This Is My Song
As pointed out above, the 3rd stanza of this song is not written by Lloyd Stone but by Georgia Harkness (1881 - 1974) sometime...

A Song of Peace
I fail to understand why this one has been published as a song of its own and not as a version of This Is My Song. The music...

O fucile, vecchio mio compagno
citata nel brano del 2018 "La chiave della libertà" dei Dish-Is-Nein

Iain MacPhaidein: Oidhche mhath leibh
Un avvertimento: da questa pagina (come, temo, da diverse altre) sono scomparsi i video di Alan Stivell. La sua casa discografica...

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Set owre bye / Scots translation / Traduzione scozzese / Traduction écossaise / Skotlanninkielinen käännös:

English version / Versione inglese / Version anglaise / Englanninkielinen versio:

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