
Freedom (Is the Word of Today)

Dean Reed
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OriginaleVersione russa dal sito russo dedicato all’autore

Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
For they want their freedom today!

People down in Africa
Mozambique to Angola
Rhodesia and South Africa
They want their freedom today!

Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
For they want their freedom today!

The brave ones of Viet Cong
Know from where the bombs they come
And they turn their guns to the sun
For they want their freedom today!

Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
For they want their freedom today!

The working class of Italy
A future of justice they see
And they march so as to be free
For they want their freedom today!

Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
For they want their freedom today!

From Brazil to the Gaucho land
The people are beginning to stand
Liberty they will demand
For they want their freedom today!

Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
For they want their freedom today!

And right here in the USA
The people are beginning to say
That injustice has had it's day
For we want our freedom today!

Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
Freedom... la la la
For we want our freedom today!


Под небом Африки сухим,
где сфинксы замерли у входа,
вплетен в дыханье зов стихий:
пароль – Свобода!

Истерзанно-печальный вздох,
луч азиатского восхода,
и отзывается Восток:
пароль – Свобода!

Да здравствует рабочий класс!
Гремит все громче год от года.
Италия отозвалась:
пароль – Свобода!

От Горна аж до США,
как будто эхо с небосвода –
эпоха криком сожжена:
пароль – Свобода!

Под звездным флагом тишина,
но в недрах каждого завода
встают ребята как стена:
пароль – Свобода!

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