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Song Itinerary

Author Zoltán Kodály

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Katona vagyok én

Katona vagyok én
Canzone di soldati ungheresi dai moti del 1848
Hungarian soldier's song from 1848 uprisings
Magyar 1848-as katonadal
Melodia: popolare ungherese
Hungarian popular tune
Magyar népdallam
Rielaborazione: Zoltán Kodály (1882-1967), Magyar népzene énekhangra és zongorára VI, 32
Elaboration: Zoltán Kodály, Magyar népzene énekhangra és zongorára VI, 32
Feldolgozás: Kodály Zoltán, Magyar népzene énekhangra és zongorára VI, 32

"I often sang this folksong because it has a unique melody, but in the version I know the last two lines are changed. In the (rather rough) translation below I translated the song that way. This song was also given a piano accompaniment by Kodály. If we can believe Wikipedia, the song was known already in the time of the Hungarian revolution and fight for freedom against the Habsburgs in 1848-1849. Kodály collected this song in 1914 in Bucovina (today Romania)."... (Continues)
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Contributed by Ildiko Hegedus 2017/10/15 - 21:03

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