questurini,on the shoulders of police agents,
je se presenta a casa MusoliniMussolini shows up at his place
pe’ pià er potere da le mani sue,to receive the power from his very hands,
‘nvece de dije: «Ma le corna tue!»instead of replying: «The horns of yours!»
er re j’aggiusta ar culo li cuscini,the king adjusts the cushions to his butt,
l’abbraccica e je fa: «Semo cuggini!». [5]he hugs him and says: «We are cousins!».
A ‘sto bigonzo fracico de lue!This syphilis soaking sack!
Ài capito che coppia! C’è un zovranoYou get what a pair? There’s a sovereign
che puro de potè sarvà la cassawho just to get to save the cash
se ‘mparentela co’ un repubbricano.gets related with a republican.
L’antro, ‘n ecsenarcoide prudonianoThe other, an ex-proudhonian anarchoid
che se converte e pe’ fà più manbassawho gets converted and to rob at full hands
va a leccà ‘r culo ar re, ‘sto gran ruffiano.goes licking the king’s arse, this great ruffian.
6 - La rivoluzione fascista6 - The fascist revolution
Fu ‘na rivoluzzione? ‘Nzia mai detto!Was it a revolution? Never let it be said!
Quella la fece Lenin co’ BaffoneThat Lenin and Moustache [= Stalin] did it
che sparorno ar Palazzo cor cannonewho shot against the Palace with the cannon,
poi annorno su a pijà lo zar pe’ ‘r petto.then went up to get the tsar chest to chest.
Ma er Puzza p’annà a Roma pijò er letto,But the Stinker, to reach Rome, he got the wagon-lit,
cor prefetto a ‘spettallo a la stazzione,with the prefect waiting for him at the station,
e agnede ar Quirinale in proscessione,and he went up to the Quirinal Palace in procession,
co’ le ghette, la bomba [6], er doppiopetto.with his gaiters, bowler hat, double-breasted coat.
Lui rivoluzzionario? Sì, de pezza!He a revolutioner? Yes, with the patches!
A ‘sto borzo je diedero le chiaviThis flabby, they gave him the keys
pe’ fà entrà a Roma lui e la su’ get himself in Rome, and his garbage scavengers.
‘Nzomma pe’ lui la marcia fu ‘no sguazzo,In short, to him the march was a fresh water dabbling,
co’ preti, generali e ladiclavi [7]with priests, generals and laticlave adorned senators
a faje strada a ‘sto Dantò der make way, to this fucking Danton.
7 - Il fascismo dei ricchi7 - The rich people fascism
Dice: fu ‘no sbarbajo, fu ‘n’ufòria,[Some] say: it was a dazzle, a euphoria,
tutta ‘na trapparenti, un carnovale,all a within-brackets, a carnival,
‘na specie de peccato origginalea sort of original sin
der quale è mejo pèrde la memoria. [8]of which it’s best to lose memory.
Manco pe’ ‘r cazzo! Fu ‘n pezzo de storia,No fucking way! It was a piece of our history,
e de storia de classe, è naturale,and of working class history, that’s for sure,
‘ndove er ricco a paràsse er capitalewhere the rich, in order to parry their capital,
finanziò er Fascio pe’ cantà vittoria.financed Fascism to sing victory.
S’erimio tutti quanti poveracciGiven that we were all poor,
chi je lo dava er grano a Mussoliniwho gave Mussolini the grain [or the money]
pe’ le squadre de Barbo e Farinacci?for the squads of Balbo and Farinacci?
‘Nvece Agnelli je diede li quatrini,Conversely, Agnelli gave them the shekels,
cusì a noi ce pistorno come stracciso they pounded us like rags
e su Roma marciorno li burini.and on Rome marched the burini [peasants].
8 - L’errore8 - The mistake
Quant’a noi, ce fregò perché quell’eraAs to us, we got shafted because that era
era ‘n’era confusa e baccajona,was a confused and rowdy era,
cor socialismo fatto a la strapponawith the socialism done sluttishly
e er communismo che nimmanco c’era.and the communism which did not even exist.
Li proletari, gente assai sincera,Proletarians, very sincere people,
penzànno che la Russia solo è bona,convinced that only Russia is good,
pijaveno de petto ‘gni perzonaconfronted everyone chest to chest
e sputaveno puro alla bandiera.and spat also on the national flag.
Che ce vòi fà? Era come ‘n’idolàtriaWhat can you do? It was like an idolatry,
a cantà solo «L’internazzionale»singing only «The Internationale»
e a nun capì mai un cazzo de la patria.and never understanding shit of the Fatherland.
‘Nvece ‘sta patria c’è, nun c’è quistione,However, this Fatherland is there, no question,
e fu ‘no sbajo propio madonnàleand it was a truly glaring error
a rigalàlla tutta a quer give it whole to that Stinker.
9 - La sconfitta9 - The defeat
C’è da capì, li tempi ereno scuri,It's to be understood, the times were obscure,
co’ ‘n doppoguera peggio de la guera,with an after-war worse than the war,
co’ li braccianti ‘gnudi e senza tera,with the farmhands naked and with no land,
l’agrari cor fuscile a fà li duri.the agrarian owners playing hardball with the rifles.
Noi erimio gneonati, pochi e puri,We were like newborn babies, few and pure,
sempre a lottà e morì alla berzajera,always fighting and dying hard and fast, unyieldingly,
co’ scritto in fronte come ‘na chimera:written on our forehead like a chimera:
«Semo pochi ma boni e gnente impuri».«We are few but good, and no impure».
Co’ ‘sti sistemi da sabbatosseraWith these Saturday night [= improvised] methods
era distino che buttasse male,it was destiny it would turn ugly,
restamio soli a cantà «‘spetta e spera».we ended up isolated and singing «Wait and hope».
Non solo ce fregorno la bandieraNot only they robbed us of the red flag
ma toccò fà er saluto nazzionalebut we ended up having to perform the national greeting
all’antre due, la tricolore e nera.of the other two, the tricolour and the black ones.
10 - Il fascismo al governo10 - Fascism in power
Basta. Doppo che cià l’investituraEnough. After he got the appointment
er Puzzone se chiama li partiti e fa:the Stinker calls the parties to himself and says:
«Pe’ voi già ciò la dittatura«For you all I already have the dictatorship
si nun ve dimostrate assai pentiti».if you do not show you are greatly repented».
Quell’antri mezzi morti de pauraThose others, half scared to death
d’avecce l’ossa rotte da l’arditi,to have their bones broken by the intrepid ones,
penzando fra de sé: «Tanto nun dura»,thinking to themselves: «He won’t last anyway»,
je fecero de sì, ‘sti rimbambiti.they answered yes, these dimwits.
Anzi ce fu puro un democristiano,Furthermore, there was a Christian democrat,
cor primatur der papa a sarvatacco,with the pope’s imprimatur to serve as heeltap,
che j’entrò ner governo a dà ‘na mano.who entered in the government to lend a hand.
Sortanto la sinistra in quer palazzoOnly the left in that palace
‘ndoveché lui voleva fà er bivaccowhere he intended to make a bivouac
je fece, dice: «Ma nun róppe er cazzo!».they told him, like: «Don't go breaking the dick!».
11 - Le divisioni della sinistra11 - The divisions within the left
Ma mò era tardi a rimedià quer guaio,But now it was too late to remedy that havoc,
stava ar rifrusso la rivoluzzione,the revolution was flowing backward,
e pe’ tigna settaria e divisioneand due to sectarian stubbornness and division
la sinistra già ‘nnava a lo sbarajo.the left was already falling into a rout/debacle.
Bordiga pe’ ‘no Stato più operaio,Bordiga for a more working-class State,
Turati pe’ ‘na lenta ‘voluzzioneTurati for a slow reform/evolution
litigaveno, e quello cor bastonequarreled, and that one with his baton
menava a tutt’e due, de punta e tajo.Kept whacking both of them, tip and cut.
Fu ‘na prova der nove e me ce rodeIt was a casting-out-nines test, and it gnaws at me
che ‘nvece d’èsse uniti p’annà avantithat, instead of staying united to move forward,
fra li du’ litiganti er terzo gode.while two dogs strive for a bone a third runs away with it.
E nun servì alla fine d’èsse tanti:And it didn’t help at the end to be so many:
spaccati l’abbuscassimo più sodesplit, we were beaten hard
e annassimo pe’ ciche tutti quanti.and ended up dispersed all of us.
12 - Le connivenze liberali12 - The liberal connivances
Ma j’annò storta puro ar libberaleBut things also went wrong for the liberal
che pe’ scampà dalla rivoluzzionewho, to escape the revolution,
s’aggregò ar Puzza drento ner listone [9]got themself aggregated to the Stinker’s broad list
purché lui je sarvasse er capitale.just so he saved their capital.
Lui je lo sarva e poi, papal papale,He saves it for them, and then, bluntly and harshly,
fa: «Bravi, mò però, care perzone,he says: «Well done, now though, dear people,
commanno io e chi fa l’opposizzioneI’m in charge and those at the opposition
je faccio un mazzo com’un orinale».I will have their arse open wide like a urinal».
E quelli che je s’erano accodatiAnd those who had tagged him along
finché lui je menava i socialistiinsofar he whacked the socialists for them
li buttò alla monnezza sputtanati.he threw them in the garbage, disparaged/discredited.
Je stette bene a tutti ‘st’avvocatiIt served them right, all these lawyers
che doppo dato er culo a li fascistiwho after offering their arse to the fascists
se trovorno contenti e cojonati.found themselves satisfied and defiled.
13 - Papato e regime13 - Papacy and regime
‘Nquant’ar papa, un papaccio de Milano,As for the pope, an ugly pope from Milan,
in primis p’ingrazziasse lo squadristain primis, to ingratiate himself with the squadrist,
a Sturzo, ch’era un prete antifascista,Sturzo, who was an antifascist priest,
lo mise a cuccia e lo spedì lontano.he ordered him down like a pup and then sent him far away.
Doppo convoca er Puzza e a quer ruffianoAfterwards, he summoned the Stinker and to that ruffian
je fa: «Non è eccellenza che c’inzista,he says: «Not that I, your excellency, would insist,
ma si je serve Dio lo fo fascistabut if it may serve you, God, I make him fascist,
purché lei me finanzi er Vaticano».as long as you finance the Vatican for me».
Er Puzza penza: «È fatta». E co’ osseguenzaThe Stinker thinks: «It’s done». And with subservience
je fa de sì e quer papa fu capacehe says yes, and that pope was able
de dì: «Ecco l’omo de la provvidenza».to say: «Here is the man sent by providence».
Così tra Stato e Chiesa ce fu paceAnd so, between State and Church there was peace,
ma da quer giorno puro a su’ ‘minenzabut since that day his eminence too
je toccò de dì messa co’ l’orbace.had to say mass with the Sardinian orbace wool.
14 - I frutti del caos14 - The consequences of chaos
Ciebbe conzenzi? Pochi, e fu dovutoDid he have consensus? Little, and that was due to the fact
che lui sfruttò li sbaji der passatothat he exploited the mistakes of the past
e ingannò er cetro medio abbituatoAnd deceived the middle class, used
a annà cor vento, quest’è go with the wind, this is known.
Poi c’era er caos. E lui, baron fottuto,Furthermore, there was chaos. And he, fucking bastard,
proprio de quello s’è più approfittato,specifically of that took more advantage:
je dà ‘na sistemata e fa ‘no Statohe gives it a quick fix and makes a State
ch’ar popolino je dà qualche ajuto.that offers the common people some minor aid.
Così, cor treno a orario e la stazzione,And so, with the train in time and the train station,
‘npo’ più d’ordine e meno contrattempijust a bit more order and less mishaps
fece scordà siqquanto era puzzone.he made forget what a stinker he really was.
Questo vòr dì ch’er popolo è cojone?Does this mean the people are dumb-asses?
No: ma ch’er caos pò fà rompe li tempiNo: but that chaos can break the succession of time
e che doppo er tronà viè lo sgrullone.and that, after thunders, falls down a shower of heavy rain.
15 - L’opposizione proletaria15 - The proletarian opposition
Però quannoché lui pijò er timoneBut when he got hold of the helm
e dar governo scatenò er teroreand from the government he unleashed terror,
er popolo capì, se magnò er core,the people realised, they despaired,
e je se mise a fà Popposizzione.and set themselves to oppose him.
Popolo, sì, e no vórgo pecoronePeople, yes, and not sheepish crowd
che marcia sempre ‘ndove vò er pastore.that always marches wherever the shepherd leads them.
Quello ce fu ma più che un sdisonoreThat was also there, but more than an ignominy
fu ‘n quipproquoque, ‘na contraddizzione.It was a mix-up, a misunderstanding, a contradiction.
Ma l’antri no. Benché morto de fame,But not the others. Although starving to death,
ce fu er fior fiore der proletariatothere was the blooming flower of the proletariat
sotto sotto a resìste a quell’infame.underneath below, to resist that infamous.
Questo spiega perché a quer criminale,This explains why that criminal,
margrado un conzenzaccio arimediato,despite an ugly consensus scraped up [as best as he could],
je serviva er tortóre e er tribbunale.he needed the torturer and the tribunal.
16 - L’OVRA e il tribunale speciale16 - OVRA and the special tribunal
‘Nfatti pe’ garantisse in sempiternoIndeed, to secure himself for ever
pia er codice e lo fa tutto penale,he takes the codes of law and makes them entirely “criminal”,
pe’ cui ‘gni cittadino è un criminaleso that every citizen is a criminal
basta che parla male der governo.just suffice it that they speak ill of the government.
Poi pe’ stà più guardato ne l’internoThen, to keep himself more guarded on the inside,
pia un tribbunale e te lo fa specialehe takes a tribunal and makes it “special”,
‘ndove er giudice in toga è un generalewhere the judge in his toga is a general
più peggio de Caronte ne l’Inferno.worser than Charon in Hell.
Poi pe’ spià fa l’Ovra, ‘na congregaThen, to spy, he establishes the OVRA, a coven
che fa’ che sparli a béve all’osteriathat - suppose you drivel on while you drink at the tavern -
lei soffia e viè er carubba che te lega.they blow and here comes the carabiniere to handcuff you.
Bastava, a bon bisogno, che ‘na spiaIt sufficed, in essence, that a spy
te sentiva a dì: «Er duce? E chemmefrega»heard you say: «The Duce? And what do I care?»
‘nnavi ar confino de Pantelleria.and you ended up to Pantelleria internment.
17 - L’olio di ricino17 - Castor oil
Poi pe’ fà stà la gente assoggettataThen to get the people submissive
ne’ ‘gni paese c’era ‘no squadristain every village there was a squadrist
che a chi ‘gn’annava a salutà fascistawho those who weren’t keen to make the fascist salute
nottetempo je dava ‘n’ night he would beat them up.
A dieci contro uno e all’imboscata,Ten against one, in an ambush,
si t’aveva segnato su la lista,if it had put your name on its list
er Fascio te faceva carne pistathe Fascio made you ground meat
o cor tortóre o co’ ‘na cortellata.either with the baton or with a knife stab.
Ma ‘r servizzio più ‘nfame era quell’ojoBut the most heinous service was that oil
che quann’uno pe’ forza lo bevevawhich, when one was forced to drink it,
te l’umijava drento ne l’ humiliated him in his dignity.
Lo diedero a mi’ nonno. E ‘sto poraccioThey gave it to my grandfather. And this unfortunate,
mentre un lago de mmerda lo sciojevawhile a lake of shit dissolved him,
piagneva com’un pupo, era ‘no straccio.wailed like a child, he was in tatters.
18 - La repressione di massa18 - Mass repression
Si poi eri inzovverzivo e cospiraviOn top of that if you were a subversive and conspired
pe’ fà er soccorso rosso der partito,to carry red aid to the party,
sàrvete fio, a cascacce eri fenito,run for your life, son, failing determined your end,
pòi stà sicuro nun te la can be sure you would’t get away with that.
Pe’ quanto ch’eri tosto e che negaviNo matter how tough you were and denied
e facevi lo gnori e l’impunito,and you acted dumb and impudent,
te daveno trentanni, garantito,they gave you thirty years, guaranteed,
margrado l’avvocati li più bravi.despite the best lawyers.
E, dice, in quer frangente, er peggio maleAnd they say, at that juncture, the worst woe
era che stavi solo a fà le spese,was that you were alone to pay the price,
nun facevi parlà manco un wouldn’t even attract the attention of a newspaper.
Sparivi ner silenzio generale,You disappeared in the ordinary silence,
no come mò che si te danno un mesenot like now, that if they give you a month
lo deve dì puro er teleggiornale.even the TV news must mention it.
19 - Matteotti19 – Matteotti
C’era er terore. E quanno MatteottiTerror was reigning. And when Matteotti
j’annò sotto de brutto co’ l’accuso,slogged hard and uglily with his accusations,
er Puzza biastimò, storcette er musothe Stinker cursed, he twisted his muzzle
e zagajò: «Mò questo me l’à rotti!».and stuttered «Now this one has broken my balls!».
Poi chiama tre squadristi galeotti,Then he calls three villainous squadrists,
je dice come perpetrà l’abbuso,tells them how to perpetrate the abuse,
quelli vanno e la sera fu concrusothose ones go and in the evening was concluded
er fatto loffio, senza strilli e botti.the loathsome deed, without screams and bangs.
Lo ritrovorno poi alla Quartarella [10]Eventually they found him at Quartarella
massacrato de córpi de pugnale,massacred by dagger stabs,
a faccia a tera, giù, drento la zella.face down, in the filth.
Lui quanno stava già ferito maleAs for him, when he was already seriously wounded
j’uscì ‘na frase celebre ch’è quella:a renowned phrase got out of his mouth and it was
«M’ammazzerete a me, no l’ideale».«You will perhaps kill me, not the ideal».
20 - Gramsci20 - Gramsci
Gramsci era un gobbo ma però gigante.Gramsci was a hunchback, but a giant.
‘N antro genio così chi se lo sogna?Another genius like that, who dares to dream of another?
E er duce, pe’ smorzàllo, ‘sta carogna,And the Duce, to smother him, this carrion,
je dà er ‘gastolo peggio ch’un him a life sentence worse than to a brigand.
Je ne fece passà de tutte e tanteHe made him suffer many [disgraces] and of all types
drento a ‘na cella peggio de ‘na fogna,in a cell worse than a sewer,
j’impiombava deppiù sempre la gognaloading his pillory with ever more lead
fino a ridùllo un schertro diambulante.until he made him a lame/limping/claudicant skeleton.
Ma prima de morìcce ne ‘st’inferniBut before dying in these hells
stette sempre a penzà, sera e matina,he always kept thinking, evening and morning,
puro de notte a scrìve li quaderni.even at night, to write the Prison Notebooks.
La profezzia più sua ‘nze pò scordàlla:His most characteristic prophecy can’t be forgotten:
«Stronzi, co’ voi l’Italia andrà in rovina«Turds! With you, Italy will fall into ruin
e a noi ce toccherà poi de sarvàlla».and it will be up to us to save her».
21 - Il tradimento dei chierici21 - The clerks’ betrayal
Doppodeché co’ l’ojo e la galeraAfterwards, with the oil and the gaol
liquidò li nimichi più giurati,he liquidated his most sworn enemies,
l’antri avverzari ‘npo’ più spampanatithe other adversaries, a bit more unscrupulous/unprincipled,
li coruppe e je fece fà cariera.he bribed them and made them advance in their career.
Fu ‘n obbrobbio er véde ‘na tiriteraIt was an opprobrium/ignominy seeing a parade/pantomime
d’ecchise oppositori patentatiof ex certified opponents
dì: «Mbè, vor dì che s’erimio sbajati»say: «So what? Must be that we were wrong to begin with»
e annà cor fezze e la camiscia nera.and move forward with fezzes and black shirts.
E si pòi perdonà che l’impiegatiAnd if you can forgive that employees,
pe’ ‘r pane annorno a fà l’arzabandierafor the bread, went on to hoist the flag
vestiti da ammiraji e da sordati, [11]dressed up like admirals and soldiers,
nun ze spiega, fu propio ‘na schifezza,it can’t be explained, it was yuck,
sentì tanti povèti laureatito hear so many poets laureate
a cantà: «Giovinezza, giovinezza».singing: «Youth, oh youth».
22 - L’abbaglio22 - Razzle dazzle
E poi certe mignotte, ‘tàcci loro,And then certain whores, curse their ancestors’ souls,
je se misero tutte a fà la rota,set themselves to fan their peacock tails
strillànno: «Che fustaccio, che pilota»,clamouring: «What a hot sturdy stud, what a pilot»,
perdenno puro l’urtimo decoro.thus losing the least decorum.
‘Nzomma all’intorno je se fece un coroIn short, all around him was soon an ensemble
de ruffiani, magnaccia, gente sciota,of ruffians, pimps, simpletons
laichi, preti, burini, gente nota,laymen, priests, peasants, notorious people,
morti de fame in cerca de lavoro.death starving poor looking for an employer.
Ereno troppi. E quando all’adunateThey were too many. And when at their gatherings
a mijara se daveno a ‘st’ingannoin thousands gave themselves away to this deception
te sentivi l’idee più occurred to hear the most disparate/desperate ideas.
Mi’ patre, avanti a tutto quer malanno,My father, in front of all this plague,
s’ingrugnava, sbiancava e borbottava:uglified in the face, turned pale and grunted:
«‘Mmazzeli quante merde che ce stanno».«Slay them! How many turds there are!».
23 - I colpevoli del consenso23 - Those guilty of the consensus
Ereno merde o no? Questo è er problema.Were they turds or were they not? That is the question.
Er più era genterella sempricionaMost of them were common people, simpletons,
educata da piccola a èsse bona,raised since childhood to be good,
a penzà senza tanto think without much of a speculation.
Che mò vòi dà a la massa l’anatema?Why?, now you want to give the masses the anathema?
Quello je tocca ar papa e a la corona,That must be addressed to the pope and the crown
propenzi a ‘na cultura stramicionainclined to a trollopish culture
pe’ cui la gente allora era più scema.such that people back then were more dimwit.
Er popolo che c’entra? SdottrinatoWhat did the people have got to do with it? Indoctrinated
a créde ch’er re è sagro, er papa è dio,to believe that the king is sacred, the pope is god,
nun à da créde a un «duce consagrato»?don’t they have to believe a «consecrated leader»?
L’anatema va a chi s’è cortivatoThe anathema belongs to those who have bred to themselves
er popolo da pollo, cor «pio pio»,the people, with «peep, peep» calls,
pe’ fallo ar dunque còtto e get it cooked and roasted when needed.
24 - L’era fascista24 - The fascist era
Basta. Er Puzzone, doppo avé schiaffatoEnough. The Stinker, after tossing
l’opposizzione drento ‘na galera,the opposition inside a jail,
fa ar re: «Qui, maestà, ce vò ‘n’antra era,says to the king: «Here, majesty, is needed a new era,
ciovè ‘n’era fascista pe’ lo Stato».that is, a fascist era for the State».
L’antro, purché nun sii mai lui toccato,The other one, as long as he does not get touched himself,
conzente a métte er fascio a la bandiera,assents to put the Fasces (bundle of wooden rods) on the flag,
ch’er sabbato se va in camicia nerathat on Saturdays people are required to wear black shirts
e ch’a casa ciài un capofabbricato.and that at home you have an air-raid warden.
Poi er Puzza che te fa? Er Dopolavoro,Then what does the Stinker do? National Recreational Club,
er Luce, Tespi, er treno popolare, [12]LUCE Institute, Carro di Tespi, Popular [Tourist] Trains,
e sventra Roma pe’ dà l’aria ar Foro.and disembowels Rome to give air to the Foro Italico.
Poi cor métte più tasse fa Littoria,Then, by increasing taxes, he founds Littoria [= Latina],
che si pe’ li buzzurri fu ‘n affarewhich, if for the northern mountainers was a steal,
pe’ li burini fu pane e cicoria. [13]for Lazian peasants was bread and chicory.
25 - La premilitare25 - Pre-military service
Poi er Puzza, già co’ Hitler pe’ compare,Then the Stinker, with Hitler already as an accomplice,
descide che l’Italia è assai gueriera,decides that Italy is very much bellicose,
ch’è ‘na razza de prodi, forte e fiera,that it is a race of warriors, strong and proud,
e inventa puro la premilitare.and also invents the pre-military service.
Ciovè ‘gni giovenotto co’ ‘st’affareThat is, every schoolboy with this innovation
era un milite, ossia er sabbatosserawas a soldier, or in other words, on Saturday nights
‘nnava in caserma pe’ giocà a la guerawent to the barracks to play war
e a cantà in coro er Carmo Secolare. [14]and sing in unison Horace’s Carmen Saeculare.
Lui se credeva co’ ‘sta gran fregnacciaHe was deluding himself, with this great bullshit,
che l’italiano, poco imbellicista,that the Italians, who are no belligerent,
l’addestrava a guardà la morte in faccia.he was training them to stare death in the face.
Sta’ fresco! Se n’accorze, ‘sto giggione,Stay cool! He sure realised, eventually, this presumptuous,
che l’italiano, nato pacifista,that the Italian, born pacifist,
si ‘na guera ‘gne piace pia er fugone.if a war does not suit him, he makes a run for it.
26 - Le sanzioni26 - Sanctions
Daje e daje a giocà a fà lo sbrasone,Insist and insist playing the braggart’s act,
l’economia j’annò culo pe’ terathe economy collapsed butt on the ground
e lui se la pijò co’ l’Inghirteraand he took it out on England
p’i cinque pasti e la perfidarbione. [15]because of the five meals and the Perfidious Albion.
Dice ch’appetto d’ogni antra nazzioneHe says that, with respect to other nations,
l’Italia nun potrà mai fà cariera,Italy will never be able to advance
perché è povera, senza ‘na mignera,because it’s poor, without a mine,
e chi nun cià l’Impero è ‘n accattone.and those who don’t own an Empire are beggars.
Dice: si nun me date ‘na coloniaHe says: if you won’t give me a colony
vòr dì, co’ le cattive o co’ le bone,it means, by hook or by crook,
io me la pijo e fo ‘na Babbilonia.I’ll go and get me one, and I’ll raise a Babylon.
Ar sentillo zazzà co’ ‘sta manfrinaAfter hearing him blustering on with this charade
Ciurcill s’incazza, j’arma la sanzioneChurchill gets all pissed off, arms a sanction against him
e l’Italia fu messa a columbrina.and Italy was forced on her knees.
27 - I gerarchi27 - Party hierarchs
Cominciorno così li tempi scuri,Thus began the dark years,
‘ndove l’Italia, presa ne la stretta,when Italy, being cornered,
se rivelò ‘no straccio d’Italietta,revealed itself a little Italy in tatters,
margrado li gerarchi e li tammuri.despite the hierarchs and the drums.
‘Nvece de dàsse pace e stà sicuriInstead of preserving peace and staying secure
‘sti bulli, pett’in fori e fava eretta,these bullies, chest out and carrot erect,
coreveno a pedagna e in bicicrettakept running on foot and on bicycle
pe’ fàsse véde tosti, usteri e get to be seen tough, austere and pure.
‘Nvece ereno eroi da baracconeHowever, they were mountebank heroes
come tanti piroli de bijardolike many billiard pins
che come soffi vanno a pecorone.which, as you blow, fly away upside down.
Ereno puro ladri: er più gajardoThey were also thieves: the most valiant
fu Ciano, ch’era genero ar Puzzone,was Ciano, who was the Stinker’s son-in-law,
e che, a quer tempo, s’arubbò un mijardo.and who, at the time, nicked a billion to himself.
28 - La guerra in Africa Orientale28 - The war in East Africa
Quanno la lira j’annò a quota zero,When the lira collapsed to ground zero,
pe’ riparà la disoccupazzioneto protect us against high unemployment rates,
‘nvece de fà la cassa integrazzioneinstead of instituting the Redundancy Fund,
‘sto sgorgio[16]1 che te fa? Te fa l’Impero.this freak of nature what does he do? He makes the Empire.
Fu ‘n Impero straccione, quest’è vero,It was a ragamuffin empire, that’s right,
ma er popolo affamato più accattonebut the hungriest among the people, the most trampish
ciannò come pe’ fà l’emigrazzionewent there like an alternative to emigration
e no perché era un popolo gueriero.and not because it was a people of warriors.
Ma a li negri ‘gne piacque ‘sto concetto,But the negroes didn’t like this notion,
e come ciaffacciassimo ar confinoand as soon as we showed up at the border
co’ le frecce ce presero de petto.with the arrows they received us head on.
Scajassimo de brutto pe’ ‘n annetto,We got beaten uglily for about a year,
poi er Puzza tirò er gasse, ‘st’assassino,then the Stinker launched a gas attack, this murderer,
e strinze er Negus drento ar vicoletto.and cornered the Negus in a narrow alley.
29 - L’Impero29 - The Empire
L’Impero c’era, però er verbo magnaNow the empire was there, but the verb to eat [= to steal]
s’era aggravato co’ ‘sta gran folliawas now aggravated with this great folly
e er Puzza, co’ l’apprausi in sagristia,and the Stinker, with cheers from the sacristy,
rimobbilita e fa la guera in Spagna.remobilises [the army] and participates in the war in Spain.
E poi doppo ‘st’obbrobbrio de campagnaAnd then, after this opprobrium of campaign,
ciariciccia e ar re Zogghe d’Arbaniahe tries it again, and the king Zog of Albany
je zompa addosso e poi lo caccia viahe jumps on him and then chases him away
pe’ fà re Sciabboletta. È ‘na make king Little Saber. It’s a Cockaigne [party time].
Da quer giorno, ci’avessimo l’onoreSince that day, we had the honour
d’avecce come capo de lo Statoto have there as head of the State
un re du’ vòrte e puro imperatore.a king twice, and emperor too.
Ma Sciabboletta je cambiò er favore,But Little Saber returned him the favour,
lo fece maresciallo e fu ordinatohe made him marshal, and it was decreed
ch’er Puzza se chiamava er Fondatore.that the Stinker was to be named the Founder.
30 - La seconda guerra mondiale30 - World War Two
Poi Hitler fa la guera, ‘sta gran jena,Then Hitler starts the war, this great hyena,
e er Puzza lì pe’ lì restò neutrale;and the Stinker at first remained neutral;
ma poi casca la Francia, e ‘st’animalebut then France falls, and this beast/brute
je dà ‘na cortellata ne la schiena.stabs them at the back.
Poi vò spezzà la Grecia. Fu ‘na pena.Then he wants to break Greece. It was a pain.
Quella ‘nze spezza e ce se messe male,That one doesn’t break, and things went awry,
pijàssimo ‘na biada [17] incolossalewe got a colossal defeat
finché nun ‘rivò er crucco a cammià scena.until the Kraut arrived to change scenery.
‘Nzomma fu chiaro come er paternostroIn short, it was clear like the paternoster
a vedecce smagrà a quella magneraseeing us getting leaner in that manner
che la guera nun è mestiere nostro.that war was not our trade/profession.
‘Nvece ‘sto sgrancio, già cor culo a tera,Instead, this freak, with his butt already on the ground,
c’intigna, strilla: «Vojo er marenostro»,Insists on that, and yells: «I want the Mare Nostrum»,
e va a sfidà la Russia e l’Inghirtera.and goes on challenging Russia and England.
31 - Otto milioni di baionette31 - Eight million [bayonets]
E mò pò èsse solo un rimbambitoAnd now you can only be retarded/demented
a dì che vò rivalutà er say you want to reconsider the judgement over the Stinker.
Ma quello fu ‘na pippa, ‘n imbrojone,But that one was a duffer, a fraudster,
e pe’ quello fenì com’è fenito.and that’s why he ended up as he did.
Te basterebbe che se fece arditoIt would suffice you that he made himself bold
de fà la guera a Ciurcille e Baffoneto move war against Churchill and Moustache [= Stalin]
senz’avecce li tanki e l’aviazzione.without possessing tanks and the aviation.
Che ciavéa? Li gerarchi der partito?What did he have? The Party hierarchs?
Bboni quelli! Ma pe’ giocà a tresette!Those were good! But to play tressette!
Avecceli a nimichi era ‘no sguazzo,Having them as enemies was a fresh water dabbling,
puro er Negus stava a fàlli a fette.even the Negus was there, cutting them into slices.
Lui poi bluffò, lo viddero e perdette;Then he bluffed, they saw his hand and he lost;
e così je toccò stoppasse ar cazzoand so he had to rub to his cock
l’otto mijoni sui de bajonette.the eight million bayonets of his.
32 - La guerra perduta32 - The war lost
Mamma che sveje! Neve o solleóne,Mum, what wake-up! Snow or dog days,
li nostri, in Russia o ar Continente nero,ours, in Russia or in the Black Continent,
s’ereno fanti annorno ar cimitero,if they were infantrymen they ended up in a cemetery,
si generali a casa, cor fugone.if generals, home, making a run for it.
Ne pijassimo tante sur gropponeWe received so many blows on the rump
e annassimo tarmente sottozzeroand we went so much under the zero line,
tra bombe, caristia, mercatonero,among bombs, famine, black market,
ch’erimio un mortimpiede appecorone.that we were a dead lifted on its knees.
Quannoché Ikke [18] poi sbarcò in SicijaWhen Ike eventually landed in Sicily,
Sciabboletta, sbiancato de paura,Little Saber, bleached with fear,
fa: «Cazzo, qui me gioco la famija».says: «Fuck, here I am gambling away the dynasty».
Poi chiama Grandi e quello je conzija:Then he calls Grandi, and that one advises him:
«Maestà, qui ce vò ‘na gran congiura«Majesty, here is needed a great conspiracy
pe’ levà er Puzza senza parapija».to get us rid of the Stinker without turmoil».
33 - La notte del Gran Consiglio33 - The night of the Great [Council]
Detto e fatto. ‘Na sera, a mezzanotte,No sooner said than done. One evening, at midnight,
quanno er Puzza riduna er Gran Conzijo,when the Stinker summons up the Great Council,
Grandi s’arza e fa: «Duce, semo ar cijo,Grandi gets up and says: «Duce, we are on the brink
o te levi de mezzo o qui sò bòtte».you either step out or here come the blows».
Intramezzo a ‘ste facce galeotteAmong these villainous faces
er Puzza smiccia Ciano e co’ ‘n bisbijothe Stinker spies Ciano and with a whisper
je fa: «Tuquoque puro, me sei un fijo».he says: «Tu quoque too, you’re a son to me».
Ma l’antro: «A no’ 1, stavorta ce l’ài rotte»But the other: «Hey granpa, this time you broke our balls».
Votorno. Er Puzza casca in minoranza,They voted. The Stinker fell in minority,
s’incazza ma poi leva la sedutahe gets pissed off but then he adjourns/suspends the meeting
e sorte in fretteffuria dalla stanza.and storms hotfoot out of the room.
Poi va dar re, speranno la speranzaThen he goes to the king, hoping the hope
che quello, che j’è comprice, l’aiutathat that one, who is his accomplice, might help him
a fregà Grandi e l’antri dupe Grandi and the other minions.
34 - Il 25 luglio34 - 25th of July
Quanno er Puzzone j’arivò a palazzo,When the Stinker arrived to his palace,
fa er re: «Duce, m’ài rotto li cojoni».the king says: «Duce, you broke my balls».
E lui: «Sagra maestà, lei mi perdoni».And he to him: «Majesty, forgive me».
E Sciabboletta: «Nun perdóno un cazzo».And Little Saber: «I do not forgive shit».
E intigna: «Qui sta annà tutto a rampazzo,And he insists: «Here everything is going pear shaped,
manco l’arpini vònno stà più boni,not even the Alpines want to be good,
sfottono puro a me co’ le canzoni [19]they mock even me in their songs,
pe’ cui ò desciso, do a Badojo er mazzo».therefore I have decided: I’m giving Badoglio the whole pack».
Er duce sbianca e senza più cipijoThe Duce turns pale, and with no more scowl on his face,
tartaja: «Ma pe’ me nun c’è speranza?».he stutters: «But, is there no hope left for me?».
E l’antro: «Vàllo a dì ar tu’ Gran Gonzijo».And the other: «Go ask that to your Great Council».
Poi l’accongeda. E lì, mentre un famijoThen he dismissed him. And there, as a stooge
j’opre la porta, ariva l’ambulanzaopens up the door for him, the ambulance arrives
e se lo suca su come un conijo.and sucks him on like a rabbit.
35 - I 45 giorni35 - The 45 days
Durante li quarantacinque giorni [20]During the forty-five days
ar Puzza, in un arbergo pe’ confino,the Stinker, in a hotel as internment,
je telefona Hitler da BerlinoHitler calls him from Berlin on the telephone
e je fa: «Sta tranquillo ch’aritorni».and tells him: «Stay cool, you are coming back».
Po’, a nun poté pia er toro pe’ li corni,Then, being unable to grab the bull by the horns,
perché Badojo gioca a rimpiattino,because Badoglio plays hide-and-seek,
Hitler scoggita un piano soprafino;Hitler devices an astute razor-sharp plan;
piazza li crucchi a tutti li dintorni.he places the Krauts all around.
Sicché all’istante stesso all’armistizio,So that, on the selfsame instant of the armistice,
zac, de sanbrutto [21], giù a tutta callarazac, straight-away, down at all speed,
l’essèsse occupa tutto a precipizzio.The SS occupies headlong everything.
L’esercituccio nostro, un San Cilizzio,The tiny army of ours, an under-equipped Saint Cilice,
ner dubbio si se spara o nun se spara,in doubt whether shooting or not,
se sbraga e venne er giorno der giudizzio.they lose their pants, and came the day of judgment.
36 - La fuga di Pescara36 - The flight to Pescara
Er re Sordato (ch’omo de corata!)The Soldier King (what a brave heart man!)
s’era squajato già a prima matinaHad already sneaked away in the early morning
co’ Badojo, co’ Umberto, la reggina,with Badoglio, with Umberto, the queen,
lassànno Roma sola abbandonata.leaving Rome alone and abandoned.
Fori Porta San Paolo ‘na brigataOutside Porta San Paolo, a brigade
ciebbe trecento morti, ‘na rovina,had three hundred casualties, a havoc,
e co’ loro la gente cittadinaand with them the people of the city
sparò dall’arba fino alla nottata.kept shooting from dawn to late at night.
Poi fenì tutto. E cominciò er terore.Then all was over. And began the terror.
Ma cominciò puro la ResistenzaBut also began the Resistance
pe’ sarvà ‘npo’ la pelle ‘npo’ l’ save a bit the skin, a bit the honour.
Poi Hitler mannò a Campo ImperatoreThen Hitler sent to Campo Imperatore
l’essèsse a prelevà co’ tutta urgenzathe SS to extract with maximum urgency
er Puzza già ridotto un cacatore.the Stinker already reduced a cesspit.
37 - La Repubblica Sociale37 - The Social Republic
Come ch’er Puzza venne libberatoAs soon as the Stinker got freed
ciariòca e, benché vecchio balucano, [22]he does it again and, although old, half-blind,
rifà er fascio e lo fa ripubbricano,he reorganises the fascist groups and makes them republican,
ciovè si nun è zuppa è pan bagnato.that is, if it's not soup, it's soaked bread.
Co’ ‘st’accrocco balordo e rimediatoWith this oafish and patched up contraption
s’alloga su ner norde cispatano,he resettles in the Cispadane North,
fa er traditore com’un Coriolano,he betrays like a Coriolan,
e contro Roma vò fà ‘n antro Stato.and against Rome wants to establishe another State.
Ciovè fa ‘na Ripubbrica sociale,That is, he establishes a Social Republic,
ma er popolo ‘nce casca, resta assentebut the people do not fall for it, they remain absent
da quer giogo servaggio e criminale.from that yoke/toy/game wild and criminal.
Lui, vecchio, se ‘ncarogna e gioca duro;As to himself, aged, he gets ever stinkier and plays hardball;
basti a penzà, benché j’era parente,it suffices to consider, although he was his relative,
pijò Ciano e lo fece sbàtte ar muro.he caught Ciano and had his back pulled against the wall.
38 - Il 25 aprile38 - The 25th of April
Durò du’ anni er regno der terore,It went on for two years, the reign of terror,
un camaro de morti senz’uguale.a flood of dead without comparison.
Però mentreché a lui j’annava maleHowever, while for him things were going wrong,
stavòrta er vento a noi ce fu a favore.this time for us they were favourable.
Sicché, quannoché già contava l’oraSo that, while he was already counting his hours,
pe’ via della rivorta generale,because of the general revolt,
er Puzza pija, va dar cardinale 1the Stinker takes his decision, he goes to the cardinal
p’arèndese a l’inglesi co’ l’ surrender to the English with honour.
Trattò puro co’ noi. Ma Longo, duroHe negotiated with us too. But Longo, tough,
je disse de piantàlla ch’era l’orahe told him to give it a rest, because it was time,
e lui smammò de notte a cielo scuro.and he sneaked away at night under a dark sky.
Ma quanno stava già guasi ar sicuro,But when he was already almost safe, in security,
guasi in Svizzera su ‘na scorciatora,almost in Switzerland, on a shortcut,
‘ntoppò li partiggiani e finì ar muro.he ran into the partizans and ended against the wall.
39 - Dongo39 - Dongo
Come er Puzza smicciò li partiggianiAs the Stinker spotted the partizans
a scoprillo vestito da tedesco,as they found him disguised as German,
sortì dar càmio e disse, fresco fresco:he got out of the van and said, cool and fresh,
«Pace e bene, semo tutti italiani».«Peace and love, we are all Italians».
Uno je fece: «E tira su le mani».One said to him: «Come on, raise your hands».
Lui abbozza e poi co’ nunzocché furbescoHe put up with that, and then somewhat slyishly
je fa: «Si me sarvate io ce riescosays to him: «If you save me, I can get to
da fàvve a tutti ricchi pe’ domani».make you all rich within tomorrow».
E se riccomannava, ‘sto gran boja,And he commended himself to them, this great executioner,
dicenno ch’era sempre socialistasaying he was still a socialist
e ch’era tutta córpa dei Savoja.and that all was fault of the Savoias.
Ma venne er capo e disse: «Sì, ciài voja!But the chief came up and said: «Sure, you wish!
Tu se’ segnato, er primo de la lista».You are marked the first on the list».
Je sparò ‘n petto e ce levò ‘sta noja.He shot him in the chest and he got us rid of this bother.
40 - Piazzale Loreto40 - Piazzale Loreto
Li gerarchi che funno fuscilatiThe hierarchs who were shot
l’attaccorno a ‘na pompa de benzina,they hanged them down a petrol pump,
sicché li milanesi a la matinaso that the Milanese, in the morning,
pe’ li piedi li viddero the feet, upside down, could see them hanged.
C’era er Puzza e li mejo potentatiThe Stinker was there too, and the top overlords
che commannorno la ripubbrichinawho were in charge of the little republic,
e restò esposta, ‘sta genìa assassina,and they remained on display, this progeny of assassins,
‘ndove tanti n’aveva truscidati.there where many they had slaughtered/butchered before.
Mò, dice, fu ‘no sfreggio e certa genteNow, some say, it was a defacement, and some people
vò ch’a Loreto avemo esaggerato,claim that in Piazzale Loreto we exaggerated,
e c’è puro qualcuno che se pente.and there are also those who regret that.
Io no. Pe’ chi la fa da prepotenteNot me. For those who behave as bullies
la Bibbia già l’aveva degretato:the Bible had already decreed:
la legge è “occhio a occhio dente a dente”.the law is “eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”.
41 - Vigilanza41 – Surveillance
Così finì er Puzzone. Ma la storiaThus ended the Stinker. But History
ce ‘nzegna che ce tocca restà attenti,instructs us that we have got to remain vigilant,
perché si è vero che nun stàmo ar ventibecause, although it is true that we are no more in the 20s,
solo un cojone se pò dà all’ufòria.only an asshole can celebrate with euphoria.
‘Nfatti er fascismo è come la cicoria,In fact, fascism is like chicory,
pò crésce dappertutto e nun la senti;it can grow anywhere and you won’t notice that;
quindi è sbajato fà li corcontenti,therefore it’s wrong to act all happy-go-lucky,
scordà er passato e pèrde la memoria.forget the past and lose out the memory.
Ar contrario! Ce vò più viggilanzaOn the contrary! More alertness is needed
e operà, co’ le bone e le cattive,and taking action, by hook or by crook,
perché lui resti sempre in make sure he remains minority.
Così si lui, dioguardi, passa er fossoSo that if, god forbid, he jumps over the ditch,
sò cazzi sua, ce trova sur chi vivehe is in fucking trouble, he finds us on the alert,
e allora, core mio, taja ch’è rosso!and then, sweetheart, cut it that’s red.
[1] Il Covo, così era denominata la sede del primo Fascio di combattimento («il Fascio primogenito») in via Paolo da Cannobio, in Milano.

[2] Generone, medio ceto mercantile, ricco.

[3] Sciabboletta, nomignolo affibbiato dai romani a Vittorio Emanuele III.

[4] A cavacecio sta per sulle spalle.

[5] Vittorio Emanuele III conferì a Mussolini il Collare dell’Annunziata, il cui possesso elevava al rango di «cugino» del re.

[6] La bomba, il cappello duro.

[7] Ladiclavi sta per laticlavio, simbolo senatoriale.

[8] Benedetto Croce ebbe a dichiarare la inutilità di una storia del fascismo, ch’egli defini una parentesi.

[9] Listone, la lista per le elezioni del 1924 nella quale, insieme ai fascisti, si presentarono molti, e noti, candidati del mondo democratico-liberale

[10] Località vicino a Roma dove fu ritrovato Matteotti

[11] Il regime fascista ideò per gli impiegati statali delle divise di tipo militare, con i gradi

[12] Dopolavoro, Film Luce, Carro di Trespi, treni popolari: iniziative di tempo libero e propagandistiche del regime fascista.

[13] È noto l’antagonismo fra gli assegnatari settentrionali («buzzurri») delle terre di bonifica e le popolazioni locali dell’Agro Romano e dei Monti Lepini («burini»).

[14] I fascisti adottarono come proprio l’inno di Orazio.

[15] La propaganda fascista definiva l’Inghilterra (la perfida Albione) «il popolo dai cinque pasti».

[16] Sgorgio sta per sgorbio.

[17] Biada sta per sconfitta.

[18] Ikke sta per Ike (Eisenhower).

[19] Nella “Storia di un anno”, lo stesso Mussolini dirà che, a inizio del colloquio, il re gli disse in tono agitato: «Così non si va più avanti. L’Italia è in tocchi. L’esercito è moralmente a terra. I soldati non vogliono più battersi. Gli alpini cantano una canzone nella quale dicono che non vogliono più fare la guerra per conto di Mussolini».

[20] Dal 25 luglio all’8 settembre 1943.

[21] Sanbrutto sta per ex abrupto (Belli, 1547)

[22] Balucano, semicieco, che va a tentoni.

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