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Author The Offspring

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When You're in Prison

When You're in Prison
Splinter (2003)

A song giving advice on escaping prison rape.

The censored version of Splinter contains an instrumental version of the song, with a clarinet taking place of the vocals.

The song is played an an old 20th century LP. The quality and background noise is the same of that as an LP from the 50’s.

Dexter also sounds very different than normal, as this isn’t even a rock song, but an old 50’s ballad, in which Dexter sings with a soft voice.
When you're in prison, don't turn the other way
2022/12/27 - 20:07
Song Itineraries: From World Jails
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Album: Ignition

L.A.P.D. è il Los Angeles Police Department, protagonista nel 1992 di gravi abusi che portarono alla cosiddetta "Rivolta di Los Angeles" (L.A. riots).
When cops are taking care of business I can understand
2017/6/29 - 04:11
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Come Out and Play (Keep 'Em Separated)

Come Out and Play (Keep 'Em Separated)
La canzone affronta il problema delle pistole e della violenza delle gang giovanili dentro i campus universitari.

« Getting weapons with the greatest of ease The gangs stake out campus locale. »
(Come Out and Play)

You gotta keep `em separated deriva da un fatto accaduto a Dexter Holland quando lavorava in un laboratorio di biotecnologia: doveva far sviluppare dei batteri per alcuni test ma questi si mischiavano e lui doveva tenerli separati. Da questo "I've gotta keep'm separated" è arrivata la frase nella canzone
You gotta keep'em separated
2017/6/23 - 22:15
Song Itineraries: Weapons: our daily home war
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Album: Smash
Our lives run different ways
Contributed by giorgio 2010/10/25 - 09:09
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Album: The Offspring
In your plane the blue sky
Contributed by giorgio 2010/10/25 - 08:55
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Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?

Kristy, Are You Doing Okay?
Album "Rise And Fall, Rage And Grace"

"Kristy is about sexual coercion/molestation and is based on a true story. When I was younger, I knew a girl that was abused. I don't know whether I am the first musician to write about this subject, because it is obviously very delicate and anything but easy to make a song about such a complex theme. I also think or hope that this song speaks to other victims and can help them to talk or come out about their problem"
(Da un'intervista al frontman degli Offpring, Dexter Holland, pubblicata da una rivista musicale tedesca)
There’s a moment in time
Contributed by Alessandro 2009/8/13 - 15:10
Song Itineraries: Child Abuse
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Out On Patrol

Out On Patrol
Dal debut album della band, intitolato semplicemente "The Offspring", uscito nel 1989.
Look at you soldier boy now
Contributed by Alessandro 2006/7/10 - 22:08
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In your plane in the blue sky
2005/8/28 - 17:39

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