
La Punitiva, o Nuestro México, febrero veintitrés

Luís Hernández
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2. Versione abbreviata 1 / Abridged version 1 / Versión abreviada ...
The Punitive Expedition

Part 1

In our Mexico, on the 23rd of February
Carranza let the Americans cross over:
20,000 men, and 200 airplanes
Were looking for Villa all over the country

Carranza tells them earnestly,
If you are men and know how to track him
“I give you permission to find Villa
And you can also learn how it is to die.”

When the Texas “Blondie’s” arrived
Exhausted from so much walking,
After seven hours on the road,
The poor souls wanted to go back home.

The expeditionary searches began
And the airplanes started to fly,
They took several different directions
Looking for Villa in order to kill him.

When Francisco Villa saw punitive forces
He immediately got ready, too,
He dressed as an American soldier,
And he also transformed his troops.

When the planes saw the flag
That Villa had painted with stars
They made a mistake and came down,
And villa took them prisoners.

Francisco Villa no longer rides a horse
And his people need never ride again:
Francisco Villa is now the owner of
Airplanes which he very easily acquires.

Part 2

If because we are so few Mexicans
The “blondie’s” say they can finish us off,
It doesn’t matter if they bring 1,000 cannons
Because they leave them in the hills.

When they entered the State of Chihuahua
All of the people wee just amazed
You see all those American soldiers
That Pancho Villa left hanging from the poles

When the blondie’s entered the city of Parral
Asking for flour, crackers, and ham,
Men, women, and children would tell them,
“There’s only gunpowder and cannon balls,”

They say death stalks in Mexico,
That people there kill each other every day,
As long as there is one Mexican alive
Our lag will be waving in his hand.

Francisco Villa was a fighting man
And his artillery was always prepared
They would have burned the last cartridge
In defense of our nation.

Just what were the Americans thinking,
That combat was like dancing a carquis?
With their faces covered with same
They returned to their country once again.

La Punitiva

Nuestro México, febrero veintitrés,
dejó Carranza pasar americanos:
dos mil soldados, trescientos aeroplanos,
buscando a Villa por todo el país.

Comenzaron a mandar expediciones,
los aeroplanos comenzaron a volar
por distintas y varias direcciones,
buscando a Villa, queriéndolo matar.

Los soldados que vinieron desde Texas
a Pancho Villa no podían encontrar,
ya fastidiados de ocho horas de camino
los pobrecitos se querían regresar.

Los de a caballo no podían ir sentados
y los de a pie no podían caminar,
entonces Villa les pasa en su aeroplano
y desde arriba les grita: "¡Good-bye!"

Cuando supieron que Villa estaba muerto
todos gritaban henchidos de furor:
‎"Ahora sí, mis queridos compañeros,
vamos a Texas cubiertos con honor".

Mas no sabían que Villa estaba vivo
y que con él nunca iban a poder,
y si querían hacerle una visita
hasta la sierra lo podían ir a ver.

Empezaron a lanzar sus aeroplanos,
entonces Villa un plan les preparó:
se vistió de soldado americano
y a sus tropas también las transformó.

Mas cuando vieron los gringos las banderas
con muchas barras que Villa les pintó,
se bajaron con todo y aeroplanos
y Pancho Villa prisioneros los tomó.

Toda la gente de Chihuahua y Ciudad Juárez
muy asustada y asombrada se quedó
porque miraba tanto gringo y carrancista
que Pancho Villa sin orejas los dejó.

‎¿Qué pensarían los bolillos tan patones,
que con cañones nos iban a asustar?
Si ellos tienen aviones de a montones
‎¡aquí tenemos lo mero principal!

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