
La tradotta che parte da Torino

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OriginaleTraduzione inglese di Viola Ortes su Lyrics Translate
La tradotta che parte da Torino
a Milano non si ferma più
ma la va diretta al Piave,
ma la va diretta al Piave.
The troop train that starts from Turin
doesn't stop in Milan anymore
But it goes straight to the Piave river
But it goes straight to the Piave river
The troop train that starts from Turin
doesn't stop in Milan anymore
But it goes straight to the Piave river
The cemetery of young people.
La tradotta che parte da Torino
a Milano non si ferma più
ma la va diretta al Piave,
cimitero della gioventù.
We left, we left
In twenty nine,
And seven of us came back
And the other twenty two?
And the other twenty two?
We left, we left
In twenty nine,
And seven of us came back
And the other twenty two?
They all died in San Donà [1]
Siam partiti, siam partiti in ventisette,
solo in cinque siam tornati qua,
e gli altri ventidue?
E gli altri ventidue?
Dear Sister, dear Sister, I'm wounded
I won't live till tomorrow
If mum is not here
If my mum is not here
Dear Sister, dear Sister, I'm wounded
I won't live till tomorrow
If mum is not here
You'll bring a flower to me.
Siam partiti, siam partiti in ventisette,
solo in cinque siam tornati qua,
e gli altri ventidue
sono morti tutti a San Donà.
in Nervesa, in Nervesa there's a cross [2]
My brother has been buried there
I wrote upon it "Ninetto"
I wrote upon it "Ninetto"
In Nervesa, in Nervesa there's a cross
My brother has been buried there
I wrote upon it "Ninetto"
So mum will find him.
[1] San Donà, Town in the province of Venice.

[2] Nervesa della Battaglia, town in the province of Treviso theatre of a big battle during WWI. This song reminds the Battle of the Montello.

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