
Saint Patrick Battalion

David Rovics
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OriginaleTransalted by Luis Angel Sanchez de Lachina “Txino”

My name is John Riley
I'll have your ear only a while
I left my dear home in Ireland
It was death, starvation or exile
And when I got to America
It was my duty to go
Enter the Army and slog across Texas
To join in the war against Mexico

It was there in the pueblos and hillsides
That I saw the mistake I had made
Part of a conquering army
With the morals of a bayonet blade
So in the midst of these poor, dying Catholics
Screaming children, the burning stench of it all
Myself and two hundred Irishmen
Decided to rise to the call

From Dublin City to San Diego
We witnessed freedom denied
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side

We marched 'neath the green flag of Saint Patrick
Emblazoned with "Erin Go Bragh"
Bright with the harp and the shamrock
And "Libertad para Mexicana"
Just fifty years after Wolftone
Five thousand miles away
The Yanks called us a Legion of Strangers
And they can talk as they may

From Dublin City to San Diego
We witnessed freedom denied
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side

We fought them in Matamoros
While their volunteers were raping the nuns
In Monterey and Cerro Gordo
We fought on as Ireland's sons
We were the red-headed fighters for freedom
Amidst these brown-skinned women and men
Side by side we fought against tyranny
And I daresay we'd do it again

From Dublin City to San Diego
We witnessed freedom denied
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side

We fought them in five major battles
Churobusco was the last
Overwhelmed by the cannons from Boston
We fell after each mortar blast
Most of us died on that hillside
In the service of the Mexican state
So far from our occupied homeland
We were heroes and victims of fate

From Dublin City to San Diego
We witnessed freedom denied
So we formed the Saint Patrick Battalion
And we fought on the Mexican side
Saint Patrick Batailoi

Nire izena John Riley da
Zuek minutu bat baino ez didazue entzungo
Nire etxe gozoa Irlandan utzi nuen
Heriotza, goze edo atzeri zen aukera
Ta Amerikara heldu nintzenean
Nire obligazio zen
Ejerzitoan sartu eta Texas zehar herreztatu
Mexikoren aurkako gudara lotzeko

Hor zen, herri eta muinoetan
Konturatu nintzen erru egin nuela
Ejerzito konkistatzaile baten parte izatea
Baioneta aho moralaz
Orduan hiltzear zeuden katoliko huts guztien artean
Umeak negarrez eta erre usaina leku guztietatik
Berrehun irlandar eta biok
Gure obligaziorekin burutzeko, esnatzea erabaki genuen

Dublín hiritik San Diegora
Askatasuna nola ezetzen zen ikusi genuen
Horregatik Saint Patrick Batailoia sortu genuen
Eta mexikarren aldean borrokatu ginen.

Saint Patrick ikurrapean abiatu ginen
Erin Go Bragh-ekin banderapetuak
Dirdiratsu shamrock eta harparekin
Ta “Libertad para la Republica Mexicana”
Wolfstone berrogeita hamar urte geroago
Bost mila miliatara
Yankiek regio arrotza deitu zitzaigun
Eta nahi dutena esan dezakete

Matamorosen borrokatu genuen
Beraien boluntarioek mojak bortxatzen zuten artean
Monterrey eta Cerro Gordon
Irlandaren semeak bezala borrokatu ginen
Askatasunaren aldeko gudari ilegorriak ginen
Beltazaran azal gizon-emakumen hauen artean
Albo batetik bestera tiraniaren aurka borroka egin genuen
Eta berriro egingo genukela esatera ausartzen naiz

Bost borroka garrantsitsuetan borrokatu genuen
Chorobusco azkena izan zen
Bostongo kanoiez zapaldauta
Mortairu bakoitzeko eztandaz erori ginen
Ea guztiok hil ginen muino horretan
Medicar estatuaren serbitzuan
Gure okupatutako lurratik hain urrun
Zoriaren heroi ta biktimak izan ginen

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