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All Man the Guns (for America)

All Man the Guns (for America)
Lyrics and music by Bruce Springsteen

Una delle primissime canzoni scritte da Springsteen e eseguita con il suo primo gruppo, gli Steel Mill, nell'agosto 1970. Recentemente il manoscritto originale è stato esposto nella collezione Springsteen Archives. Springsteen ha ricordato "è una canzone contro la guerra che ho scritto quando avevo 18 o 19 anni.".

This comes from the late ’60s and represents the oldest handwritten lyrics in the Archives’ collection. According to the website, the song was performed by Springsteen’s band Steel Mill in Richmond, Va., in August 1970, “and perhaps at a few other locations during that time.”

The song is written from the point of view of a scared soldier (“sometimes I wake up screaming”) who just wants to go home again.

“They may be the oldest written lyrics, going back into my songwriting, that we have,” Springsteen says in a short video posted... (Continues)
And we'll all man the guns for America
2021/9/10 - 22:30

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