In the description of KURDISH [2] it says "Sorani" is "Syrian". In reality the name of this dialect comes from the Soran...

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Partisanen von Amur

По долинам и по взгорьям
English translation 2 / Traduzione inglese 2 / Traduction anglaise 2 / Englanninkielinen käännös 2:

The Man from Athabasca
What are soaring marmites? French soldiers throwing jars of Marmite out of the trenches in disgust? This makes no sense...

La Nostra Song Inglese
Vi segnalo che esiste anche un video in cui Omar Pedrini esegue il brano in studio con noi.


Waltz for Emmett Till
Estimado Carles: Soy un investigador de la UCM. El viernes que viene (20 de mayo) voy a dar una ponencia sobre el asesinato...

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