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Author Seize The Day

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Globalisation - The Pirate Song

Globalisation - The Pirate Song

Globalisation was written by Richard Whistance, performed by Seize The Day.
If you're under water one morning, don't blame it on global warming,
2020/12/2 - 21:43

Bastard MasterCard

Bastard MasterCard
Album : Alive
I was in a hole
Contributed by adriana 2013/4/27 - 15:27

No One's Slave, No One's Master

No One's Slave, No One's Master
No one's slave, I am no one's master.
Contributed by adriana 2013/4/27 - 15:17
Downloadable! Video!

General Ludd

"Oh where are you going? said Miller to Munger
Contributed by adriana 2013/4/27 - 14:41

Child of the Universe

Child of the Universe
Here's a little history of a bigger mystery,
Contributed by adriana 2013/4/27 - 11:48
Downloadable! Video!

The W.T.O.

The W.T.O.
Hey hey ho ho the WTO has got to go. There ain't no power like the power of people
Contributed by adriana 2013/4/27 - 11:23
Downloadable! Video!

Monsanto Song (Food `N Health `N Hope)

Monsanto Song (Food `N Health `N Hope)

Album: All hands that are ready
Those Polar Bears now, who really cares now?
Contributed by adriana 2013/4/27 - 08:34

Guantanamo Bay / Club X-Ray

Guantanamo Bay / Club X-Ray
Album:The tide is turning
If you`re a Sheikh who is a mover
Contributed by adriana 2013/4/27 - 08:19

Burning Bush

Burning Bush
Album:The tide is turning
My fellow Americans...
Contributed by adriana 2013/4/27 - 08:13
Song Itineraries: George Walker Bush II

Prisoner of Palestine

Prisoner of Palestine

Album:The tide is turning
That tattoo on your granny`s forearm doesn`t tell it
Contributed by adriana 2013/4/27 - 08:01
Song Itineraries: The Palestinian Holocaust

With My Hammer...

With My Hammer...
Album "It's Your Life... It's Our World!"

La canzone è dedicata a quattro donne britanniche, Angie Zelter, Lotta Kronlid, Andrea Needham e Jo Wilson, attiviste del "Ploughshares Movement" (Ploughshares sono gli aratri in cui biblicamente devono essere trasformate le spade) che nel 1996 riuscirono a penetrare in una base militare e ad arrecare seri danni ad un jet pronto per essere acquistato dal governo indonesiano per le operazioni di guerra a Timor Est... le quattro coraggiose furono ovviamente arrestate e processate e poi... prosciolte, in un processo che si trasformò in un boomerang per il governo inglese, chiamato dall'opinione pubblica a rispondere della vendita di armi a paesi dittatoriali o belligeranti.
Sulla vicenda si legga anche qui
Oh, you who see injustice all around
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/9/19 - 20:00

United States

United States
from Peace not War

written & produced by Theo Simon / Seize the Day
(previously unreleased)
© 2002 Theo Simon / Seize the Day
it could've been Manhattan on the day the market fell,
2006/6/27 - 13:49

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