
Aria di rivoluzione

Franco Battiato
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OriginaleEnglish translation by Riccardo Venturi

Quell'autista in Abissinia
guidava il camion fino a tardi
e poi, a notte fonda, si riunivano.
A quel tempo in Europa
c'era un'altra guerra,
e per canzoni, solo sirene d'allarme.

Thomas Müntzer (1489-1525)
Thomas Müntzer (1489-1525)
Aber der Glanz müntzerscher Morgensterne
über den aufrührerischen Bauern
wenn sie ihren Peinigern ein blutiges Licht aufsteckten.
Aber der Wohlklang der Stalinorgel
wenn sie den Hitler-Soldaten
zu Weihnacht "Friede auf Erden"
in die erfrorenen Horen brüllte.

Passa il tempo, sembra che non cambi niente
questa mia generazione
vuole nuovi valori.
E ho già sentito aria di rivoluzione,
ho già sentito gridare
chi andrà alla fucilazione.*

Aber die Eleganz automatischer Raketen
in Ho-Chi-Minhs Himmeln
wenn sie den erstaunlichen Ingenieurleistungen
aus Detroit den erstaunlichen Kuss geben.
Aber die Schönheit der Maschinenpistole
über der Schulter des Guerilla-Kämpfers
wenn er dem bolivianischen Kuli treffende Argumente
gegen seine Unterdrücker liefert, die sie endlich verstehen.
Das Beste aber: Polizisten, abgerichtet gegen das Volk,
wenn sie im Strom der empörten Massen
durch die Straßenschluchten geschwemmt ertrinken
und endlich, endlich ergreifen sie statt ihrer Waffen
die rettende Hand der Waffenlosen.



That truck driver in Abyssinia
drove his truck until late in the night,
and then at deep night they made their meetings
At that time in Europe
another war was raging,
the only songs heard
were the alarm sirens.

However, Müntzer's morning stars
shining over the revolting peasants,
when they stained with bloodlight the heads of their persecutors.
However, the melody of the Katyusha rocket*
when it shouted, at Christmas, “Peace on earth”
in the frozen ears of Hitler's soldiers.

Time goes by, nothing seems to change,
the generation I'm part of
craves new values.
And I can feel now
revolution in the air,
I can hear cries of desperations
of those going to be shot.

However, the elegance of automatic missiles
in Ho-Chi-Minh's skies
when they give an amazing kiss
to Detroit engineers' extraordinary mechanic performances.
However, the beauty of the machine gun
shouldered by the guerilla fighter,
when he gives the Bolivian porter suitable arguments
against his oppressors, what they finally understand.
However, what is best: Policemen trained to fight against the people,
when they are drowning in the stream of enraged masses,
and finally, finally, instead of their weapons
they catch the saving hand of the Unarmed.

* quest'ultimo verso non viene cantato da Battiato nella versione del 1989 da "Giubbe rosse".
* Katyushas were called "Stalin's organs" by
German soldiers (see note)

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