

A. E. Housman
Lingua: Inglese

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Nella raccolta “Last Poems”‎
Una poesia messa in musica da diversi compositori, come John Addison, John Jeffreys, Oskar ‎Morawetz e John Ramsden Williamson ‎‎(The Lied, Art Song, and Choral Texts Archive)‎

Dal libro dell’Ecclesiaste (Qoelet), capitolo 9, versetto 10: “Tutto ciò che trovi da fare, fallo finché ‎ne sei in grado, perché non ci sarà né attività, né ragione, né scienza, né sapienza giù negli inferi, ‎dove stai per andare”, né tanto meno quei miserabili 13 penny di paga giornaliera che la regina ti ‎promise, povero soldatino, per andare a combattere, in cambio della tua vita.‎
The Queen she sent to look for me,
The sergeant he did say,
‎‘Young man, a soldier will you be
For thirteen pence a day?’‎

For thirteen pence a day did I
Take off the things I wore,
And I have marched to where I lie,
And I shall march no more.‎

My mouth is dry, my shirt is wet,
My blood runs all away,
So now I shall not die in debt
For thirteen pence a day.‎

To-morrow after new young men
The sergeant he must see,
For things will all be over then
Between the Queen and me.‎

And I shall have to bate my price,
For in the grave, they say,
Is neither knowledge nor device
Nor thirteen pence a day.‎

inviata da Bartleby - 26/10/2011 - 15:46

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