
Inuit nunaat

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OriginaleEnglish translation / Traduzione inglese / Traduction anglaise...
Qangarsuaq atorpavut nunat uku najukkavutWe came here in ancient times to these lands where we now roam
Pisuusutai atorpavut pissaane qarfigalugitUtilizing its riches, having power over them
Kingulitta pissaraat siulitta attataatIt is for future generations what our ancestors upheld
Inuit nunagaat pigissavaat qaqugumutIt is the land of the Inuit, it will be theirs forever
Pigissavaat qaqugumutIt will be theirs forever
Pigissavaat qaqugumutIt will be theirs forever
Tikikkujaallu qallunaat eqqullugu inuusertikThen came the the white people, with their way of life
Illernartunullu saattaraat sunniiniartuarlutikThey referred to the holy ones and wanted to have influence
Naalagaasa peqquaat nunavut aqussagaatTheir masters decreed our lands should be ruled
Pisussutaat tigussagaat qulaalluta tunissagaat qulaallutaAnd take possession of its riches, and sell them above our heads
Tunissagaat qulaallutaAnd sell them above our heads
Tunissagaat qulaallutaAnd sell them above our heads
Siunnertitut taasavut sinnassagaasimavugutWith those we call our representatives we have been lulled to sleep
Katilluta ataatsimut makiterniarpugutWe want to arise in unison
Kingulittami pissaraat siulitta attataatFor it is for the future generations what our ancestors upheld
Inuit nunagaat aqussavaat ataatsimutIt is the land of the Inuit they will rule it in unison
Pigissavaat qaqugumutIt will be theirs forever
Pigissavaat qaqugumut.It will be theirs forever.

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