
Brigante se more

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OriginaleVersione inglese di Pierfrancesco La Mura
Ammə pusatə chitarrə e tammurəWe put to rest our guitars and our drums
pecché 'sta musica s'à dda cagnà.Because this music has got to be changed
Simmə brigantə e facimmə paurə,Brigands we are, and strike people with fear
e cu 'a šcuppettə vulimmə cantà,And with our guns we now wish to sing out
e cu 'a šcuppettə vulimmə cantà.And with our guns we now wish to sing out
E mo' cantammə 'šta novə canzonə,And now we are singing a sparking new song
tutta la ggentə se l'à dda 'mparà.And all the people must sing it along
Nun ce ne fotte d'u rre bBurbonəDon't give a damn for the king of Bourbon
ma 'a terrə è 'a noštrə e nun s'à dda ttuccà,The land is ours and it's no one's to grab
ma 'a terrə è 'a noštrə e nun s'à dda ttuccà.The land is ours and it's no one's to grab
Tuttə e paìse d'a VasilicatəAll of the cities in Basilicata
se so’ scetatə e vonnə luttà,Have woken up and they now want to fight
pure 'a Calabbria mo s'è arrevutatə;Even Calabria now joined the revolt
e štu nemichə 'o facimmə tremmà,And now our enemy quivers in fear
e štu nemichə 'o facimmə tremmàAnd now our enemy quivers in fear
Chi à vistə o lupə e s'è misə paurə,Who saw the wolf and was striken with terror
nun sape bbuonə qual'è a verità.Does not quite know where the truth really stands
O verə lupə ca magnə 'e creature,For the true wolf who is devouring our children
è 'o piemuntesə c'avimm'a caccià,Is from Piedmont and we must drive him out
è 'o piemuntesə c'avimm'a caccià.Is from Piedmont and we must drive him out
Fèmmenə bellə ca ratə lu corə,Beautiful women who give out your heart,
si llu brigantə vulitə salvàIf you do care to save the brigand's life
nun 'o cercatə, scurdatev'o nomə;Don't look for him, forget even his name
chi ce fà gguerrə nun tenə pietà,Who makes us war has no mercy for us
chi ce fà gguerrə nun tenə pietà.Who makes us war has no mercy for us
Ommə se nasce, brigante se mmorə,As men we are born, and as brigands we die
ma fin’ all'ùltimə avimm'a šparà.But till the end we must keep up the fight
E se mmurimmə menatə nu fiorəAnd if we die throw a flower for us
e na bbeštemmiə pe' 'šta libbertà,And throw a curse for this freedom of ours
e na bbeštemmiə pe' 'šta libbertà.And throw a curse for this freedom of ours

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