
Franco Battiato: Shackleton

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OriginaleEnglish version by Riccardo Venturi

1. La storia

Una catastrofe psicocosmica
mi sbatte contro le mura del tempo.
Vigilo nel sonno,
Sentinella, sentinella, che vedi?
Una catastrofe psicocosmica
contro le mura del tempo.

Durante la grande guerra, nel gennaio del 1915,
Alle estremità settentrionali
Un forte vento spingeva grandi blocchi di ghiaccio galleggianti
Imprigionando per sempre la nave dell'audace capitano Shackleton,
Su un piccolo battello, con due soli compagni,
Navigò fino a raggiungere la Georgia Australe
Mentre i ventidue superstiti dell'isola Elefante
Sopportavano un tremendo inverno.

Una catastrofe psicocosmica
mi sbatte contro le mura del tempo.
Vigilo nel sonno,
Sentinella, che vedi?

Alla deriva, alla deriva, verso nord, nord-ovest.
Profondità 370 metri. 72° di latitudine est.

Per sopravvivere furono costretti a uccidere i loro cani,
Per sopravvivere.
Ma il 30 Agosto del 1916, il leggendario capitano
Compariva a salvarli con un'altra nave.

2. Il ricordo

Stille Dämmerung
Der Garten ist gefrohren
Die Rosen erlitten,
Die Rosen erlitten.
Sage mir warum
Sage mir warum.

Stille Dämmerung
Der Garten ist gefrohren
Die Rosen erlitten.
Sage mir warum,
Stille Dämmerung.

Sage mir warum,
In einem verlorenen Garten
Sage mir warum
deine Stimme hören
Sage mir warum
schweige bitte nicht
schweige bitte nicht
schweige bitte nicht
schweige bitte nicht
schweige bitte nicht
schweige bitte nicht.

1. The Story.

A psychocosmic catastrophe
is knocking me against the walls of time.
I wake in my sleep,
I wake.
Sentinel, sentinel, what can you see?
A psychocosmic catastrophe
against the walls of time.

During the Great War, in January 1915,
at the extreme north ends of Antarctica
a strong wind drove huge floating iceblocks
trapping forever the ship of brave captain Shackleton,
On a small boat, with only two companions
he kept sailing until he reached South Georgia
while the twenty-two survivors of Elephant Island
had to endure a fierce winter.

A psychocosmic catastrophe
is knocking me against the walls of time.
I wake in my sleep,
I wake.
Sentinel, what can you see?

Adrift, adrift northwards, northwestwards.
Depth 370 metres, 72° east latitude.

They had to sacrify their dogs to survive,
only to survive.
But on 30 August 1916, the legendary captain
reappeared and rescued them on another ship.

2. The Memory

Quiet sunset,
the garden is frozen
the roses suffered,
the roses suffered,
please tell me why
please tell me why

Quiet sunset,
the garden is frozen
the roses suffered,
please tell me why,
quiet sunset.

Please tell me why
in a lost garden
please tell me why
they are listening to your voice
please tell me why
please do not keep silent
please do not keep silent
please do not keep silent
please do not keep silent
please do not keep silent
please do not keep silent
please do not keep silent

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