

Dubioza Kolektiv
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OriginaleVersione inglese da Lyrics Translate
Kažu da je Bosna samo država za rođakaThey say that Bosnia is a country just for a relative,
i da smo na vrhu liste po odlivu "mozaka"and that we're on the top of the list of brain drain.
Kažu opet Iran pravi nuklearne bombeThey say, Iran again makes nuclear bombs,
žvaka čisti zube al' izvaljuje plombea gum cleans the teeth but it breaks the fillings.
Kažu što je babi milo to joj se i sniloThey say, if we want it, we'll dream about it.
kažu na Jamajci gandžu prodaju na kilothey say, on Jamaica they sell ganja on killos.
Kažu nemoj vode vruć, kod nas propuh ubijaThey say, don't drink water if you're hot, the draft is killing us,
igrali smo dobro ali zajeb'o nas sudijawe've been playing good but a referee has fucked us.
Kažu da je alkohol zdraviji od traveThey say that alcohol is healthier than marijuana,
kažu ako nemaš stav odma' ti ga stavethey say if you don't have a stance, they put you one instantly.
Kažu da su plavke gluplje nego crnke i brineteThey say that blondies are stupider than blacks and brunettes,
i da okus bude bolji s kašikom Vegeteand that the taste is better with a spoon of Vegeta.
Kažu neće nikad prestat' glave da nam puneThey say, they'll never stop brainwashing us.
Sve dok je ovaca neće falit' vuneAs long as there are more sheep, there won't be a lack of wool.
Spale su nam gaće, zagrizli smo udiceThey say, our panties have fallen, we've bitten the hooks.
Glave nam u pijesku, nezaštićene guziceOur heads are in sand along with unprotected ass.
Kažu da je smak svijeta relativno blizuThey say that the end of the world is relatively close,
i da su nas banke uvukle u krizuand that the banks have pulled us into the crisis.
Mene tjeraju na izbore svake dvije godine,They make me go to the elections every two years,
a ja glasam za kafanu i marihuanuand I vote for a coffee and marijuana.
Od Vatikana do IranaFrom Vatican to Iran,
Kao da smo juče pali s granaas if yesterday we fell from the branches,
Od Vatikana do Iranafrom Vatican to Iran,
majmunu je dovoljna bananato a monkey a banana is sufficient.
Od Vatikana do IranaFrom Vatican to Iran,
Kao da smo juče pali s granaas if yesterday we fell from the branches,
Od Vatikana do Iranafrom Vatican to Iran,
ilegalna je marihuanamarijuana is illegal.
Kažu da malu djecu donosi nam rodaThey say that stork brings our little kids,
i da jedino je zdrava flaširana vodaand that only a bottled water is healthy.
Kažu da uz pjesmu efikasnije se trljaThey say that along with a song it's effectively rubbed,
čudotvorni sapun protiv tvrdokornih mrljait's a miracle of soap against stubborn stains.
Kažu neće nikad prestat' glave da nam puneThey say, they'll never stop brainwashing us.
Sve dok je ovaca neće falit' vuneAs long as there are more sheep, there won't be a lack of wool.
Spale su nam gaće, zagrizli smo udiceThey say, our panties have fallen, we've bitten the hooks.
Glave nam u pijesku, nezaštićene guziceOur heads are in sand along with unprotected ass.
Kažu da je smak svijeta relativno blizuThey say that the end of the world is relatively close,
i da su nas banke uvukle u krizuand that the banks've pulled us into the crisis.
Mene tjeraju na izbore svake dvije godineThey make me go to the elections every two years,
a ja glasam za kafanu i marihuanuand I vote for a coffee and marijuana.
Od Vatikana do IranaFrom Vatican to Iran,
Kao da smo juče pali s granaas if yesterday we fell from the branches,
Od Vatikana do Iranafrom Vatican to Iran,
majmunu je dovoljna bananato a monkey a banana is sufficient.
Od Vatikana do IranaFrom Vatican to Iran,
Kao da smo juče pali s granaas if yesterday we fell from the branches,
Od Vatikana do Iranafrom Vatican to Iran,
ilegalna je marihuanamarijuana is illegal.

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