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Contributed by Ferdinando Panzica 2023/4/12 - 18:42

Disastro aereo a Guidonia [And know the place for the first time]

Disastro aereo a Guidonia [And know the place for the first time]
Testo / Lyrics / Paroles / Sanat:
Autori Vari

Musica / Music / Musique / Sävel :
Max Richter

Album: Voyager

Il comunicato dell’Aeronautica Militare

A seguito di un incidente aereo il 7 Marzo 2023 a Guidonia sono deceduti Giuseppe Cipriano, tenente colonnello di 48 anni, e Marco Meneghello, maggiore di 46 anni, entrambi in forza al 60° Stormo dell’Aeronautica Militare come piloti istruttori di volo sui velivoli U208A e Aliante G103. Il primo aveva all’attivo 6.000 ore di volo, il secondo 2600, “effettuate anche in operazioni fuori dai confini nazionali”.

Il comunicato emesso dall’Ufficio Pubblica Informazione dell’Aeronautica Militare aggiunge che “lo scontro tra i due velivoli è avvenuto a pochi chilometri dall’aeroporto militare di Guidonia, nell’ambito di una missione addestrativa pre-pianificata. La dinamica dell’incidente è in fase di accertamento” Per quanto ne sappiamo, la Procura... (Continues)
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2023/3/16 - 10:21
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
2η. La versione persiana 2ε. resa in lingua tagica
2η. The Persian version 2ε. rendered in Tajik

"I have attempted to render the 2ε text in Tajik. Although there may be some differences with the orthography as defined in modern Tajikistan, I would like to contribute here as a source of material.

Ho cercato di rendere il testo 2ε in tagico. Anche se ci possono essere alcune differenze con l'ortografia definita nel Tagikistan moderno, vorrei contribuire qui come fonte di materiale." [Boreč]
Contributed by Boreč 2022/10/14 - 02:04
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

3δ. La versione persiana 3v. resa in lingua tagica
3δ. The Persian version 3v. rendered in Tajik

The Persian text (یک صف شویم) was converted into Tajik.
According to one source, the piece is one of the songs of the Monafeghin, an Iranian dissident militant organisation that participated in the Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War, which is Islamist and aims to overthrow the Islamic Republic.

Secondo una fonte, il brano è una delle canzoni del Monafeghin, un'organizzazione militante dissidente iraniana che ha partecipato alla Rivoluzione iraniana e alla guerra Iran-Iraq, che è islamista e mira a rovesciare la Repubblica islamica. [Boreč]
Як саф шавем
Contributed by Boreč 2022/10/14 - 01:27

Musical Tribute to the Dead in Ukraine War

Musical Tribute to the Dead in Ukraine War
Rain Fuse, 4’45’’
Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
French Fuse

Free Beat, 3’
Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
Doğan Canzz

No.6 In My Dreams, 2’54’’
Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
Esther Abrami

Nocturne, 3’18’’
Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
Asher Fulero

Early Avril, 8’13’’
Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
Unicorn Heads

Earth appears, 2’59’’
Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel:
Brian Bolger

Orbit, 1’45’’
Music / Musica / Musique / Sävel
Corbyn Kites
Contributed by Riccardo Gullotta 2022/10/6 - 09:58
Song Itineraries: Wars in Ukraine
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1ε1. Versione lituana "socialdemocratica" del 1918
1ε1. Lithuanian "Social-Democratic" version from 1918

This text was published in the revolutionary song book "Revoliucijos dainos 1918", which circulated among Lithuanian Social Democrats." There are indications that this text was translated from the Russian version, whereas another version of the text beginning "Kelkim augštyn mųs' vēliavą drąsiai" was translated from the original Polish version. The author is currently unknown. Another LP record of "Varšuvietė" with a different text is also known from Lithuania. Further research will continue. [Boreč]

Questo testo fu pubblicato nel libro di canzoni rivoluzionarie "Revoliucijos dainos 1918", che circolava tra i socialdemocratici lituani". Ci sono indicazioni che questo testo sia stato tradotto dalla versione russa, mentre un'altra versione del testo che inizia "Kelkim augštyn mųs' vēliavą... (Continues)
Varšuvietė [1]
Contributed by Boreč 2022/10/3 - 03:10
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

1ψ1. Versione azera di Nariman Narimanov, Mashadi Azizbayov e Mirza Abdulgadir Vusaghi Ismayilzade
1ψ1. Azerbaijani version by Nariman Narimanov, Mashadi Azizbayov e Mirza Abdulgadir Vusaghi Ismayilzade

"One of the songs in the Azerbaijani opera "Sevil" is the famous revolutionary song "Warszawianka". The text has been translated into Azerbaijani twice in recorded history, with the poets Nariman Narimanov, Mashadi Azizbayov and Mirza Abdulgadir Vusaghi Ismayilzade completing the Azerbaijani translation. I have been searching through various information resources to find the complete text of this, but unfortunately I could not find the lyrics. I would like to share it here on as a valuable source of information." [Boreč]

Title: Varşavianka
Original: Warszawianka 1905 roku
Japanese title: ワルシャワ労働歌
Country: Azerbaijan
Language: Azerbaijani
Composer:Józef Pławiński (Юзеф... (Continues)
"XX əsrin əvvəllərində hər bir xalqın inqilabi ruhda olan milli mahnıları ilə yanaşı, bütün bəşəriyyətin bey nəlmiləlçi zəhmətkeş qüvvələrini təmsil edən mahnıları da dillər əzbəri idi. Belə mahnıların ən geniş yayılanlarından biri “Varşavyanka” idi. Mərkəzi və Şərqi Avropada məşhur olan “Varşavyanka’’nm melodiyası XIX əsrin ortalarında Parisdə yaşayan polyak mühacirlərinin oxuduqları bir nəğmədən götürülmüşdü. 1883-cü ildə Polşa inqilabçılarından Vatslav Sve- nitski bir neçə il həbsxanada yatdıqdan sonra “Varşavyanka”nın polyak dilində olan ilk mətnini yaratmışdı. Sonralar mətn alman, çex, rumın, Azərbaycan və başqa dillərə də tərcümə olunmuşdu. Azərbaycanın görkəmli simalarından olan Nəriman Nərimanov və Məşədi Əzizbəyov hələ 1908-ci ildə “Varşavyanka"nın Azərbaycan dilinə tərcüməsini təşkil... (Continues)
Contributed by Boreč 2022/9/19 - 03:27
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1ω. La Warszawianka in Toki Pona di "Kokoa"
1ω. The Warszawianka in Toki Pona by "Kokoa"

Il Toki Pona è una lingua artificiale creata nel 2001 dalla traduttrice, linguista e esperantista Sonja Lang (per ulteriori notizie si rimanda anche alle due versioni dell'Internazionale in Toki Pona presenti nel sito, risp. qui e qui). La versione in Toki Pona della Warszawianka è stata adattata nel 2021 dal discente di Toki Pona giapponese “Kokoa”, basandosi sul testo giapponese.

Toki Pona (“the language of good” or “simple talk”) is a constructed language created in 2001 by the Canadian translator, linguist and Esperantist Sonja Lang (for further information, see the two versions of the Internationale in Toki Pona included in this site, viz. here and here). The Toki Pona version of the Warszawianka was adapted by the Japanese Toki Pona language learner “Kokoa”, based on the Japanese text.
Contributed by Boreč 2022/9/19 - 03:13
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка;  La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]
1ψ. Versione azera di Morrigan De Ferelden
1ψ. Azerbaijani version by Morrigan De Ferelden

"This is a revised version of the previously contributed Azerbaijani text. I described before that the lyricist was unknown, but the lyricist was Morrigan de Ferelden, who was my comrade." [Boreč]
Varşavyanka [1]
Contributed by Boreč 2022/7/8 - 10:37
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

1β1. Altra versione turca ("Haydi yoldaşlar")
1β1. A different Turkish version ("Haydi yoldaşlar")

Il testo (il cui autore rimane sconosciuto) è stato pubblicato nel 1976 sulla rivista ufficiale del Partito Turco del Lavoro (Türkiye İşçi Partisi) ; la Warszawianka ha qui il titolo di "Haydi yoldaşlar" (“Avanti, Compagni di strada”, o semplicemente “Compagni”) o di "Varşovienka" nella Turchia continentale. Dopo aver tradotto i testi (in giapponese), ho sentito che i testi sembrano essere leggermente influenzati dalla classica versione francese di Stefan Priacel risalente a ca. il 1930.

These (still unauthored) Turkish lyrics were published in 1976 in the official magazine of the Turkish Labour Party (Türkiye İşçi Partisi); the Warszawianka bears here the title of "Haydi yoldaşlar" (“Forwards, Comrades!”), or "Varşovienka" in continental Turkey. After translating the lyrics (into Japanese),... (Continues)
Haydi yoldaşlar (Varşovienka)
Contributed by Boreč 2022/7/6 - 14:08
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Warszawianka 1905 roku [Варшавянка; La Varsovienne; ¡A las barricadas!]

1χ. Versione casciuba (Mislaus Lasota, Lyricstranslate)
1χ. Kashubian version (Mislaus Lasota, Lyricstranslate)

Kashubian or Cassubian (Kashubian: kaszëbsczi jãzëk, Polish: język kaszubski) is a West Slavic language belonging to the Lechitic subgroup along with Polish and Silesian lect. Although often classified as a language in its own right, it is sometimes viewed as a dialect of Pomeranian or as a dialect of Polish. This singable and poetic text was posted on Lyricstranslate. I wouldn't be surprised if the song is sung in Polish dialects, or rather the song could be translated in various dialects as well. [Boreč]
Contributed by Boreč 2022/6/2 - 19:06

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